As a new member, I would first like to thank the many contributors who frequent these portals. I feel a definite kinship to you all as I share your passion for the ultimate screen accurate fedora. This quest is my reason for this, my first post.
One of my hats is a Herbert Johnson, which, in spite of its slight taper and floppy nature, is still a
Herbert Johnson!

This hat presently has the white satin liner with the Herbert Johnson name in
gold script. I would like to replace the script with the
crest, and was hoping someone could suggest a source of the liners, or some other solution.
I read today that Todd's is now offering their HJ's with the
maroon crest on the satin liner, so I e-mailed them to ask if they might sell a liner to me. We shall see.
I tried to find similar posts and found a few, but none providing the specific information I'm looking for.
Thanks to you all!