That's a fine looking jacket, and comparing the Wested to the Nowak like that, I can almost imagine how both jackets look like in the movie... Even color-wise, that Wested looks spot on for what I imagine Indy's jacket in Raiders and Crusade, likewise for the Nowak and KotCS!
As for the loop, I suppose to each his own, and I guess everyone is right to a certain extent, since every 'storage' method does have its pros and cons, whether immediate or eventual.
However, with regards to the loop, I wouldn't be so much afraid of it snapping, as much as I would be of the leather stretching (on the back of the jacket), especially considering the pressure from the entire weight of the jacket being forced onto that one spot. With a wide hanger, I suppose this would alleviate the problem a little as the pressure is not as concentrated. Still, as Peter said, the stretching effect would be present on any hanger.
I personally wonder if maybe we should all just fold the jacket up like we would a T-shirt? I've read that it would be bad for a leather jacket, but never heard why though... In any event, I've got a Nowak in Ford's size that I'm saving for an eventual Indy mannequin (once I find the space), and I'm keeping that jacket folded up in Nowak's canvas bag in my closet, just the way I recieved it! That way, it won't stretch or anything of the sort...
Also, just like you I've got a distressed and a not-as distressed jacket, and it's always fun to compare the two! The heavily distressed Nowak has a very... animated look about it, an almost surreal and cartoonish appearance. However, that's the way they were delivered to the Indy crew, it seems, and further distressed and darkened for what we finally see on screen. Ironically, the not-as distressed jacket is (to me) more screen-accurate looking due to the darker look. Ironic, because the screen-accurate jacket simply looks more accurate than the prop-accurate jacket, if that makes any sense!
If I were to do it again though, I'd order two Nowak's, both heavily distressed, and simply pecard one of them. The final effect would no doubt be similar, with the added benefit of having those subtle, prop-accurate streaks and creases, not to mention weather-protection! I actually intended to do just that with this one, but when it arrived it ended up looking perfectly screen-accurate already! Nowak kindly offered to further distress it for me at no extra charge, but after a brief reflection, I decided that I could always save that can of Pecards for another purchase somewhere down the line!