my CS hat

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Jones Boy »

That looks top notch Holt. A sterling effort I must say! :tup:

I had always thought that the Fed ribbon was quite dark, but looking at the inset photos from KOTCS, the AB appears to have a much darker ribbon. It could be just the lighting in your photo however.

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Post by Vegeta »

I cant believe its a regular fed IV. What did you do to lighten it up and to get the brim to look that good?
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Post by Jones Boy »

I meant to ask you earlier Holt, did you put any turn into your hat at all?

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Post by Holt »

magic :wink:

I soften the brim up with my hands and then when I shaped it I sprayed it with a little bit of water to stiffen it up again when the water dried up

if that makes any sence at all....

thanks BTW

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Post by Holt »

Jones Boy wrote:I meant to ask you earlier Holt, did you put any turn into your hat at all?

no turn at all...just shaped and tweaked it with my hands

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Post by Holt »

Aeris_Canon wrote:Good! Then the next set should look even better! ;) Put it on for us in the next set, too, would ya? :D

This isn't the hat Michaelson sent you, is it? What happened to that one, anyway? Two Federations now?
hey man.I didnt see your post.

well here is the picture of it on my head.

yes I have two.the fed3 and the fed4. :D the fed3 is a well condition...I just frwaked out over that sweatband thing...not that I really needed that anyway...just me being me again :roll: :wink:

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Post by Weston »

Very nice Holt. Your hat is among the best I've seen!

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Post by Holt »

just a quick question for you guys.

the hat is a 58 when I measure my head it measures 57...

the hatsdirect recommend you go one size up...but it is a little rommy on my head.

do you guys think that it looks good on my head or does it look a tad to big?

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Post by Chewie Louie »

Not bad, but if you're going for SA, the color and the height of the hat itself seems a bit off, and the ribbon looks a bit too wide. Is the pattern the same? The shape looks pretty good though. IMO

Just curious, what's the price of a Fed vs. an AB? I know that wait times for an AB are pretty long, but why would anyone looking for any Indy hat, especially a CS, buy anything but an AB?
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Post by Holt »

why would we not if it wasnt good or close enough?

why would we raiders close enough from.keppler.JPD. optimo.christy's.baron hats?

its a matter what YOU find is SA or a resonable price to pay

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Post by Jones Boy »

Okay AC and IH, here are some pics of my two Feds (they actually belong to my boys) and my AkAd side by side. The ruler is in the ribbon, so I feel that you could add maybe 1/8th to 1/4 of an inch to the measurements.

Here is the 58 Fed and the AkAd on the right (pretty easy to spot the difference!)

Here is a close up of the AkAd showing the crown height.


Here are the 2 Feds side by side with the 54 on the right.


and a close up of the 58


and of the 54


and now the two Feds back in their bashed and creased state - 58 left and 54 right.


and under a different light - slow exposure and no flash. Pretty different hey! :shock:


Sorry for the lengthy post and I have probably broken a couple of pickie rules - just let me know mods.

There is a fair difference in the block shapes between the Fed and the AkAd, and this shows it perfectly.

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Post by Indiana G »

Indiana Holt wrote:just a quick question for you guys.

the hat is a 58 when I measure my head it measures 57...

the hatsdirect recommend you go one size up...but it is a little rommy on my head.

do you guys think that it looks good on my head or does it look a tad to big?

i think it sits on your head quite nicely holt. i have the size 57 and i don't think it looks that good on me as yours does on you. plus, my 57 is pretty snug, not tight mind you, but as snug as you can get it before its uncomfortable. mine doesn't have the fullness in the crown as yours does and the brim seems a tad short as well (in comparison to my AB). i'm starting to think i should have ordered a size up.

i still love my akub 'stunt hat' regardless :D
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Post by Holt »

thanks G :D

what do you get when you measure your head?

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Post by Indiana G »

Indiana Holt wrote:thanks G :D

what do you get when you measure your head?

i've always asked for hats to be 22.5" but i believe the 57 shrank just a tad.....i'd say it's closer to 22.2 or 22.3" now.

in comparison to my CS AB it is evident that the fed4 is a smaller hat...smaller brim, smaller crown, etc. it may have worked better if i went with a size 58.
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Post by Holt »

Aeris_Canon wrote:
Holt. Wow! That hat looks like a better KOTCS than the KOTCS! :shock: I'm serious! Excellent job!

and this coming from the master hat basher himself..

thank you for the nice compliment :D

my best whishes
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Post by gabrielle »

What a great looking hat Holt!!! That's a real beauty, I can only hope my 1st attempt looks like that because the bash job you did is really a looker!!! :D
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Post by jasonyong26 »

How did you bash it? Where did you get your CS gear? By the way, great hat!

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Post by Jones Boy »

Aeris_Canon wrote:Do you get the same measurement (in millimeters - inches won't show much difference) between the two ribbons?
AC, a quick measure suggests 38mm on the Adventurer and 39mm on the Fed. They are probably too close to call. Not sure how much the ribbon shrinks over time.

The band around the middle of the bow however is quite different - 23mm on the Adventurer and 30mm on the Fed. That goes some way to making the crown look slightly higher on the AkAd. :wink:

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Well Done!

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Holt...I know I'm a bit late to this but let me say that this is probably the best Fed lV I've seen. Well done! It really looks great. :clap:

Who am I to say but I'm not a big fan of the Fed lV but what you've done to it make's it really work and gives me some hope, revealing the underlying potential.

I'm a huge Akubra, hats Direct Fan, but right from the beginning I've found it hard to get used to what seems a unusually low and wide look with a brim that's quite flat. The work you've done on this has given it some real class.

I may have to look at this again.
Warm Regards

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Post by Holt »

thank you:)

nice to read what you had to say

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Post by DanielJones »

Holt, it looks like in that last pic of you, you really got the squared off look just right. Good Job!


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Post by Holt »

here,..I thought I could show the last picture I have on my PC

it's not so much different from the other..but in this one you can see more of it's true color and the dusty ribbon


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Post by Colorado Craft »

finally ordered my federation IV today. I'm trying to decide between a raiders bash or a CS bash but if I go with the latter I'm going to use your's as a model to strive for. Great job!
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Post by Colorado Craft »

Actually Holt could you give any pointers on how to bash it like yours? Like what to do with the brim and how to make the front dents?
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Post by nicktheguy »

Great bash - I can hardly wait to get my hands on my Henry to attempt a bash like that.
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Post by Holt »

just work it with your hands alot.the brim I mean.....

and use alot of reference photos...

there is no answer how to do that bash...I for sure dont have it...I just do it...

thats the best I can say...

its easier to bash your own CS style and post it here so if ther is something wrong with the bash we can tell what needs to be changed on it..

good luck

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Post by Colorado Craft »

My Fed IV came in today and I'm going to go with the Crystal Skull bash since "the turn" for Raiders just didn't work for me. It did not seem to do much to the hat but I've made up my mind. Hopefully mine will look as good as this one did.
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Post by Colorado Craft »

After tweaking with it for about twenty minutes I think its really starting to take shape but I'm having trouble with the front bashes. I can't seem to get them as deep and noticable as the other ones pictured. I'll post a pic as soon as I can so you can see what I mean. I can get the front pinch right its just that how the crease kind of expandes downward to the brim and makes like a triangle swoop. (unlike a straight raiders crease) Any thoughts?
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Post by Colorado Craft »

Ok here are some pictures of it on my flickr account, any and all help with the front or the brim would be appricieated.
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Post by eazybox »

Colorado Craft wrote:After tweaking with it for about twenty minutes I think its really starting to take shape but I'm having trouble with the front bashes. I can't seem to get them as deep and noticable as the other ones pictured. I'll post a pic as soon as I can so you can see what I mean. I can get the front pinch right its just that how the crease kind of expandes downward to the brim and makes like a triangle swoop. (unlike a straight raiders crease) Any thoughts?
I have found that pushing OUT from the inside of the hat, while at the same time pushing IN from the outside with your other hand, can help to bring out more definition in a loose front pinch. Try laying your finger inside the hat along the general angle of the pinch ytou want to form. Then press OUT with that finger and use your other hand to press IN along the side of where you can feel your other finger is pressing OUT. Repeat this process on the other side to form the "triangle" shape you want. How difficult it is to get the shape to hold depends on the felt; rabbit may require being wet down first.

You just have to keep experimenting and working on it until it looks right to you, and that can sometimes take awhile.

I just saw your photos and your hat looks pretty good already to me, though.

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Post by Colorado Craft »

thank you, I actually started doing that and the dents improved quite a bit to the point where I'm happy with them for now. That pinch at the top is bothering me though. And my brim is very stubborn its as flat as a board no matter what I do to it.
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

Holt, you have a great hat there!
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Post by Holt »

Colorado Craft wrote: That pinch at the top is bothering me though. And my brim is very stubborn its as flat as a board no matter what I do to it.

use all fore you can give on the brim..yes! it is a VERY stiff brim but it is not unbreakable...soften it up with your hands.sit on it.throw it in a corner.kick it..

but to get the brim as soft as I got mine..then use only handforce

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