First of all, I just want to take a moment to say a big "Thanks!" to all of you who contributed their info (and opinions) on this issue... not only did it give me a lot to consider, but - as I always DO - I learned a LOT from reading these posts (I bet others who read them did too.)
BendingOak was kind enough to send me a pm that suggested a few other options as well but there was no denying that my - shall we call it "specific" - taste in ribbons & bows seemed to amount to a complicated road that was just a tiny bit more expensive than my need for this particular hat amounted to...
In fact, shortly after I changed my mind and sent Oak a pm (here's a portion of it):
"Despite the fact that the exchange rate makes for a pretty affordable hat from Akubra, I'm reconsidering the whole thing.
I had been saving up to make my NEXT hat one of Steve's Adventurebilts and the fact is, spending money right now on the Fed IV (a hat I'd "like" to have - and would simply get sooner than later) would take a big chunk out of my savings for my AB (the hat I "mustMustMUST" have, if you know what I mean - and I know you DO).
I don't even have the AB ordered yet and ONLY THEN does the real wait begin (and $420 U.S. is still a LONNNG way off!)
I think was just getting a little antsy to get my hands on a nice hat...
But, better to wait and get a real prize I guess, huh?"
That was a day or so ago and I fully intended to do a post telling you all that I wasn't technically asking the question anymore... but conversation was already in full-swing and I thought most of what was being said would probably STILL help others - especially the newer folks (either way, this was a pretty good example of how a question quickly "outgrew" the person who originally asked it.)
But again, thanks to all who contributed.
(And sorry that I kinda high-jacked the thread I started and turned it from being a question about "tweaking" a Fed IV (a GREAT hat that I know some of us DON'T feel needs tweaking) to a commentary of HOW COMPLETELY AWESOME (I think) the Adventurebilt is... and how BADLY I WANT ONE!
Still "Jonesin' for a Hat" I remain most sincerely your humble servant,