Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

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Post by TonyRush »

Louie, congrats on the purchase of another Tony Nowak masterpiece.

I, too, opted for an abbreviated inscription. Mine just has my name. "Limited Edition 519/777 by Tony Nowak." I didn't want the Indy IV logo or the "screen accurate" language. I also opted for black-on-black thread.

I like subtle. I'd prefer for someone not to see my inscription unless I call their attention to it after they comment on my jacket. I just like things to be a little understated.

Plus, if you think about it....having a huge gold inscription inside actually makes the jacket a bit "non-screen accurate", when you think about it. I like to think that -- at first glance -- my jacket looks like what you'd see hanging in Indy's closet if you popped by to drop off some homework. :)

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Post by Mulceber »

I opted for the normal inscription, however I requested black on black as well. Like you TR, I'd prefer people not to notice the inscription unless I point it out. I just want to be ###### sure that they know whose it is when they DO see it.
Plus, if you think about it....having a huge gold inscription inside actually makes the jacket a bit "non-screen accurate", when you think about it. I like to think that -- at first glance -- my jacket looks like what you'd see hanging in Indy's closet if you popped by to drop off some homework.
"Here you go Dr. Jones, I added a couple pages to my paper on celtic cultural development just like you...holy smokes is that a Tony Nowak Limited Edition jacket!?!" :junior: -M
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Post by CM »

TonyRush wrote:Louie, congrats on the purchase of another Tony Nowak masterpiece.

I, too, opted for an abbreviated inscription. Mine just has my name. "Limited Edition 519/777 by Tony Nowak." I didn't want the Indy IV logo or the "screen accurate" language. I also opted for black-on-black thread.

I like subtle. I'd prefer for someone not to see my inscription unless I call their attention to it after they comment on my jacket. I just like things to be a little understated.

Plus, if you think about it....having a huge gold inscription inside actually makes the jacket a bit "non-screen accurate", when you think about it. I like to think that -- at first glance -- my jacket looks like what you'd see hanging in Indy's closet if you popped by to drop off some homework. :)

That sounds very tasteful - unlike some of the alternatives.
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Post by OWJ88 »

Can't wait to see the newest jacket. My inscription was a standard, but the black on black so it really isn't noticable unless I point it out to you, but I did have Tony put "Fortune and Glory" across the bottom and I really like it. I went with the less distressing and it still has a great look to it. I love to open the closet and see it hanging in there. Just need some cooler temps to really show it off.

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Post by Demaroth »

I went up to visit Tony today, and dropped off my current jacket to have the sleeves fixed. He's even better to talk to in person, which is saying a lot if you've ever talked to him on the phone. We talked easily for an hour before getting serious into my jacket. He showed me a bunch of the other jackets he's done, including letting me try on one of the jackets for a film Bruce Willis is currently filming (the Surrogates) and some of the stuff from the GI Joe film and Terminator 4. He's a real workhorse!

He's fixing my jacket up gratis, and I also placed an order for a second jacket at the same time. I couldn't help it! :) I opted for a even smaller inscription this time with just my name and the serial number, and I also had him remove the patch/tag at the back of the neck.

The only downside is that until he gets one/both to me, I don't have ANY jackets. I think I'm in withdrawal. :P

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Last edited by Demaroth on Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PSBIndy »

Guys, I have a question about fit. I got my TN last week and compared to my Wested jackets which are a 44 Reg, the Nowak (also a 44 R) fits more tightly.....esp. around the waist. Is this typical of TN's? ...It's not a problem wearing a shirt underneath, but I might have a problem wearing it with a sweater. ....Also, it seems my TN is about a 1.0-1.5 inches shorter in the torso length compared to my Wested LC/CS. this normal?....(Tony said this was the "SA" length).
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Post by eazybox »

PSBIndy wrote:Guys, I have a question about fit. I got my TN last week and compared to my Wested jackets which are a 44 Reg, the Nowak (also a 44 R) fits more tightly.....esp. around the waist. Is this typical of TN's? ...It's not a problem wearing a shirt underneath, but I might have a problem wearing it with a sweater. ....Also, it seems my TN is about a 1.0-1.5 inches shorter in the torso length compared to my Wested LC/CS. this normal?....(Tony said this was the "SA" length).
Yes, that is normal. I also wear a size 44 and found the fit to be quite snug. And Tony told me this Indy jacket was designed to be short in the body and long in the sleeves.

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Post by RNomura »

I agree with easybox, while my jacket fits perfectly in the chest and shoulders, it's a tiny bit snug around the waist. Nothing really uncomfortable but I figured that I could drop some lbs as a solution..

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Post by PSBIndy »

I thought the CS jacket was supposed to be a little longer in the body than the Raiders......but when I compare it to my Wested Raiders of the same size, it's actually the same. The CS jacket Harrison wears in the film does look longer body-wise than the one he wears in Raiders.....or does it?
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Post by Indiana G »

PSBIndy wrote:I thought the CS jacket was supposed to be a little longer in the body than the Raiders......but when I compare it to my Wested Raiders of the same size, it's actually the same. The CS jacket Harrison wears in the film does look longer body-wise than the one he wears in Raiders.....or does it?
i think raiders is longer. i watched the movie (on the second go) and noticed that his jacket barely covered his pocket flaps on his pants if at all. in raiders, the edge of his jacket covered the flaps.....i know....different pants....but it is a good gauge for jacket length.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

It is a custom made jacket. You can specify the back length to be anything that you want it to be.
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Post by CM »

PSBIndy wrote:I thought the CS jacket was supposed to be a little longer in the body than the Raiders......but when I compare it to my Wested Raiders of the same size, it's actually the same. The CS jacket Harrison wears in the film does look longer body-wise than the one he wears in Raiders.....or does it?
I'd say the TN looks shorter in almost every scene. By about an inch and a half. But persepctive on the big screen is odd. The jacket looks baggier and is definately longer in the sleeves - that , perhaps creates the impression it's longer.
Last edited by CM on Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Judging by what I saw on screen, and the still pics, I would have to say that the TN is not supposed to be snug around the waist. Plus, I am about Ford's size and ordered the same size jacket (44) and it does not fit snug around my waist. The sleeves are indeed a tad bit longer and the openings are huge. My only "complaint" about the TN jacket is that the sleeve openings are so huge that when you go to put your hands inside the jacket pockets, the sleeves don't go in there with you, and instead get kind bunched outside. Conversely, on my Wested jacket, the pocket openings are so small I can just get my hands in them.
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Post by Demaroth »

The TN jacket definitely shouldn't be snug. Mine was a bit tight, but in the process of stretching; when I went up yesterday, that was one of the first things Tony noticed. He said, "The jacket's a bit tight on you, right?" That was part of the reason I ordered a second one.

I'm 6'2", just over 200lbs (but don't look it) and normally wear a 42L in suit jackets. I tried on his XL sizing jacket, and it fit perfectly. Plenty of space for me to wear a sweater and still have a little room inside, if I wanted.

Length-wise it comes down to about 5" below the top of my pants. That's a best guess, so don't hold me to it, because I don't have my jacket(s) back yet. If you look at this image, though ( ... ij4_01.jpg), you can see that it comes down fairly far from the top of his pants.

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Post by PSBIndy »

Well, my TN is tight...esp. below the chest. Compared to my Wested Novapelle of the same size, my TN feels almost 2 sizes too small. The jacket also ends only 2 inches below the belt. Did Tony screw-up my jacket? (I gave him the exact dimensions of my best-fitting jacket as a guide).
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Post by IndyBlues »

PSBIndy wrote:Well, my TN is tight...esp. below the chest. Compared to my Wested Novapelle of the same size, my TN feels almost 2 sizes too small. The jacket also ends only 2 inches below the belt. Did Tony screw-up my jacket? (I gave him the exact dimensions of my best-fitting jacket as a guide).
Compare dimensions again. See if the measurements are those you supplied. That's the only way you're going to know who's at fault.
Did you give Tony your own chest measurments as well? When I ordered mine, I made it very clear that I had a 48" chest, and that I needed another 4 inches of room for movement and layering.
Check the numbers.
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Post by eazybox »

Blues is right. Also remember that terms like "snug" and "tight" are at best only guidelines here, because they are relative terms and, without a consensus, mean different things to different people.

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Post by Rundquist »

You guys are living the dream. To be able to buy a hat and jacket from the guys that made the stuff for the movie (at the same time as the movie) is an Indygear fan’s dream come true. Those Nowak jackets look so good that I almost convinced myself to get one. Alas, I’m more of a Raiders man. But you can tell that it’s a superior jacket. Same thing with Fedora’s hat. I’d never wear it, but I was mighty tempted to get one for a few seconds. Wear it all in good health everyone.
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Post by Indiana G »

Rundquist wrote:You guys are living the dream. To be able to buy a hat and jacket from the guys that made the stuff for the movie (at the same time as the movie) is an Indygear fan’s dream come true. Those Nowak jackets look so good that I almost convinced myself to get one. Alas, I’m more of a Raiders man. But you can tell that it’s a superior jacket. Same thing with Fedora’s hat. I’d never wear it, but I was mighty tempted to get one for a few seconds. Wear it all in good health everyone.
here here! though CS was waaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom of the IJ movies, i am loving the gear availability these days......though my bank account ain't..... :cry: :shock: :D
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Post by PSBIndy »

IndyBlues wrote:
PSBIndy wrote:Well, my TN is tight...esp. below the chest. Compared to my Wested Novapelle of the same size, my TN feels almost 2 sizes too small. The jacket also ends only 2 inches below the belt. Did Tony screw-up my jacket? (I gave him the exact dimensions of my best-fitting jacket as a guide).
Compare dimensions again. See if the measurements are those you supplied. That's the only way you're going to know who's at fault.
Did you give Tony your own chest measurments as well? When I ordered mine, I made it very clear that I had a 48" chest, and that I needed another 4 inches of room for movement and layering.
Check the numbers.

Well, I did say to Tony my chest was 44 in. I gave him the dimensions of my Wested Novapelle jacket which fits perfectly......I presumed the TN would fit similar as well.....but now, I'm wrong. The fit actually isn't all that bad.....just that over the winter, wearing a sweater with it might take a "shoe horn" :D .........should I return it to Tony to have it altered or will the jacket stretch somewhat over time?
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Post by eazybox »

Indiana G wrote:
Rundquist wrote:You guys are living the dream. To be able to buy a hat and jacket from the guys that made the stuff for the movie (at the same time as the movie) is an Indygear fan’s dream come true. Those Nowak jackets look so good that I almost convinced myself to get one. Alas, I’m more of a Raiders man. But you can tell that it’s a superior jacket. Same thing with Fedora’s hat. I’d never wear it, but I was mighty tempted to get one for a few seconds. Wear it all in good health everyone.
here here! though CS was waaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom of the IJ movies, i am loving the gear availability these days......though my bank account ain't..... :cry: :shock: :D
Indy's clothes look so good in CS that I felt a little disappointed they didn't get more messed up in the film, but that is also a testament to the real-world quality of the hats & jackets made by Fedora, Marc and Tony. We are indeed lucky to be able to have them.

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Post by CM »

PSBIndy wrote:
IndyBlues wrote:
PSBIndy wrote:Well, my TN is tight...esp. below the chest. Compared to my Wested Novapelle of the same size, my TN feels almost 2 sizes too small. The jacket also ends only 2 inches below the belt. Did Tony screw-up my jacket? (I gave him the exact dimensions of my best-fitting jacket as a guide).
Compare dimensions again. See if the measurements are those you supplied. That's the only way you're going to know who's at fault.
Did you give Tony your own chest measurments as well? When I ordered mine, I made it very clear that I had a 48" chest, and that I needed another 4 inches of room for movement and layering.
Check the numbers.
Well, I did say to Tony my chest was 44 in. I gave him the dimensions of my Wested Novapelle jacket which fits perfectly......I presumed the TN would fit similar as well.....but now, I'm wrong. The fit actually isn't all that bad.....just that over the winter, wearing a sweater with it might take a "shoe horn" :D .........should I return it to Tony to have it altered or will the jacket stretch somewhat over time?
You sound disappointed. I've read a few times now how "the best Indy jacket in the world" appears less dazzling down the track, even if the build quality remains superlative.
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Post by Toldog07 »

how does one contact tony for a jacket??
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Post by CM »

Toldog07 wrote:how does one contact tony for a jacket??
It's not hard, son. Just contact his website.
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Post by PSBIndy »

CM wrote:
PSBIndy wrote:
IndyBlues wrote:
PSBIndy wrote:Well, my TN is tight...esp. below the chest. Compared to my Wested Novapelle of the same size, my TN feels almost 2 sizes too small. The jacket also ends only 2 inches below the belt. Did Tony screw-up my jacket? (I gave him the exact dimensions of my best-fitting jacket as a guide).
Compare dimensions again. See if the measurements are those you supplied. That's the only way you're going to know who's at fault.
Did you give Tony your own chest measurments as well? When I ordered mine, I made it very clear that I had a 48" chest, and that I needed another 4 inches of room for movement and layering.
Check the numbers.
Well, I did say to Tony my chest was 44 in. I gave him the dimensions of my Wested Novapelle jacket which fits perfectly......I presumed the TN would fit similar as well.....but now, I'm wrong. The fit actually isn't all that bad.....just that over the winter, wearing a sweater with it might take a "shoe horn" :D .........should I return it to Tony to have it altered or will the jacket stretch somewhat over time?
You sound disappointed. I've read a few times now how "the best Indy jacket in the world" appears less dazzling down the track, even if the build quality remains superlative.
...Not really. I love everything about it. I just wish that it was a tad bit roomier. (Gotta go on that Jenny Craig diet! :lol: ). I mistakenly thought it would have the exact same fit as my Wested, but I should have realized that different brands of clothing will almost always fit differently even if they are the same size.......just like shoes.
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Post by bigrex »

Looks like Nowak's jackets are very consistent, nice fit on everybody I've seen.
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Post by Mannie Bothans »

RNomura wrote:I agree with easybox, while my jacket fits perfectly in the chest and shoulders, it's a tiny bit snug around the waist. Nothing really uncomfortable but I figured that I could drop some lbs as a solution..


My sleeves were too long, too.

Even though the sleeve length and tight waist problem were my fault (I ordered Harrison Ford's size when I am fatter and have shorter arms than Ford) -- Tony shortened my sleeves for free, but he couldn't make the jacket any bigger in the waist so he sent me a black short sleeved shirt with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull embriodered on the front.

He advised me to wear the jacket while driving in the car, zipped up, with the snaps snapped. It is stretching a bit, actually.
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Post by crismans »

I finally bit the bullet and ordered one today. While I knew it would definitely be worth the money, I'm just not used to spending that much on a jacket. But the many praises here on the boards plus the opportunity to have a jacket from the actual maker to movie specs was just too great an appeal.

I felt a lot better after speaking with Tony. "Nice guy" doesn't even begin to cover it. Really super to talk to, rightfully proud of his product, and eager to make the customer happy.

The only down side is I'm going to part with my Wings CE (even though I love it) to offset some of the cost and because I just can't justify it to myself with a Nowak on the way. I'll put it the bazaar first to see if anyone here can use it. I'd like it to go to a good home. :(

Now, the wait begins
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Post by Bruce Wayne »

i talked to tony yesterday. mine is the next one to be made!!!
yay for me!!! :mrgreen: \:D/
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Post by IndyBlues »

bruce wayne wrote:i talked to tony yesterday. mine is the next one to be made!!!
yay for me!!! :mrgreen: \:D/
Congrats, BW! Keep us posted on the process.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Tony called me yesterday to double check on the inscription, so I guess that means that mine is almost done. He sounded like he was getting ready to ship it out.

My Nowak jacket may have shipped on the same day that my KotCS AB arrived. It doesn't seem all that cold out, is it Christmas?
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Just got an email from Tony. My second jacket should be coming home on the 17th. Woo Hoo!
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Woo Hoo! My second Nowak jacket arrived today. I went with a non-distressed version this time. I really don't know which one I like better. I guess I'll really beat the s*** out of the distressed one now, and take it easy on this one. One thing I like better is the unique way I handled the custom inscription on the 2nd jacket. Anyway, here is the new jacket. Once again, the craftsmanship is top notch. If jackets are made better than this, I'd sure like to see it. Again, I went with the Harrison Ford size 44 which seems to fit me just right. So happy I do all that running. (That's one of my marathon medals hanging on the wall, and my Australian Shepherd looking on and giving his approval) As always, I can't say enough about how nice of a guy Tony is.


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Post by Holt »

nice dog!

just messing whith ya...

congratulations...another fine jacket!
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Indiana Holt wrote:nice dog!

just messing whith ya...

congratulations...another fine jacket!
Thanks! Here's a better picture of him. He's an adventure dog, so he fits in. lol By the way, he can easily clear the highest setting. ... 2006_2.jpg

(Mod Edit: The pic was a bit big)

Thanks. I noticed that and was in the process of fixing it. Anyway, anyone interested can click on the link I suppose.
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Post by crismans »

I'm very happy! Both for you because you got another great jacket and for me because I'm one order closer to getting mine! :lol:
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Post by PSBIndy »

Looks like your non-distressed version still looks somewhat a little distressed in the photos. But I guess that the vintage look of Tony's leather will give it that appearance. When I asked for minimal distressing on my jacket, it still arrived with scuff and abrasions marks all over the jacket. Good thing for my Pecards.... :)
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Post by Chewie Louie »

I think it was pretty much due to the incidental handling of the leather while making the jacket. It is nowhere near as distressed as the first jacket. Also, the first jacket, due to the heavy distressing, has that cool reddish look. After seeing the film again for the 3rd time the other day, I am certain the props dept. applied something to the jacket to darken them up a bit, and tame some of Tony's distressing. I don't plan on applying any Pecard's to either one of them any time soon. Right now, I am just so pleased with both. I'm not sure which one I would recommend to potential Nowak buyers.

I think regardless of the movie (ROTLA, TOD, LC, or CS) the Indy jacket is really cool, and has a timeless look to it. I don't think I'll ever have to buy another leather jacket as long as I live.
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Post by Mannie Bothans »

The leather itself is predistressed cowhide, so nothing will make it look like a pristine dark lamb or goat. Plus, even when I asked for a jacket with no distressing, Tony said a little distressing is inevitable as the leather is sown, so I settled on "very mild" distressing. Tony likes to give them character at the beginning so they will age more beautifully and be more like the ones he supplied to the production; he didn't want to cut back on the distressing for mine way back when I ordered it, but he did. He is a really nice guy, very eager to please.
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Post by Mulceber »

Well I just got my jacket back after having some of the specs adjusted by Tony. Here it is:




and here's the nice bag it came in (don't think anyone's posted pics of one yet)


As a finishing touch, because he had to do some extra work on the jacket, Tony sent this KCS Polo shirt along, free of charge:


I've no clue where he got it - it looks far more professional than most Indy T-shirts I see out there. Could it be that a certain number of these were distributed to the crew for KCS?

As always, Tony was wonderful to deal with - always extremely courteous and friendly, and determined to see to it that these jackets are worth the price tag. He's succeeded marvelously. :junior: -M
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Post by jacksdad »

congrats to all of you with new jackets wear them in good health and enjoy. One day I'll have to get one of those too. But unitll then I'll look at the pictues of your jackets and just dream,till that day oh well.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Ugh, wire hangers?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me? Someone should immediately take you and drag you behind a fast moving truck . . . on a dirt road . . . with lots of rocks.
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Post by Indiana G »

can i do it? wait a sec.....i like mulceber.....ok...i'll go real slow :lol:

chewie louie's right though....get a nice hanger for that collector's piece or just lay it on the ground/shelf :wink:
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Post by Mulceber »

Trust me, those aren't the coat hangers I use for my jackets. They were only used for the pics because you can twist the hook on a wire coat hanger whereas you can't for most of the better ones. I don't even use a coat hanger for my TN jacket - I just hang it by its loop on a coat hook. Still think I should be dragged behind a truck Chewie? Judge not, lest ye be judged. :junior: -M
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Post by Indiana G »

Mulceber wrote:Trust me, those aren't the coat hangers I use for my jackets. They were only used for the pics because you can twist the hook on a wire coat hanger whereas you can't for most of the better ones. I don't even use a coat hanger for my TN jacket - I just hang it by its loop on a coat hook. Still think I should be dragged behind a truck Chewie? Judge not, lest ye be judged. :junior: -M
no!!! that's even worse. that loop will stretch over time considering the weight of the jacket. i'm sure mr. nowak has reinforced it so it won't rip out on ya. i wouldn't do that but she's your baby....and mr. nowak did tell us to beat the **** out of it.

personally, i think she's too heavy for that and it will stretch the leather over time. my 2 cents.
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Post by Mulceber »

The problem is then, you're stuck with not putting your jacket anywhere - Peter always advised that you shouldn't put your jacket on ANY coat hangers due to the stretching effect. If you can't put your coat on a coat rack either, than you're left with no place to put it.

And to be honest really, I don't care if the loop stretches a little. It makes it look more used and has absolutely no effect on how the jacket will look when you're wearing it. :junior: -M
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

That's a fine looking jacket, and comparing the Wested to the Nowak like that, I can almost imagine how both jackets look like in the movie... Even color-wise, that Wested looks spot on for what I imagine Indy's jacket in Raiders and Crusade, likewise for the Nowak and KotCS!

As for the loop, I suppose to each his own, and I guess everyone is right to a certain extent, since every 'storage' method does have its pros and cons, whether immediate or eventual.

However, with regards to the loop, I wouldn't be so much afraid of it snapping, as much as I would be of the leather stretching (on the back of the jacket), especially considering the pressure from the entire weight of the jacket being forced onto that one spot. With a wide hanger, I suppose this would alleviate the problem a little as the pressure is not as concentrated. Still, as Peter said, the stretching effect would be present on any hanger.

I personally wonder if maybe we should all just fold the jacket up like we would a T-shirt? I've read that it would be bad for a leather jacket, but never heard why though... In any event, I've got a Nowak in Ford's size that I'm saving for an eventual Indy mannequin (once I find the space), and I'm keeping that jacket folded up in Nowak's canvas bag in my closet, just the way I recieved it! That way, it won't stretch or anything of the sort... ;)

Also, just like you I've got a distressed and a not-as distressed jacket, and it's always fun to compare the two! The heavily distressed Nowak has a very... animated look about it, an almost surreal and cartoonish appearance. However, that's the way they were delivered to the Indy crew, it seems, and further distressed and darkened for what we finally see on screen. Ironically, the not-as distressed jacket is (to me) more screen-accurate looking due to the darker look. Ironic, because the screen-accurate jacket simply looks more accurate than the prop-accurate jacket, if that makes any sense! :lol:

If I were to do it again though, I'd order two Nowak's, both heavily distressed, and simply pecard one of them. The final effect would no doubt be similar, with the added benefit of having those subtle, prop-accurate streaks and creases, not to mention weather-protection! I actually intended to do just that with this one, but when it arrived it ended up looking perfectly screen-accurate already! Nowak kindly offered to further distress it for me at no extra charge, but after a brief reflection, I decided that I could always save that can of Pecards for another purchase somewhere down the line! ;)
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Post by Mulceber »

Thanks Castor, definitely some things to think about. I hadn't thought of the potential for leather on the back to stretch a bit. Still, to me the coat rack method seems the best way to store it.
Even color-wise, that Wested looks spot on for what I imagine Indy's jacket in Raiders and Crusade
The ironic thing is that that's an authentic brown goat...the very color that people are always criticizing as "too light." :roll: Btw, thanks! :P
I've read that it would be bad for a leather jacket, but never heard why though
Probably because it would cause creases in the leather. I suppose the only completely safe method for storing a jacket is on a mannequin. :junior: -M
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Post by Kaplan »

just as I am about to order a jacket, Tony's site goes down for maintenance. :?

Did anyone here save those pics of the Screen accurate measurements?
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Mulceber wrote: Still think I should be dragged behind a truck Chewie? Judge not, lest ye be judged. :junior: -M
Heck yes! Tell me this doesn't look like fun.

As for hanging the jacket, a nice wide coat hanger will do just fine and not harm the jacket in anyway. Not sure if keeping it folded in the plastic bag and inside the canvas bag is the way I would go though. It might develop unsightly creases, plus other environmental factors may also affect the jacket. (i.e humidity) As for the look of the jacket, I agree that the non-distressed jacket I got from Tony looks more SA. I am definitely convinced the jackets were treated with Pecard's or the like for CS. Tony's distressing is just barely noticeably in the movie. IMO I have no immediate plans to apply it to either jacket though. Doing it on a brand new healthy jacket is nuts to me.

By the way, what are some of you guys using the canvas bag for?
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