For contrast Ive taken a few shots with both a TODDs and an AB shirt...
The pants are also Magnoli!

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
er... yeah?starks_6 wrote:I didn't expect to wake up this morning such a popular guylol
The jacket is The lambskin (i should have stated this all at the start).
It is the version A and everything on it is per Magnoli's pattern. I made no requests to deviate from his pattern.
I know some don't consider the leather facing on the zipper to be screen accurate but I'm not to concerned with something I don't really see. This would appear to be standard on the jacket.
When I tried ordering my wested I had a custom order using Erri's specs and that came to 285 pounds. With the exchange rate at the time wih shipping it worked out at around $510 Australian so really the Magnoli cost me no more and I didnt have to ask for a whole list of specifications!
Any more questions Im more than happy to answer
It ain't so!PSBIndy wrote:....Chinese-made?.............say it ain't so, Indy Magnoli!
That all look fantastic - I take it the lamb isn't from New Zealand then?Indy Magnoli wrote:It ain't so! ;) My leather jackets were originally made in China (by the same company that made them for Columbia Sportswear) and although the craftsmanship was great, I didn't like their leather supplier.PSBIndy wrote:....Chinese-made?.............say it ain't so, Indy Magnoli! :shock:
I now, however, have all of my leather garments produced in India and the quality is fantastic. These are not el-cheapo sweat-shop jackets, but professionally hand-made garments. I'm think the quality of the jackets speak for themselves... 8)
Kind regards,
Sorry champ, didnt forget ya, I was just in a rush this morning.Tollan wrote:er... yeah?my question above about what you used as a reference for the measurements. how did you get it to fit so well?
Length, or width? Because the yoke seam is above the sleeve seam, and that is correct. I'm not sure about the width. I think it depends on what side of the screen-used jacket you look on, whether the back panel width extends to the shoulder seam, because I think the original was asymmetrical.Raider S wrote:Beautiful jacket, starks. Simply beautiful.
Why does nobody mention that the back panel length does not extend all the way to the sleeve seam? People jump all over this detail on other jackets.
Thanks for that!! I just got an expo which is fantastic but your jacket looks perfect IMHOstarks_6 wrote:Sorry champ, didnt forget ya, I was just in a rush this morning.Tollan wrote:er... yeah?my question above about what you used as a reference for the measurements. how did you get it to fit so well?
For the body length etc I wore my pants where I wear them and had the missus measure to where I thought the jacket should sit. As for the sleeves I actually measured the sleeves on my TODDs shirt and added a bit on (for the top and middle of the sleeves). The chest I did the old measure while holding in as much breath as you can and added an inch for clothing underneath
As for fitting well, I guess that's the glory of having a fully tailor made jacket over an off the rack pattern with differing chest and arm lengths.
Raider S, Erri's specs can be seen here:
Once again, if anyone wants a jacket...strongly consider a Magnoli!
Magnoli, I think you've missed the point of the question.. we ask if it's New Zealand lambskin (specifically) because generally speaking it's known to be a much thicker lambskin than say, English or Italian lambskin... and usually has a better graining quality. People are always looking for a thicker lambskin jacket because that's what was actually used in the Raiders jacket. So, is this New Zealand lambskin or perhaps you're not sure?We source our leather from all over...