In praise of the jacket experts. (Todd's Std. XL w/ pics)

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In praise of the jacket experts. (Todd's Std. XL w/ pics)

Post by TruckWhatTruck »

hey, everybody- i'm not exactly "new" here (been lurking for about a year), but this is my first actual post.

as such, i'd like to use it to give a HUGE round of applause to all of you, because your expert research and insightful observations into the world of SA gear collecting has enabled me to finally accomplish my childhood dream of owning the gear that defined adventure as i was growing up- i just placed my order for my first indy jacket, and i owe you guys my thanks for providing a forum that explains all the intricate and confusing SA issues that vexed me for a long time, keeping me from feeling confident in making an indy jacket investment.

you guys are all completely heinie, and i'm thrilled to officially be a part of your community now. so, thanks- and i hope you're all doing well, out there.
EDIT: the gear has arrived-

so far, i have to say that todd really comes through. the jacket is great quality, and the fit is pretty much perfect. these pics are showing you exactly how it looks right out of the box, no distressing whatsoever. it IS lightweight, but not at all what i was expecting based on what i'd heard around the boards- "lightweight" does NOT translate as "fragile", which is the impression a lot of people seem to have. frankly, it's exactly the weight i was looking for- spot on, todd. very pleased.

also, note that the jacket (like most leatherwear) is very hard to nail down in terms of the actual color. the pics where i used a flash, the leather appears almost black, while without the flash it's more of a warm brown... in daylight, it's closer to brown IMO.

hope this helps out some potential buyers- todd's is a perfectly viable, cost effective option- and a fine looking, very SA jacket, as well.

Last edited by TruckWhatTruck on Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:59 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Texan Scott », inquiring minds want to know....what was your selection?
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Texan Scott, inquiring minds want to know....what was your selection?
wow, can't believe i forgot to mention it. sheesh...

i ordered a Todd's Standard- let's face it, the price is right... but more important than that (at least for me), the thing just looks SO SA for the raiders jacket... spot on, from all the photos people have posted. and generally, people seem pretty happy with them, and knowing how picky you guys can be, that was good enough for me.
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Post by JC1972 »

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Post by Texan Scott »

TruckWhatTruck wrote:
Texan Scott, inquiring minds want to know....what was your selection?
wow, can't believe i forgot to mention it. sheesh...
...can't just let you get away with THAT! you'll have to......

Post 'em up, TWT!
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

JC1972 wrote:;0
notice that i said i had just ordered it, not just received it. but i'll be happy to post pics as soon as the thing arrives.

this thread was really just to give you guys your props for being such a diligent and devoted bunch of fans and prop collectors.
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Post by Rob »

Welcome to the hobby :)
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....naaaa...can't let you off that easy! :tup: :post:
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:Welcome to the hobby :)
i consider it an honor! glad to be here, Rob.
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Post by gwyddion »

You're not exactly new here, but since you have only just registered you'll be discovering that there's mor to COW than you first thought.

So, Welcome to COW: You came for the gear, but you'll stay for the people!

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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

gwyddion wrote:You're not exactly new here, but since you have only just registered you'll be discovering that there's mor to COW than you first thought.

So, Welcome to COW: You came for the gear, but you'll stay for the people!

Regards, Geert
that's the impression i get, gwyddion. indy gearheads really seem to have a tight knit community and a lot of support for the artisans and craftspeople who make it all possible. who wouldn't want to be a part of this? greatest fans on earth.
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Post by Rob »

TruckWhatTruck wrote:who wouldn't want to be a part of this? greatest fans on earth.
Yep, not too shabby at all, this mob :)

At times you might come across people who get a tad too obsessive about certain topics - screen accuracy is a big one - and in the process will sometimes advertantly (or inadvertantly), hurt other people's feelings with their comments, but on the whole, things work out pretty well around here. The moderation is supreme. Very rare to see a fight and, if you do, chances are you won't see at least one of the pugilists again :shock:
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Post by JC1972 »

TruckWhatTruck wrote:
JC1972 wrote:;0
notice that i said i had just ordered it, not just received it. but i'll be happy to post pics as soon as the thing arrives.

this thread was really just to give you guys your props for being such a diligent and devoted bunch of fans and prop collectors.
That's no excuse :wink:

And welcome. Good luck with the jacket. I'm sure it'll be your first of many.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:
TruckWhatTruck wrote:who wouldn't want to be a part of this? greatest fans on earth.
Yep, not too shabby at all, this mob :)

At times you might come across people who get a tad too obsessive about certain topics - screen accuracy is a big one - and in the process will sometimes advertantly (or inadvertantly), hurt other people's feelings with their comments, but on the whole, things work out pretty well around here. The moderation is supreme.
i can only say that i wasted a lot of time trying to find information about the jackets before i stumbled onto this site- you guys know your gear, no question. i've been schooled in the art of gear collecting by the people i consider to be the best- most of you guys could put the lucas archives people out of work. seriously.
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Post by Holt »

welcome to the jacket nut club! :wink:

you will notice that one jacket is NEVER enough..that I garantee you 8)

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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Indiana Holt wrote:welcome to the jacket nut club! :wink:

you will notice that one jacket is NEVER enough..that I garantee you 8)

hahah... yeah, i haven't even GOTTEN my Todd's yet, and i'm already looking into a Wested. i guess i can look forward to having no money for the rest of my life... but at least i'll have some crazy good adventure gear.

and thanks, nice to meet you.
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Post by Rob »

Keep the curious little US Wings Blue Label in mind, too. You could call it an EXTREMELY limited edition.

At $195 for COW members, it's a steal. A great jacket to experiment with, I think.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:Keep the curious little US Wings Blue Label in mind, too. You could call it an EXTREMELY limited edition.

At $195 for COW members, it's a steal. A great jacket to experiment with, I think.
Rob, this is EXACTLY why i come to you guys. thanks!
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

JC1972 wrote:
And welcome. Good luck with the jacket. I'm sure it'll be your first of many.
thanks, and good to meet you.
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Post by Rob »

Info here:


It's not quite screen accurate... but there's still an interesting story behind it.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:Info here:


It's not quite screen accurate... but there's still an interesting story behind it.
SA is preferred, but i'm not what i would call "hardcore" about it. good call on the link, Rob- owe you one.
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Yeah, I know what you're saying. I just thought it was worth flagging as there are limited numbers in each size... it's the kind of thing that if you decide two months from now that you want one, they'll be gone.
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Post by jacksdad »

welcome, you'll like the people here everyone is really nice and helpful,and yes once you start collecting gear the money does go quick. that's what happend to me in the begining of the summer, good luck and welcome.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

jacksdad wrote:welcome, you'll like the people here everyone is really nice and helpful,and yes once you start collecting gear the money does go quick. that's what happend to me in the begining of the summer, good luck and welcome.
so far, everyone has been great. very helpful, as well. as for the money... well, i guess it just goes with the territory.
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Post by Rob »

Great pics! 8)
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:Great pics! 8)
thanks, rob.

would have liked to make them bigger to let people see the details, but didn't want to violate the image posting rules. :wink:
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Post by Rob »

There's always the option of tossing them into some place like Photobucket or Image Shack, and then just providing the URL if you want to "go large" :)
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:There's always the option of tossing them into some place like Photobucket or Image Shack, and then just providing the URL if you want to "go large" :)
good point... hopefully these will suffice for the time being. i mean... haha, it's not like there aren't already a bajillion pics of todd's jackets on this forum, right? :wink:
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Post by Rob »

Oh go on, post one more ;)
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Post by Texan Scott »

How is the Todd's jacket with sizing? Did you have to go up a size for the jacket to fit properly?
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Texan Scott wrote:How is the Todd's jacket with sizing? Did you have to go up a size for the jacket to fit properly?
yeah, i ordered a size up- XL instead of my usual L, and as i've said, the fit is really very nice. the only thing i'm slightly worried about is that while the fit is perfect for regular midweight LS shirts, it might get a little too snug for wearing a sweater or hoodie under come late fall/winter. :?

thinking about it, i suspect the reason that Todd's jackets have such a close fit is the same reason that they're so SA- that late 70s-early 80s cut style.

i'm considering ordering a 2X, then shrinking it down a bit so that i can wear it with layers this winter.

but i'll say it again, the jacket is definitely a winner. :D
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Post by Texan Scott »

I spoke with Todd today, and asked him about the two movie jackets from Raiders that were examined, as to what type of lining material was inside the jacket. He said it was rayon.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

a "natural light" pic, which i didn't get around to in my OP, in case anyone was curious:


again, the coloring is hard to pin down, but it really is more brown than anything else. the jacket really seems to look best when it's unzipped (i guess that's why it's unzipped 90% of the time in ROLA, hm?).
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Post by Rob »

Perfect! 8)
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:Perfect! 8)
hey, thanks rob. you're a gentleman and a scholar!

...or at least a man who knows a good jacket, right? :wink:

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Post by Rob »

Hahaha... I just know a nice looking jacket when I see one.

It fits you well and, I think, is a great introduction to the hobby.
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Post by Satipo »

Looks like a great jacket, Truck. A very good fit. What's your height and chest size?
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Post by Baldwyn »

Satipo wrote:Looks like a great jacket, Truck. A very good fit. What's your height and chest size?
Dude, I always get slapped when I try to use that line in bars.
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Post by Satipo »

Baldwyn wrote:
Satipo wrote:Looks like a great jacket, Truck. A very good fit. What's your height and chest size?
Dude, I always get slapped when I try to use that line in bars.
:lol: Well, it's a little direct - kind of how The Terminator might approach a girl he likes.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Satipo wrote:Looks like a great jacket, Truck. A very good fit. What's your height and chest size?
thanks satipo, it suits me on both counts. i'm just a tad under 6', with a chest size around 40 or 41, i *think* (to be honest, i haven't checked- i usually just wing it).

Todd's XL seems to do pretty well for those measurements, although as i've posted before, i'm wondering about it being a little too close of a fit when it comes time to wear a sweater or hoodie with it in colder months. as it is, it's wonderful with a mid-weight LS shirt or a tshirt, and doesn't feel tight at all (the pocket space is pretty tight, but i've heard that about all the sizes).

hope this proves helpful to you. :D

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Post by Satipo »

That's great! Is the bottom of the jacket snug when zipped?
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Satipo wrote:That's great! Is the bottom of the jacket snug when zipped?
actually, since you can adjust the tension at the bottom with the straps, i find it more snug across the chest, but not uncomfortably so. you can kind of see it in the pic:


again, i guess it's important to state that obviously it's going to be a slightly different experience for every person, some with greater variance than others. but chances are that if your physique basically resembles my own, then there's a good chance that the Todd's will be a good match for you.:)

also, if you have the extra money to blow and jacket-fit has frequently been an issue for you, Todd's custom might be a way to go.

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Post by Rob »

Very good point to make. From the OTR sizing, I could see that the Todd's isn't a jacket for the more portly (or just plain "larger") individual. I think you would need to have a fairly "normal" shape body (ie: no big shoulders, no large belly, not overly tall, no long arms, or any combination of these), to really succeed with it. Me? I'm built like a gorilla on steroids, which is why I could never buy it for myself.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Rob wrote:Very good point to make. From the OTR sizing, I could see that the Todd's isn't a jacket for the more portly (or just plain "larger") individual. I think you would need to have a fairly "normal" shape body (ie: no big shoulders, no large belly, not overly tall, no long arms, or any combination of these), to really succeed with it. Me? I'm built like a gorilla on steroids, which is why I could never buy it for myself.
think i'd have to agree with that, rob. this would seem to be the case for just about any jacket with that oh-so-important SA "80's cut" that we keep hearing about, and Todd's isn't an exception. for some people, it's going to be snug no matter what, and for some people it just isn't going to be a viable option period.

too bad, though, since the price is right.
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Post by Satipo »

I actually would prefer it to be snug around the bottom. I wouldn't want the jacket to be a bell shape, i.e. tight on the chest and loose around the waist. I don't have a big belly - I'm about a 40-41 inch chest and 31-32 inch waist, so my problem is often that things are baggy around the waist, and that can look especially strange with a leather jacket.
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Post by TruckWhatTruck »

Satipo wrote:I actually would prefer it to be snug around the bottom. I wouldn't want the jacket to be a bell shape, i.e. tight on the chest and loose around the waist. I don't have a big belly - I'm about a 40-41 inch chest and 31-32 inch waist, so my problem is often that things are baggy around the waist, and that can look especially strange with a leather jacket.
see what you mean. and again, the straps make it adjustable, so that you can make it more snug if that's your preference.

it's worth noting that the basic design of the "indy jacket" in general means that, because of the cuts in the material in the back flap, it's not going to be as tight round the waist. if you prefer that, you might be better off with a military cut jacket instead of an "indy."

but i think you can see from the pictures, there's not much "bell" action going on there, so i still think you'd do pretty decently with a Todd's.
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