I fussed with the bow on one of my hats once.
Then I took it to a pro.
I am not skilled with ribbon, I've discovered. I do think often about sending this hat to Steve or Oak to have them redo the ribbon and bow on it. I have no beef with the ribbon itself, but its tacking and bow leave a lot to be desired.
I, too, find it to be a pretty good CS hat as well (my favorite crown of the Indy series) - that's sort of what I went after. I took some pics of my new Todd's jacket today wearing the hat, so I'm stealing some of those photos to add to this thread - because the hat really looks great in them!
I really dig the felt on this hat, and I too am a fan of its brim flange. I didn't do anything to the brim - that's just how it arrived. I bashed the hat in about four seconds when I took it out of the box as you see it now.
My son is indeed a snappy dresser. He's a big big SW and Indy fan.
And thanks again for the props on the specs. I bought about 20 pair of vintage frames on eBay and this was the only one that really suited my face. They all looked really similar in the auctions but when they arrived they just didn't look right on my face. Until this pair, that is.