My Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos, 6 months later.

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Post by Terrasolo »

Thanks for the measurements, that's a big help.
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Post by IndianaLV »

Wow, that is a fine jacket you've got there! Right now I'm tempted to give my Todd's a good hot water treatment as well... I gave it a water treatment some time ago, but just with cold water, and it didn't get soaked completely. Did your jacket shrank after drying?

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Post by whipitgood »

How much do you weigh Havershaw? The jacket looks like a nice fit.
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Post by havershaw »

Getting personal here, aren't we?

No, I'm kidding. I don't weigh myself too often, but I just checked and I'm coming in at about 147 lbs (with Aldens on, so it's probably a bit less).

Lukas, the wetter you get it, the more you'll get what you see here. I don't think it shrank much. I only wore it for about an hour before I soaked it, so I didn't really get to know the jacket's fit that well before I soaked it.

Todd says that you need to wear it a lot while it dries, and stretch the jacket (especially over the shoulders) to get it to really mold to your body. I'm thinking about wetting mine again to do a little shoulder-stretching.

The jacket did seem a tiny bit snugger the next morning, but by day 3 it seemed back to normal.

Let me put it this way: When I got it, I made the straps snugger.
I wet it, and the next day, I needed to let the straps out because it was a little too tight.
This morning, I had to pull the straps back in a little because it was looser at my waist than I'd like.

Not sure how much sense that all makes, but there it is.
I have certainly gotten compliments on it everywhere I go. I got called "Howard Hughes" by the landscape guys this morning. Weird...
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Awesome, awesome jacket Haversaw. :clap: I'm seriously considering doing that to my Todd's standard.

What is the exact "procedure" that you did? i.e. How long did you let it hang in the shower? how hot was the water? how soaked did it get? did the inside get soaked as well? how long did it take to dry? how did you dry it?, etc.

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Post by havershaw »


I put it on a hanger, zipped it up, then held it under the shower, moving it around until it got pretty wet. Water was as hot as I could get it.

I got the jacket pretty wet but about an hour later I noticed that some parts looked less shiny than others, and some parts still looked brand new, so I put it back on the hanger, zipped up, and really drenched it this time. Used a different shower in my house that was built for very very skinny people, so I could hang it on the curtain rod and still have it get hit by the water. I left it there for maybe ten minutes or so, then came in and rotated it and left it for another five. Then I put it on and wore it until about midnight (about seven more hours). After that, I hung it on my coat tree in the hall (on top of four other jackets, so there would be no peg mark). In the morning, it looked even BETTER!

There are still spots on my jacket that look a little new-ish, because I had read somewhere that you don't want to get the lining too wet, so I was a little conservative with getting the collar area wet. But overall, I think it looks pretty great.

I may wet it again the day before Halloween because I like how it stiffens up the leather.
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Post by whipitgood »

The body of the jacket looks like a great fit. I would prefer if the sleeves didn't shrink up as much as they did. I wonder if you could achieve that same look without the shrinkage if you used cold water. Anyone know?
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Thanks havershaw, I'm definitely gonna try this sometime. :)
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Post by havershaw »

Now that the wrinkles have relaxed a bit in the sleeves, I would say the sleeves are now about an inch longer. I"ll try to snap a few pics to show how the leather has started to relax.
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Post by crismans »

Some shininess is very SA I think. The Raiders jacket, while giving the appearance of a well-worn jacket, had some shiny spots going on as well.

Again, one of the most SA appearing jackets I've seen. Congrats!
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Some shininess is very SA I think. The Raiders jacket, while giving the appearance of a well-worn jacket, had some shiny spots going on as well.
I completely agree. Just look at the opening temple scenes in Raiders.
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Post by havershaw »

Yeah, that opening scene does remind me of the occasional shininess of my jacket.
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Post by Indiana Strones »

havershaw wrote:Now that the wrinkles have relaxed a bit in the sleeves, I would say the sleeves are now about an inch longer. .
Do you mean longer than when the jacket was brand new? :-k
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Post by Gobler »

opps, I just reread the thread and found the answer. I do have one question though, what is your shirt size?? Med or Large?

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Post by havershaw »

Shirt size is medium. I'm wearing Todd's Medium shirt now and I love the fit. Just like my vintage shirts (and I did try his large, which felt like a modern medium to me).

The sleeves are not longer than when they were new, but they are longer than in the previous photos.

Also, my posture is not that great. I have discovered that by simply pulling my shoulders back and sort of straightening out my back, the sleeves get waaay longer. So some of the issue with the sleeve length is probablyt just my lousy posture.

If I have time later today I will snap a few new pics, but work is murder this week.
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Post by Soup »

Great looking jacket, Havershaw. Amazing how it is looking as you work with it. I have had my Todd's about 6 months and still haven't gotten it wet. But your efforts have certainly proven how good it can look with some effort. Now I won't think twice of wearing it when it rains. :P


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Post by D »

Can someone point me in the right direction for the hot water treatment? I understand the concept, but it'd be great for some step-by-step instructions. Those are some great looking jackets by the way!

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Post by D »

LOL forget what I just posted. I posted that reply thinking I was on the last page when I was only on the first! :-k dew

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Post by Alkali Jones »

Hey havershaw,

It's been about a month, any updates?

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Post by havershaw »

Yes, actually - I've been meaning to post some photos but I haven't taken any recently. I've been even more crazily busy at work than usual, but I have some days off around Thanksgiving so I'll snap some more pics then.

The jacket has definitely changed a lot since the last photos, some for the better and some for the worse. I'll update later this week.
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Post by Alkali Jones »

Hey havershaw,

It's been about a month and a half, any updates? I ask because your jacket and it's treatment look so good, I'm interested in trying it.

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Post by IndyGeek78 »

Cool. Seroiuosly thinking about getting a Todd's jacket. Love the hot water treatment look. Well done sir
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Re: My new Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos added.

Post by damian della morte »

since i saw your posting i picked myself up a tods standard, i also own several other indy jackets most cost a good deal more, i have to say the tods is my fav :)
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Re: My new Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos added.

Post by Indiana Joyce »

I love that jacket. It looks amazing. Please o Please Todd, start offering them just a little bit bigger so us big guys dont have to go the custom route :)
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Re: My new Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos added.

Post by havershaw »

Well, I'm lousy at updates. Sorry. Beside the fact that work has been really heavy, I really only have one friend who has the patience to take these kinds of photos, and he and I have had a hard time making time to take some update photos.

But here they are, finally. Yes, I really need a haircut.

I originally gave this jacket the hot water treatment in October of last year, so here it is, about six months later. I haven't done anything else to it except wear it pretty much constantly.

I took photos both in sun (like the others) and in shade so you could sort of see the two extremes.

I think it needs hot water again, as parts of the jacket look too shiny again, but I didn't want to do it until I had taken these photos, as I know at least some folks had been interested in seeing it.

anyway, photos in sun:






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Re: My Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos, 6 months later.

Post by Kevin Anderson »

Sorry, but those sleeves are just too slim. They're like the sleeves on a ladies jacket.
After soaking and distressing, the sleeves on my Todd's standard looked the same.
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Re: My Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos, 6 months later.

Post by Holt »

please repost your photos as links.

6 photos per thread.

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Re: My Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos, 6 months later.

Post by Indiana Croft »

Nice jacket havershaw, I like your style. :tup:
I have a Todds custom in lamb, does anyone know if the infamous hot water treatment would hurt it?. :-s
Did you have to wring it out of water before you put it on, the misses would kill me if I walked around dripping water all over, [-X and all you did was just wear inside or can you go outside which might quicken the drying process, it'll be warm in NH this coming week.
I got it wet when I first recieved it, but only from a water hose and just sprayed upwards, pushed the sleeves up to get the wrinkled look. But this idea of getting it wet using hot water and then streching it over the shoulders is interesting, might be able to get that off the shoulder look you see in Raiders. Hmmmm, what am I doing this Thursady.

Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: My Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos, 6 months later.

Post by havershaw »

I didn't wring any water out of it - even though I pretty much soaked it, once it was out of the shower, it didn't really drip, as I recall.

As far as the sleeves go, I know what you're talking about with them being too tight, but I'm OK with it. If you look at the back photo, they look baggier there for some reason. Sometimes they look pretty slim (definitely too slim for Indy's anyway). In those photos where they look crazy slim, well, don't ask me why, but they don't look that slim in person. But they're definitely snug as compared to Indy's.

I feel like they look a lot like sleeves I've found on a lot of vintage leather jackets which are tagged a 38 which I've owned.

I'm going to resoak it I think. I like the way the jacket looks but it did look a little cooler when I had first soaked it.

Living in Arizona, I don't have too much time left to wear it anyway...
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Re: My Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos, 6 months later.

Post by theinterchange »

Still looking good! I like the slimness in the sleeves, personally. I find too many jackets, shirts for that matter, are too big in the sleeve area.

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Re: My Todd's Standard - post-hot water photos, 6 months later.

Post by Holt »

well. IMO the sleeves are way to tight. they are even thighter then my raiders shirt...

a well..... whatever floats your boat right ;)
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