Another Speculation question: Belloq's Revolver

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Another Speculation question: Belloq's Revolver

Post by RonC »

Ok, amigos, what type of revolver do YOU speculate that Rene had in his flap holster when he confronts Indy after exiting with the golden idol in "Raiders"?
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Post by Michaelson »

Before or AFTER he 'steals' Indy's? (grins) Regards. Michaelson
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Post by agent5 »

I always assumed Indy was just willingly handing over his gun to Belloq since he was surrounded by Hovitos. However, in an early edtion of the script I read that Indy was going to just pull it out and shoot Belloq, illustrating his dominance. Makes the scene much more funny now.
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Post by RonC »

OK,'s my $.02 worth: I vote for a Smith & Wesson .38 M&P, with a nickel finish and either pearl or ivory grips...that Rene is quite a "dresser", you know!
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

RonC wrote:OK,'s my $.02 worth: I vote for a Smith & Wesson .38 M&P, with a nickel finish and either pearl or ivory grips...that Rene is quite a "dresser", you know!
Being the sassy brave frenchman that he is... I vote for umbrella handle.

Barring that... I'm saying it's a german made gun.
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Post by Michaelson »

Got to vote with Ren this round. He was techinically under 'contract' to the Germans, so I'd think he'd be packing at least something of French or German manufacture. He would have more than likely come through French controlled territory, French Guiana (sp?) comes to mind, and those garrison's would have more than likely supplied him with what he required for his trip into the jungle. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Farnham54 »

Probobly French, though Michealson. As far as I understand it, the golden idol had nothing to do with those pesky Nazis.


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Post by RonC »

It really does appear to be a flapped revolver holster...and I don't know of any suitable German or French revolvers (Yeah, Miichaelson...I know about the Lebel revolvers...and there were some from the State factories and Arminius in Germany :D ). Rene does have a certain "panache" I still go for a suitable "fancy" revovler!!! (I mean...look at this guy, his clothes and boots are perfect...even in the middle of the Peruvian jungle!)
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Post by Peacock's Eye »

The French have a long history of equipping themselves with French-made guns and gear and show disdain for stuff made in other countries. Therefore, I side with those who think ole Rene has a French revolver in his holster.
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Post by RonC »

Maybe...but the most recent, at that time, French revolver was the 1892 Lebel 8MM revovler...a singularly ugly weapon...reminiscent of the Nagant. But, maybe Rene did carry one! :x
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Post by Michaelson »

Well, I never said the gold idol was a Nazi goal. I was saying that they may have still been bankrolling him before he went after the Ark, as most of South America was symphetic to the German Nationalist party at the time. Maybe it was part of his deal with them. All theory, of course. Heck, he could have just flown in from Disneyland for all we know. :wink: Regards. Michaelson
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Post by skywlkr »

I thought Disneyland opened in the 50's?

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Post by Michaelson »

So? Come on's ALL speculation anyway :? :wink: Regards. Michaelson
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Post by RonC »

Well...anyway...if he WAS carrying a Fench revolver, I'm sure he tossed it away after getting Indy's S&W Hand Ejector .45!!!!! :D
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Post by Indiana »

A lugar maybe?

Post by whipwarrior »

What kind of gun did he have when he had that duel with Indy in the cemetery in Hollow Earth? I think it was some kind of muzzle-loading percussion firearm that used powder. (Sorry, Michaelson, for my butchery of gun terminology!)
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Post by Michaelson »

Actually, you got it pretty close there, my friend. (grins) Regards. Michaelson

Post by whipwarrior »

Cool. My girlfriend is currently reading the McCoy Indy novels, or else I'd have looked it up myself. She's already read the MacGregor books, and tells me Dance of the Giants was her favorite; also claims that she didn't 'get' Interior World.

But getting back to the topic of guns, I delighted in pointing out Max McCoy's blunder in Philosopher's Stone, where Sarducci's secretary, Carmina (sp?) 'slaps the cylinder' out of Indy's Webley, mistakenly implying that it is a standard rolling cylinder gun. However, earlier in the story, while hiding in the back of the Fascist seaplane enroute to Italy, Indy correctly 'breaks open' the gun while cleaning it.

I know, I know... I have WAY too much time on my hands. :-)
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Post by Mola Ram »

.....I saw that too! i love all of them books....almost done with
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Post by schwammy »

Michaelson wrote:Well, I never said the gold idol was a Nazi goal. I was saying that they may have still been bankrolling him before he went after the Ark, as most of South America was symphetic to the German Nationalist party at the time. Maybe it was part of his deal with them. All theory, of course. Heck, he could have just flown in from Disneyland for all we know. :wink: Regards. Michaelson
Uh... wow. As usual, I am in awe at the breadth of your knowledge, Michaelson.
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Post by Michaelson »

Well, the 'Disneyland' part is just a guess, mind you.... :roll: (grins) Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Henry Jones Sr. »

RonC wrote:It really does appear to be a flapped revolver holster...and I don't know of any suitable German or French revolvers (Yeah, Miichaelson...I know about the Lebel revolvers...and there were some from the State factories and Arminius in Germany :D ). Rene does have a certain "panache" I still go for a suitable "fancy" revovler!!! (I mean...look at this guy, his clothes and boots are perfect...even in the middle of the Peruvian jungle!)
"His hair was perfect...."

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Post by Thefumegator »

Well, it looks like I'm the latecomer in this thread, but that holster looks exactly like the German P-38 flap holster. I always just kind of assumed that that was what it was. But as Belloq says, "Who knows?"

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Post by Marcus Petrius »

I know the French (well, at least the army) used revolvers that fit in flap holsters because I happen to own a French flap holster from the 30's. (It was five times as cheap as a webley holster, and for 13 euros, there wasn't a chance I was not getting it.)
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Re: Another Speculation question: Belloq's Revolver

Post by Indiana Bond »

Here is the MLE 1892 with it's standard issue flap holster and ammo. Need to look at the movie to see if the holster matches as it is somewhat unique.


And another one:


Wow I just realized I reactivated a thread that's almost 10 years old!!

Thanks again!

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Re: Another Speculation question: Belloq's Revolver

Post by RaidersBash »

Yep, looks just like a russian who copied who in that design?
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Re: Another Speculation question: Belloq's Revolver

Post by Indiana Bond »

RaidersBash wrote:Yep, looks just like a russian who copied who in that design?
The Russian Nagant M1895 came out in 1895 while the MLE 1892 came out in 1892. While they look similar the designs are completly different, so I don't think anybody copied from anybody else.

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