... e_whip.htm

Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Ask and you shall recieve.louiefoxx wrote:From the picture it looks like there's something weird going on at the butt of the whip between the two ends of the wrist loop. I"m not sure what it is...but my eye is drawn to it. scot2525, could you take a picture of the end of the butt?
I'm just curious if it is what I think it is.
Puppetboy wrote:Hey, all!
First off, I'm sorry scot2525 that you got that whip with a hole in it. I should have seen that when packing it up. As we discussed, we're going to exchange that for you.
Secondly, I think the photos shown here are not that flattering an angle. Here is a picture of a random sampling I pulled off the shelf. There are 15 whips here. As you can see, since the knobs are hand formed from a leather roll, there are variations.
And you can also see that when viewed from a different angle, they don't look so bad.
I measured the knobs in the photo and found the smallest to be 1.58" and the largest to be 1.9". The actual size Sergei measured on the Raiders whip was 1.7". The average of all of the knobs here is 1.68". I'd say the factory did a pretty good job of following my specs. I know everyone will have their preference and opinions about whip knobs, but these are not far off. On the next run we will make sure the shape is a little more "egg" shaped, and that the diamonds on the handle plaits are more square - just a little is all that is needed.
And now for a disclaimer - these whips are not for the perfectionist. You have to pay more for that.
And now for the announcement - if you'd like a particular knob size/shape, just ask and we'll sort through our stock and find one you'll like.
Second announcement - price reduction. Since these whips aren't up to the standards of our own in-shop made whips, we are going to offer these for a reduced price - $149. We will still offer our in-shop whips at $199.
For those of you who paid $199 for these factory whips, just drop me an e-mail and we'll refund the difference.
I hope you'll agree that it's a good deal for a 12 plait indy-style whip.
Also, a 10 footer is on the way FYI.
Hey scot, your new whip looks much better!scot2525 wrote:Took the whip outside tonight and made my first attempts at whipcracking as an adult. I achieved a few "wipper snapper" cracks but mostly alot of "thwip" or "blat". My right shoulder is not real happy with me and I a gave myself a welt on my right ear. I need to watch ALOT more video on youtube and maybe purchase a DVD on this art. On to the pics of my replacement whip.
Puppetboy wrote:Guys are calling me complaining that the whip is so crappy the cracker flew off after only two weeks of heavy use!
Actually, the problems we have had have not been from the cores. Unless there is a major flaw in the casting, they hold up great (so far). The beauty is that the urethane core at the tip tapers to a very thin point and it very elastic. The work at the tip is being done by the leather. In a all-leather whip, the outer plait is all there is for the last foot or two anyway (no core down there) so it's the same situation.It seems to me the urethane core would be problematic
I'm working with them on that, though in person they really don't look that bad. The overall effect is good. They've already promised that they will change the shape, but you never know until you open the shipping box if they've done it or not.Also, and no offense intended, but you really need to crack down on that factory about those Turk's knots. They look like they're plaited over little coffee cans.
Are you saying you'll be selling your first run for $99?Puppetboy wrote: Okay, this first run of whips we'll sell for $99.