Indiana Joyce wrote:And how do you get one? I was on hatsdirect the other day and all i saw was the standard brown and deluxe brown, and black.
Fed IV Deluxe comes in Dark Brown, Moonstone, Heritage Fawn, and Black. The regular Fed IV comes in Dark Brown, Moonstone, Tawny Fawn, Black, and the Carbon Grey. You have to pull down the colours from a list when you order.
Texan Scott wrote:What led you to buy the Moonstone as opposed to the carbon? Preference?
Well it was a long
I have always liked fedoras, I can remember my father wearing one when I was young. I had a couple of old hats when I was in High School and later I picked up one of the "better" Indy hats while in San Antonio as a member of the Air Force at the best hat store I could find. The Indy went everywhere with me and eventually met it's demise while I was on a canoe trip. I stopped wearing hats from that day on( never have liked caps). Just a few weeks back I was at a friend's and while he was on the way out the door he was looking for a hat. He couldn't find his usual Greek fisherman's cap and grabbed for a fedora I hadn't seen before. It fit him horribly and a couple of us mentioned it, so he plopped it on my head and by chance it fit. It's yours he said and I've been wearing it since. Of course I started looking into hats again and considering my fondness for my old Indy I ended up here. After searching and reading and reading I decided that I would try a FedIV from Hatsdirect but got stumped at the choice of color and quality. After reading a bit more I chose to get the deluxe and still didn't know for sure which color to choose. As I wear both earth tones and Black, grey, blue I kept going back and forth until I thought about what I wear when dressed up. Suits are black or a grey hat would be in order. I also wear a lot of black tees in the summer so grey again. To top it off I did not choose the hat because I am a fan of the Indy films but because I am a fan of the hat build shape etc. I will continue to collect fedoras I fear but for now this color has a sense of sophistication that drew me....the lighter grey has a great contrast between felt and ribbon and the hat will also not often match anything of mine while it will complement them. But yes I liked the train hat too.....
I went with the moonstone because it's the only grey they offer as a Fed Deluxe. I would also like to get a Carbon Grey sometime, but I figure the exchange rate being so great, it does more for me with the more expensive hat.
Yeah, I wish someone had both so we could see a side by side comparison in the same light. The moonstone is a little bit lighter of a grey than I would usually like, and the carbon grey seems a little darker than I would usually like, but I could find occasions to wear each of them, so I guess that means I'll just have to get both.
Really nice looking lids! I like the shade of gray. Thanks for posting. It would be nice for side by side comparison photos, if anyone can? The moonstone is Fed IV Deluxe, while the Carbon gray is Fed IV Standard. Is there is any chance of getting the Carbon gray in a Deluxe in the near future?
cowboy827 wrote:I have a carbon gray. The color is like a cross between a moonstone and a navy blue. One of these days I'll get around to posting some pictures.
Here's my carbon grey Fed IV that I've posted elsewhere on COW.
I was interested in this post because I just started wearing this hat outside this week and noticed something odd. The color definitely changes when held against different greys and in outdoor vs indoor light. My car has grey seats and when I set the hat down on it yesterday, it looked positively green - dark green but green nevertheless - sort of like a Bavarian forest color. Inside it looks dark grey.
has anyone seen this with carbon greys? Is it just something that you get with a "color" as variable as grey? Does the moonstone do the same?
I had a light brown Stetson that seemed to change color depending what light it was it. In fact, when I bought the thing, I almost thought it was a grey hat!
On the topic of things changing color, I once had a jacket and pants that were almost the same shade of brown. In artificial light, the jacket was slightly redder, but outdoors, the pants were redder.
I notice on the website that "moonstone" is a color option for the regular Fed IV, not just the deluxe, although it doesn't show a picture. Anyone got a regular in moonstone yet or is this just a possible preliminary to production?
lpa53 wrote:I was interested in this post because I just started wearing this hat outside this week and noticed something odd. The color definitely changes when held against different greys and in outdoor vs indoor light. My car has grey seats and when I set the hat down on it yesterday, it looked positively green - dark green but green nevertheless - sort of like a Bavarian forest color. Inside it looks dark grey.
has anyone seen this with carbon greys? Is it just something that you get with a "color" as variable as grey? Does the moonstone do the same?
I'll try to get a pic in which this can be seen.
...that's interesting, LPA. In certain lighting conditions, etc., the Fed IV is like a Cameleon. In some pics, they appear light blue.
Indy1939 wrote:I notice on the website that "moonstone" is a color option for the regular Fed IV, not just the deluxe, although it doesn't show a picture. Anyone got a regular in moonstone yet or is this just a possible preliminary to production?
Fed IV regular is available in moonstone. I have one.....but I can't have it until Christmas.
funny thing is that when i opened the box i thought the hat look'd brown- Thought they had sendt me the wrong hat. had to put it next to my brown fed to tell the difference. man, your eyes can really play tricks on you