More on this later....

Moderator: BullWhipBorton
YOU nailed it there bud!!!Canasta wrote: The fact that he puts "real" falls on his whips rather than twisted ends is a real plus in my opinion.
Careful! You might melt the length of your new whip down a couple of feet!Shagbd wrote:HA! my bad...... i think i mighta mentioned it was 6.5'.... i honestly forgot what we decided on... we discussed so much
7; is actually a really nifty length... you get basically all the speed of a 6 footer, but with more reach!
you KNOW the first thing i have to do with it is snuff out a row of candles while puffin on a cigar!
Magno wrote:Hey Sagbd, do me a favor and let me know how that baby bullwhip works out for you. I'm looking into getting a shorter whip I can use for combat, but I'm thinking 3 feet might be a bit too little...interested to know how it handles...