We'll be loading the moving truck on October 29th (one week from today), and then we'll probably be incommunicado for the most part so far as the internet goes until we have moved into our new place and set up our new internet service. You can still email us or order during that time, but understand that it may be a week or two until we can email you back. Our cell phones should still work during the move if you have an urgent request or question (we aren't planning to change our numbers). The really important thing, though, is to not send us anything in the mail that would arrive after October 29th – we will be without an address from October 29th to sometime early in the second week of November (about a week and a half). As soon as we get our new address, we will post it here on COW and on www.midwestwhips.com.
We'll keep the Whip-Basics DVDs and some other basic supplies (poppers, falls, pecards, etc) easily accessable in the back of the truck so that if anyone orders something along those lines, we'll be able to drop it in the post with hopefully very little delay (we hope to be able to check our email briefly in the evenings at hotels). Also, if you order an actual whip during that time, we'll place those orders in the order in which they are received in our inbox for our waiting list and confirm your order as soon as our internet is up and running in the new place.
Thanks everybody for understanding, and please... cross your fingers for us.

Lauren Wickline
PS: We're also working on updating and revamping the MidWestWhips website, and we hope to get that up within a couple months after we're moved in. It should be easier to navigate, less jumbled, and don't worry - none of the loads of pictures are going anywhere... they'll just be better organized and we intend to add many more, as well as some new features and products.