Sorry for the grimacing. I could not get to my hat and the sun was in my face.

I've had a handful of Indy fedoras, but I've never had a lot of other gear (though I have a few pair of Aldens and bought a shoulder bag from Noel Howard some years ago). This year, I decided to bite the bullet and try to be a reasonably accurate Indy for Halloween. My finances being what they are (and for time reasons as well), I decided to go for a Todd's. It's my first Indy jacket since I owned a Wested briefly about five years ago (didn't fit me well - I think it was TOD length and a 40, so I sold it.
Now, I have since done the hot water treatment to it (put it on a hanger under hot water in the shower for a while) and I've been wearing it for about six hours. The wrinkling is pretty awesome and it's losing its shine as the night goes on. Weirdly, one sleeve stayed shiny for several hours longer than the other, and I had to resoak it in hot water. now they're starting to match.
The leather is stiffening and feeling a little thicker after the soakings, too, but I don't know if I'm just imagining it or not.
I love love love the fit. I don't wear anything but clothing made during the 30s, 40s, and 50s, and this jacket fits like one of my nice vintage jackets (most of mine are size 38). I understand how it probably seems small to a lot of folks but I love it.
I will add some photos tomorrow so you all can see the before and after with the hot water treatment.
To my wife's chagrin, I will be sleeping in this jacket tonight too. I don't have the heart to distress it more than get it wrinkly, and I figure a good night's sleep will probably do the trick.