It looks beautiful and I can't wait to get my hands on it to see how it performs.

Paul ô¿ô
Moderator: BullWhipBorton
OK - let's try this again. After your email Terry realized he sent me the wrong pics. Here are the pics he should have sent me - notice the tag on the wrist loop for identification. Just as I thought in my first post - your whip and mine are pretty close to being twins.Shagbd wrote:i just got an email back from Terry
he said he photographs them when finished and since the all look alike, he must have sent you those by mistake, or mine by mistake .... either way.......
so we're not really sure WHOS whip that is in the pictures.... but no doubt yours will be very similar.
Mine is on the way so ill post pics when it arrives
I think you may be right on that one because it is a rather long cracker. I just don't know why the loop on the last knot. The only thing I could think of was he probably makes crackers in batches rather than one at a time as he makes whips so he just slipped a loop in the first knot to use to hang the crackers on a peg or a nail somewhere handy. OR, if I remember correctly one of the whip makers (and it might have been Terry) recommended storing the whips by hanging them uncoiled so maybe it would be there to easily attach the cracker end to a peg or nail rather than wrap or knot the fall around something. I'm probably overthinking this one and maybe Terry will jump in here and let us know.Cracker wrote:Great whip Paul ! This is just a guess, but maybe the knots in the cracker are there so when the end wears down, you just snipe off the next knot and keep cracking, with no need to change the cracker.
I live on the North side on Rayford Rd just south of The Woodlands. I work downtown and catch a park and ride bus to work every day. Would love to get together and exchange notes on whip cracking. I'm pretty much self taught from watching all the videos here and especially Bernie's video on his website. As a result I'm sure I've picked up some form flaws on my own along the way and I am also working on putting together combinations. Let me know where you are and maybe we can meet up.Texas Raider wrote:Nice whips! That Jacka is huge even next to Del Carpios! I have the Del Carpio as well, I did have the Strain at one time too. The Jacka is a behemoth!
Where in Houston are you? It's where I live, maybe a whip meet up somewhere?
Good observation! Here is a response I got from Terry on the knots and the cracker:ST wrote:Is it just me (maybe I've been staring at a computer to long) or does the cracker seem to taper?
My 10' shipped on December 4th and I have yet to see it. I am getting worried but Terry advised to wait a bit as the holiday season slows the process a bit . If I have not seen it by x-mas I will start an inquiry.MacGyver wrote:Anyone else receive a new Jacka whip directly from him over the last month or so? Waiting on mine, just wondering if he's shipped any more...