From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Just upgraded from my 2 year old jrzjoe 4 plait 8 footer to this new one, an 8 plait 8 footer in dark saddle tan. I just got it so I haven't cracked it yet. Probably this weekend. What do you guys think?
For the price I consider it to be quite a bargain. It cracks pretty well and looks good, and has a leather core instead of the usual cheapo stuff. I would like to know who is making them. The eBay description always says simply "made by a master whipmaker."
It's a good-looking whip! I actually just bought one of the natural tan whips from that seller. It looked rather nice in the pictures, but I think I'll end up darkening the knot to give it more of Raiders feel.
I have an issue with a lot of people that call someone a master whipmaker, but then don't say who it is. In my opinion there are very few master whipmakers and I don't think many of them would be cranking out whips that retail in the $225 price range. In every other industry when someone achieves a master skill level their price goes up.
I'm not saying the whip is bad (I haven't tried one) but the title master is thrown around a lot these days and especially on ebay it doesn't have a name to back it up.
Personally I'd be wary of buying something that was made by a master, but then I didn't know who the master was.
To me, it looks like a pretty decent whip for $70 bucks. For that money, you can not really ask for more.
Also, this whip looks similar to the one offered by the Noble Collection as the "official Indy whip" discussed in other threads. They both have the same features and look. I'd bet they are made by the same company.
I have a jrzjoe whip that is natural tan with a 12 plait design. I like it for prop use but its not a great cracking whip. I have to say, after owing one and seeing yours, this is not made by the same people. Jrzjoe whips come unfinished looking and still need to be rolled and conditioned. This one looks old and weathered. Not bashing your find here, I think it looks good for the price, but I don't like the false promises this jrzjoe guy makes.
I asked those guys selling these whips who in fact was the "master whip braider." The reply was that they couldn't divulge their source, which I thought was pretty lame. But honestly, I wouldn't mind taking one and beating it around some.
From the pics it really doesn't look half bad - especially for $70?!?! Hard to know without handling it, but it looks like you snagged a pretty good deal!
I just got mine, and being my first whip, I really can't compare it with anything, but this thing is awesome! It took me a while to get the hang of it (and to realize there was a knot in the fall for shipping XD), but there's really nothing like that first CRACK and the "Did I do that? O.o"
The natural tan is actually a bit darker than I expected, but I think that's a good thing. Regardless of whether or not it's a good cracking whip, it sure does look like the kind of tool Indy would use.
The whips looks nice and for $70.00 I would call it a bargain even if it all it did was look good. My question is, and if you can tell, is the leather full-grain leather or "genuine leather press"? I am referring to the stuff belts and cheap shoes are made of. Just curious.
I figured I would add, this whip cracks fairly well in the hands of a novice such as myself. I hadn't handled a whip in nearly 20 years when this was filmed (incidentally, Jessica who also appeared in the video had never handled a whip but seemed to be a natural with it!):