Want a brown work boot?
Orvis brings us the Alden Lindy Boot! No moc-toe stitching, but a nice change of pace from the standard Indy boot.

http://www.orvis.com/store/productchoic ... 719&bhcp=1
Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith
I know what you mean. I´m seriously considering a pair. But oh the price is out of this world. I ponder this decision every day. Can someone talk me into or out of this please?Mola Ram wrote:At the sight of these shoes I've just about fainted.Marv wrote:Look like WW2 US Roughout boots........
They look AMAZING.
i'm sorry to hear that geo....and believe me, i know exactly how you feel. i had confirmed my size was at the hawaii shop and i debated getting them for over a week. when i was ready, they were gone and i was told by the owner that i may never see those again.IndianaGeo wrote:Okay, Guess what? They´re out of my size now!!! ARGH!!!! Lesson Learned.
Just because it says "Made in the USA" doesn't mean it is.IndianaGeo wrote:Yes, some people don´t care where their things are made, but I do. I don´t believe in paying foreign workers in a country that has had appalling human rights record. Not to mention that my country (the US) has economic trouble at present. So I choose to vote with my dollar (or pound since I now live in London, England). I can´t always buy from where I want, but I do my best.
YARV, yes, a big deal was made of Wested´s OTRs on this board and rightly so since they advertise their jackets to be Made in the U.K., up until that was changed on the website. I credit Peter for doing the right thing and making that change so that the consumer is aware of what he/she is getting.
10.5?IndianaGeo wrote:Okay, Guess what? They´re out of my size now!!! ARGH!!!! Lesson Learned.
IG, I ordered mine somewhen last week on www.orvis.com, they arrived Friday (! to Europe!) but I was not home and had to arrange a 2nd delivery so I got them just yesterday. Well today I checked the Orvis page again and they say the 10.5 are sold out... Sorry mateIndianaGeo wrote:FedoraGuy,
Are you pulling my leg??or did you really get the last pair of 10.5s? If so, you´re one lucky guy.
Serial Hero, I understand what you´re saying about Made in the U.S.A. Sometimes things aren´t what they seem. I wouldn´t be surprised if greedy corporations are setting up in the Mariana Islands to exploit a loop hole. That´s globalisation for ya.
IG, I'll see what I can doIndianaGeo wrote:Was wondering if you can give a more in depth opinion of them? Are they what you expected? Are they casual or dressy or could they be both at any given time? Is the leather to your liking, is it thick and/or durable?
All alden shoes that exist in the world are made at the factory in MA. They don't have any other factories...TheFedoraGuy wrote:IG, I ordered mine somewhen last week on www.orvis.com, they arrived Friday (! to Europe!) but I was not home and had to arrange a 2nd delivery so I got them just yesterday. Well today I checked the Orvis page again and they say the 10.5 are sold out... Sorry mateIndianaGeo wrote:FedoraGuy,
Are you pulling my leg??or did you really get the last pair of 10.5s? If so, you´re one lucky guy.
Serial Hero, I understand what you´re saying about Made in the U.S.A. Sometimes things aren´t what they seem. I wouldn´t be surprised if greedy corporations are setting up in the Mariana Islands to exploit a loop hole. That´s globalisation for ya.(
BTW I personally think they are as american made as the standard 405s since everything is the same but the upper leather. Sole and heel construction is exactly the same than the 405s, packing and shoe bags are exactly the same than the AF64 or the black cordovan shell Indy boot. There is even the "Alden Foot Balance" print on them.
BTW2, I think they are made of dark brown nubuck leather (you know the one which leaves marks if you touch it).