Thefumegator wrote:What are you going for. Are we talking the brim or the crown.

Mainly the brim. It just seemed too flat. The crown I can deal with.
Actually, I was playing with the hat in my hands... and if I kinda pulled the front and back apart (like if my head was a long oval), it looked GREAT.
So, I got the foam and added some in the front and back. It looks MUCH better now. Unfortunately, my camera and my volunteer photographer both left, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to update the pics.
Head shape, I've decided, is a big factor in getting "the look."
Brims always get that distinct warp when you put a round hat on a long oval. Turn or no turn. I have owned many Indy hats, including the Federations. Here's what you need to do;
1. Wear it often. There is nothing like the natural "rigors" of being worn to break it in and make it look good.
2. Wear it in a rainstorm, then sit somewhere (out of the rain) and play with it a while. Repeat as often as desired.
3. Can't wait for rain? Get some distilled water in a sprayer. Spray the underside of the brim. Tweak with delight!
4. I have a high head as well, but the top crease shouldn't be as deep as most people think. Much deeper and a taper will develop. It looks fine in the photos. Don't worry a bit about that.
5. Some brim shaping advice, while it's wet. Without flattening it or "turning it down" try to get a slight downward slop to the back brim. This will help the front slope and the sides "smile".
Federations are one of the BEST hats when it comes to settling into the right fit and shape for the wearer over time. The more you love your hat, the more it will love you.