First, That’s a beautifully made bullwhip by Joe, I am glad to hear you’ve decided to keep it. Nice jacket and grail too.
Second, I’ve seen this before; it’s nothing to worry about. While power cracking can contribute to this, it’s likely an issue with the leather as well. White hide is a very strong, but also stretchy. The smooth top grain layer and the more fibrous lower layer sometimes stretch differently, especially if the leather is cut thin, as it is at the tip of the fall, or if the leather is dry or if it’s a stiff quality white hide to begin with. Some white hide is almost as stiff as rawhide when new. Weak spots, Insect bites and scars in the leather can cause this too as can hitting hard solid objects with the tip of the whip. But as the whip cracks the leather fall stretches, and small seams or cracks open up in the top grain layer. It can happen with latigo and redhide falls too.
You may be cracking too hard; I can’t say for sure with out actually seeing what you are doing. Since you just started chances are you are though. Just slow down, take it easy and focus on using the technique to crack the whip not your muscles, cracking softer with more control rather then just trying to produce loud noise.
Cracking the whip those first few weeks with out having any leather dressing probably didn’t help, nor does getting your cracker tangled around the tip of the fall, but this shouldn’t weaken the leather significantly enough that it will be a serious problem. Bits of the end of the fall will break off here and there anyways, that’s kind of normal especially when your still learning and cracking the whip harder then necessary. Chances are when pieces of the fall break off now due to that normal wear and tear, they will break off at those small seams as it is a weaker spot over all, but The leather is still pretty thick and strong so you just need tie a new popper on and your set to go again.
Changing falls and poppers is no big deal, People who never done it make more about it then their really is, but don’t worry. If the hitch is still in good condition you don’t even have to retie anything, its like threading a needle. Realistically though you shouldn’t have to change that fall for a couple years, if ever depending on how much you use the whip. When that time comes we can walk you through it

. Falls are designed to take the brunt of the wear and tear so the plaited section doesn’t have too, cuts; nicks and dings aren’t that uncommon on a used whip. Poppers, yeah you’ll have to change them out here and there, but its easy once you do it a couple times. Learn to make your own poppers too! Just keep the fall somewhat clean and well dressed with pecards. It should be fine. Try to clear your area of the acorns as best you can though, not only so your not smacking them with the whip but also so you don't accidentally send one flying into the air like a bullet if you happen to catch it just right.
Hope that helps put your mind at ease a bit.
P.S. Next time reduce the size of your images so they are smaller or just post the links to them.