Would TN make a Raiders?

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Would TN make a Raiders?

Post by mooniteman »

So do you think Tony Nowak would make me a Raiders lambskin?

And how much does those jacket's run? i can't get the site to work properly.


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Post by PSBIndy »

TN only makes CS jackets. If you want the best Raiders jacket, Wested is your best bet....afterall, these guys made the original. In my opinion, for the ultimate Raiders, get a Wested custom Raiders in Authentic brown lambskin.
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Post by mooniteman »

Already have one - but i'm not happy with it - it's just too big for me - guess I gotta form over some more cash to wested then
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Post by PSBIndy »

mooniteman wrote:Already have one - but i'm not happy with it - it's just too big for me - guess I gotta form over some more cash to wested then
......you need a customized Wested Raiders, not OTR. Makes all the difference in the world.
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Post by Indiana G »

PSBIndy wrote:
mooniteman wrote:Already have one - but i'm not happy with it - it's just too big for me - guess I gotta form over some more cash to wested then
......you need a customized Wested Raiders, not OTR. Makes all the difference in the world.
don't forget about mr. coyle.....his raiders in prewashed lamb is the only raiders jacket IMHO. leather, drape, buckles, strap stitching, zipper, pockets, storm flap, collar, are all pretty much bang on to what you see on screen.

wested makes a fine custom jacket.....and you can get them to account for all the nitpicky stuff....but after all that, the lamb still looks squeeky clean. like agent 5 said a long time ago..."a new jacket is not very indy" :wink:
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Post by mooniteman »

who's Mr.Coyle?

sounds like a cartoon villain - lol
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Post by TheMechanic »

Todd Coyle at Todd's Costumes.

Oh, and Nowak's CS jackets are around $700.
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Post by Han Jones »

Todds is the best way to for a Raiders jacket. I only have the standard but you can bet his custom is great. I have compared my Wested to the todds standard and they are not even close. The Todds looks much more like the raiders jacket.
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Post by PSBIndy »

Han Jones wrote:Todds is the best way to for a Raiders jacket. I only have the standard but you can bet his custom is great. I have compared my Wested to the todds standard and they are not even close. The Todds looks much more like the raiders jacket.
....Ouch! A $150 "costume" jacket better than a genuine Wested Raiders?!....... the same people who made the original version for Harrison?!..........sacrilege! :D
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Post by Indiana G »

PSBIndy wrote:
Han Jones wrote:Todds is the best way to for a Raiders jacket. I only have the standard but you can bet his custom is great. I have compared my Wested to the todds standard and they are not even close. The Todds looks much more like the raiders jacket.
....Ouch! A $150 "costume" jacket better than a genuine Wested Raiders?!....... the same people who made the original version for Harrison?!..........sacrilege! :D
that's todd's "standard". the "custom" is $499 and worth every dime imo. also my opinion, wested's raiders jacket is a simplified LC jacket. ie - these are the patterns that peter kept records of (someone correcty me if i'm wrong...er...._?). peter's LC and prototype CS jackets are the real deal for us stitch nazis as i see these jackets having the correct pedigree...and/or proposed pedigree.

the only jackets that bear direct lineage to the size and specs of a jacket from the raiders era is the G&B and todd's. both were patterned after a raiders stunt jacket. all of us gearheads have our fingers crossed in hopes that that jacket which _ pulled the specs off of is 'close nuff' to the hero jacket. from what i've seen of the G&B and my own experience with todd's, i am one of those gearheads that are eternally greatful for the work of _ and our other forefathers, back in the day :wink:
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Post by CM »


that's todd's "standard". the "custom" is $499 and worth every dime imo. also my opinion, wested's raiders jacket is a simplified LC jacket. ie - these are the patterns that peter kept records of (someone correcty me if i'm wrong...er...._?). peter's LC and prototype CS jackets are the real deal for us stitch nazis as i see these jackets having the correct pedigree...and/or proposed pedigree.


My Wested LC and the ones I have seen here look nothing like the movie version. The cut and the pockets are way off. Magnoli does the best LC. I guess the patterns Peter had are lost. The suggestions given to Peter has resulted in his Raiders looking a lot more like the film version. His CS jacket looks pretty good to me.
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Post by Cassidy »

So Peter needs to get ahold of a Todd's and re-copy it.

Simple. Then we'll have the so-called best looking Raiders jacket by the original maker. That should make people happy, right?
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Post by Anderson »

From what I understand, Peter and Todd had a bit of a falling out a year ago on the boards. I don't know if they've made amends since, but don't get your hopes up on peter taking Todd's patterns :lol:
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Post by Shawnkara »

I'm ordering a jacket from Todd soon, and to my eye it's the only Raiders jacket ever made that's accurate. I've owned 5 Wested jackets,a G&B goat, a USW and what I believe was an Aero version (got that from _). NONE of those jackets ever looked right to me, not even the coveted G&B.

There's one critical point that will draw my eye instantly: yoke design. The Raiders jacket had a high, narrow yoke. The pleats actually crested the curve of Ford's shoulders by a couple inches. ALL of the other Indy jackets I've owned had that d**n wide yoke that placed the top of the pleats level with the arm pits. It's inaccurate, non-functional and looks silly. Those pleats are there to open up and accommodate the forward rolling motion of the shoulder as the arm is extended. They're useless if they stop at the armpit. And did I mention they look silly? :lol: Todd's is the only jacket I've ever seen that's actually gotten this very critical point right.
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

I pointed out the "engineering flaw" in the yoke/pleat arrangement once before and got my head bitten off for it by the Wested groupies. ;) Glad someone else recognizes it too. Heck, the action pleats in some cuts of leather jackets run all the way to the shoulder seam. It's supposed to be there to ease the strain across the shoulder blades (a trouble area on just about everything I've worn -- broad shoulders), and being cut at the armpits really does nothing functional.
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Post by PLATON »

Todd's is the only jacket I've ever seen that's actually gotten this very critical point right.
Are you saying that wested custom 80s fit is still wrong?
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Post by Indiana G »

PLATON wrote:
Todd's is the only jacket I've ever seen that's actually gotten this very critical point right.
Are you saying that wested custom 80s fit is still wrong?
yes. my custom todd's looks more like the raiders jacket than a custom 80's fit wested which looks bang on to the screen LC pattern. IMHO of course.
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Post by PLATON »

This is very interesting.
Can you show the difference with photos ?
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Post by Michaelson »

To be fair to mooniteman, please start another thread.

He asked about TN making a Raiders jacket, and a Todd's discussion breaks out.... :roll: :lol: Yeah, yeah, I know, he asked who 'Mr. Coyle' was....but that was answered.

Let's move this to another thread, and allow the TN Raiders discussion to continue.


Regard! Michaelson
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Post by PLATON »

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Post by CM »

Just why would TN make a Raiders when he already has a film jacket to his credit? Besides, the Raiders jacket is a soft lamb thing - more like a denim jacket than a leather one. Would TN want a piece of that? No, probably.
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Wested makes CS jackets, so why Nowak couldn't make ROTLA? It's business, my friends.
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Post by PSBIndy »

Indiana Strones wrote:Wested makes CS jackets, so why Nowak couldn't make ROTLA? It's business, my friends.
Well, given that Tony makes darn good jackets, I can't see why not.....but I wonder how SA it would be.......if he were to do so, he probably needs to get a good Raiders pattern from somewhere and charge far less than his CS jackets since he's not the original maker. However, I bet he would sell a lot of Raiders jackets given the great word-of-mouth he has received here from his very satisfied customers.
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Post by Indiana G »

PSBIndy wrote:
Indiana Strones wrote:Wested makes CS jackets, so why Nowak couldn't make ROTLA? It's business, my friends.
Well, given that Tony makes darn good jackets, I can't see why not.....but I wonder how SA it would be.......if he were to do so, he probably needs to get a good Raiders pattern from somewhere and charge far less than his CS jackets since he's not the original maker. However, I bet he would sell a lot of Raiders jackets given the great word-of-mouth he has received here from his very satisfied customers.
but remember....he is charging far less on these CS jackets to us AND he is is the original maker 8)
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Post by CM »

Indiana Strones wrote:Wested makes CS jackets, so why Nowak couldn't make ROTLA? It's business, my friends.
Maybe, but business isn't everything - just ask those affected by the sub-prime collapses. Besides, Wested is unusually felxible.
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Post by Mulceber »

Very true, CM. Yes, I'm sure Nowak COULD make a Raiders jacket, but would he? I doubt it. He seems very comfortable with his own niche in the market. He doesn't need Raiders/ToD/LC business. :junior: -M
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Post by Chewie Louie »

I wanted a Raiders, so I bought a Wested. I wanted a CS, so I bought a Nowak. I am happy with both.
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Post by Mulceber »

Couldn't have said it better myself. :junior: -M
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Post by Indiana Strones »

Chewie Louie wrote:I wanted a Raiders, so I bought a Wested. I wanted a CS, so I bought a Nowak. I am happy with both.
I 100% agree with you.
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Post by Prescott »

You could have him make one that's Raiders'ish. Just leave off the press studs on the storm flap and raise the side cinch straps an inch or two. Admittedly these aren't the only differences between what is essentially LC jacket and a Raiders. It would definitely be a hybrid. Anything with more accuracy would require a different set of patterns and a lot of work to get the details just right. Even with those in hand, Tony is reluctant to reproduce what he considers mistakes in the original pattern. He wants to make a jacket that will last with abuse. I also get the feeling that anything beyond mild requests (not the laundry list) would probably not be welcomed. After all, it would not be the jacket he offers.

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Post by bobjones »

Prescott wrote:You could have him make one that's Raiders'ish. Just leave off the press studs on the storm flap and raise the side cinch straps an inch or two. Admittedly these aren't the only differences between what is essentially LC jacket and a Raiders. It would definitely be a hybrid. Anything with more accuracy would require a different set of patterns and a lot of work to get the details just right. Even with those in hand, Tony is reluctant to reproduce what he considers mistakes in the original pattern. He wants to make a jacket that will last with abuse. I also get the feeling that anything beyond mild requests (not the laundry list) would probably not be welcomed. After all, it would not be the jacket he offers.

I am guessing here, but if money was not an issue nor time, then someone could request a modified CS jacket detailing the exact changes to the current jacket. He is a leather jacket maker by trade, and probably gets lots of custom orders.

I would gather he is no different than any other maker, its just a question of what one is willing to spend.
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Post by Prescott »

Almost without exception, money talks.
Lots of money talks Loudly.
This is his profession and he enjoys what he does. If you were to approach this as a new project with the funds to finance the work, then it could be done. If you're really interested in pursuing this, give Tony a call. Present it as a new project/order and see what he says. As others have said, he's a great guy that loves to talk with others about what he does. If nothing else, it would be a fun and educational call...

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