CM wrote:I don't think that's right Castor. Comparing different sizes for same item is totally different to bringing in something which wasn't there in the first place. Also, Platon's pocket size is more SA than the standard Wested pocket. The Wested "clown pockets" have been a long standing problem. Now if you like them that way ... huge... good. For myself, I wish the pockets on my Wested were 1 inch smaller top to bottom.
By the way, I think Peter's pockets have improved lately, although you sometimes do see a terribly narrow flap on a stupidly long rectangular pocket.
You're veering a little off-track here, as my pocket preferences are not the issue here. I'm not arguing about which pockets are more SA, and which ones aren't, at least not in this thread, but rather simply that the original poster, Bardoon, seemed to like the size of his pockets on his first jackets, and when he ordered a second one, found the pockets to be smaller than his preference.
In my post, I wanted to remind everyone that even though this may be seen as the latest incarnation of the Wested jacket, people may still prefer one over the other, and just because it is the latest, doesn't make it the greatest, and the one standard that everything else pales in comparison to.
When someone recieves the latest jacket instead of the one that they prefer, it just rubs me the wrong way to hear them being asked "How is that a problem?". Again, no hard feelings, Holt.
I feel my press stud analogy fits, because backstage history aside, they evolved from not having press-studs to including them, due to input from Keppler and/or Cooper. Similarly, the Wested jacket evolved from having oversized pockets to having smaller ones, due to input from Platon and/or the Indy community.
I'm not saying which party is right, and which one isn't, because frankly, that doesn't matter. Just because I like the LC jacket design over the RotLA doesn't make the Raider fans wrong, and that they should be happy that they have press-studs even when they simply want a Raiders.
And when I speak of the Wested jacket as starting out having oversized pockets, I mean it. Wested, and Western Concessionaires may have their names used interchangably, but you'll have to remember that Western Concessionaires made the jackets used in the film. Wested did not, even though they may have the same staff, and to bring this discussion full circle, Wested represents the latest incarnation of Wested Concessionaires, in my mind at least.
I hope that clarifies my rationale, CM.