Nowak's L.E. Screen Accurate Jacket: RE. SCREEN ACCURACY

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Nowak's L.E. Screen Accurate Jacket: RE. SCREEN ACCURACY

Post by KrYpToNiAn1 »

Is an Indy jacket still considered Screen Accurate, if it is in a different size, then the on screen version?

What do you guys think? I am under the assumption, that size generally isn't an issue. For the most part, we are ordering jackets in and around the same size. So an inch or two in the shoulders and sleeve, shouldn't disrupt the accuracy of the entire jacket. Only in extreme cases should it matter. For example, if Tony was asked to make a jacket for an infant or a giant... obviously then, he would make adjustments to the jacket's details (ie. pockets, flaps etc...) to look appropriate on that size of jacket.

Here is what others have said so far...
nicktheguy wrote:I think if someone was to define a completely screen accurate jacket, they would have to have the exact specifications of what was used in the film - in this case it would have to be that of the size of Harrison Ford....however (and I am speaking as a stuntman) quite often the stunt double costumes are a size or two larger than the ones worn by the principle performers...why? To allow for pads. I would be willing to bet that the stunt jackets were larger to allow for stunt pads and jerk vests...this would mean that Screen accurate would have to be particualr to a certain scene or action sequence. To be honest, the size alterations on pockets and collars would only be noticeable on extremely large or extremely small jackets.
TheChimp wrote:It's subjective, but I would say yes, it is screen accurate. If you were to say no, then I don't think anything could be considered SA unless it not only was in HF's size, but had every distressing mark in exactly the same place on the jacket. Even this isn't possible since there were multiple jackets.... so relax. It's SA.
Any thoughts?


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Post by Kt Templar »

Our experiences strongly indicate that different size jackets need to be scaled. Size 44 pockets on a 38 or a size 50, do not work.
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Post by KrYpToNiAn1 »

The whole reason this question came up, was because Tony called me regarding the Screen Accurate version of the LE, he is offering.

Tony is labeling "Screen Accurate" along with our names, and the ###/777 - to the LE patches on the inside pocket of these jackets. He wants to make sure, what the consensus of Screen Accurate, really is.

He's calling me later today to chat...
Nebraska Brad wrote:I own a US Wings LE and am also waiting on a Nowak. In my conversation with Tony he assured me that he had to correctly scale the jacket proportions to fit a variety of sizes. He also wanted to make a point (as has been stated previously) that the jacket is made to be worn hard and that he wants us to "beat the s**t out of it".

Cool Nebraska! Thanks!

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Post by IndyBlues »

KrYpToNiAn1, another factor of screen accurate(for me anyway), is the color and texture of the leather. Most pics of the CS jacket seem to look to evenly distressed, and have that 80's Acid Wash look to it.
Now, the Ultimate Indiana Jones Visual Guide( or whatever it's called), has a great picture of the jacket in the gear section, and the color and texture look incredible. Is there any way to get Tony to send a pic of the leather at least, so we can see what it looks like.
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Post by KrYpToNiAn1 »

I'll be posting pics as soon as I have possession of the jacket. Keep in mind, I live in Toronto, so others on here may get theirs a bit quicker than me, however Tony did tell me that I'd have it on Thursday.

IndyBlues do you have that picture from the Visual Guide you were referring to? If so, can you post it?

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Post by IndyBlues »

I have the picture, but unfortunately, my scanner is down. Anyone else have the guide, and a working scanner?
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Is it screen accurate to have a LE name and numbered patch on the inside? I could care less myself. I'm just wondering if that might bother some. As for me, the distressing of the jacket is not that big a deal either. Because so many different jackets will get screen time due to the various stuntmen, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to have any one jacket exactly match any of the jackets shown on screen.

Also, I know some people made an issue of the leather and what batch it came from. Again, no big deal TO ME. For me, it is sufficiently screen accurate to know I bought the same size jacket made for Ford and made by the same guy. And now seeing what the Belstaff jacket may be selling for, I am feeling a whole lot better about my order.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

A jacket can be screen accurate and be in whatever size fits the owner. That is insane to buy a jacket for $700 that fits someone else.

If you are a lot taller than Harrison Ford, it is not going to look very screen accurate when you are wearing your jacket if it looks like you got the short sleeve version. Where the sleeves end has always been a very important part of the screen accuracy of an Indy Jacket.

If you buy a jacket that fits Harrison Ford, but not you, you will enjoy not wearing your jacket.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:A jacket can be screen accurate and be in whatever size fits the owner. That is insane to buy a jacket for $700 that fits someone else.

If you are a lot taller than Harrison Ford, it is not going to look very screen accurate when you are wearing your jacket if it looks like you got the short sleeve version. Where the sleeves end has always been a very important part of the screen accuracy of an Indy Jacket.

If you buy a jacket that fits Harrison Ford, but not you, you will enjoy not wearing your jacket.
Agreed. But who on earth would buy any jacket (regardless of price) if it did not fit them.
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Post by redsleighdown »

I believe there are two ways something can be SA
A) Exact color/measurements/EVERYTHING!
B)Exact color etc., and CORRECTLY PROPORTIONED measurements

But to be ironic, if Tony is adding the names and #s to the jackets, they are no longer perfectly SA. :P
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Post by KrYpToNiAn1 »

redsleighdown wrote:But to be ironic, if Tony is adding the names and #s to the jackets, they are no longer perfectly SA. :P
Totally... so true. But without the names and #s - they wouldn't be Limited Editions. It's a paradox. :shock:

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Post by CM »

SA ideas have sent some people mad around here.

I don't think you can ever have a jacket that's any better that NSA - Near Screen Accurate. It's aways a question of which scene and the size difference, etc. If you're a different size to Harrison by a significant degree, no matter how they scale it the jacket proportions are always going to look different. As my grandma says, an elephant in a tutu is never going to look like a ballerina no matter how well the dress fits....
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CM wrote:SA ideas have sent some people mad around here.
Yes. Ask 10 people and you'll get 10 versions of what SA is.

Remember in 4 movies, we probably had 50-80 jackets (just guessing here), and made by 3 manufacturers.

Would you consider my Wested LC jacket SA, since it's sized differently from the movie jacket? But it's not distressed either. Does it have to be distressed to be SA? How about Fuller's Earth? Lighting? We all know the Raiders shirt was Khaki in color, but appears "Stone" on screen due to lighting and camera filters. So which color would someone consider "SA?"

See my point?

SA is a VERY hard nut to crack. As for a jacket, most of us can be happy with an Indy Jacket from either one of our "original" makers (Wested, USWings, Tony Nowak), or one of the other makers (Flightsuits, Magnoli, Todd's), etc. For others, they want more "accuracy" than just their regular offerings. Special leather, or different depth of pleat, sliders vs. D-rings, etc. But again, unless it's Harrison's size, properly and accurately distressed and dirtied, is it SA?

I'm not trying to start an agrument. Just giving you my 2 cents on how topics on SA usually always end up getting ugly, that's all.
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Post by KrYpToNiAn1 »

My intention was to never start an argument either. I'm on here for fun... not frustration! Regarding the whole SA issue, I know there isn't a right or wrong answer. This is why I wanted to talk about it. I want to hear the opinions of the Indygear community.

Nowak called me and asked me what I thought, and I told him... I was attempting to generate discussion in here, to make sure that my answer was on par with most of you.

I wanted to represent COW's views and opinions to Mr. Nowak.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Mr. Nowak is always more than welcome to join COW and read it all first hand! :wink:
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Post by Michaelson »

He also has access to this public area without even signing up.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by CM »

Michaelson wrote:He also has access to this public area without even signing up.

Regards! Michaelson
Good idea. I prefer it when vendors conduct their own research and advocacy. Not keen on things when one of their customers becomes a kind of fan/salesman...
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Post by Chewie Louie »

CM wrote:
CM wrote:Not keen on things when one of their customers becomes a kind of fan/salesman...
I think that would make up more than 95% of the COW posts don't you think? Usually the input from customers is more valuable, as they usually make unbiased opinions about the product, their overall satisfaction, etc.

My decision to buy a Wested jacket, AB hat and now a TN jacket were greatly influenced by what other COW members had to say.

Getting back on topic, I don't mind the labeling on the inside of the TN jacket. I kinda like that little customization that is out of sight. Like I posted elsewhere, I should have told him to have the label read, "Made for Harrison Ford." In any event, it sure beats the metal plate on the outside of the Belstaff jacket.
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Post by redsleighdown »

Just got off the phone with Tony. Basically, you can be as picky as you want for SA. And if you REALLY want SA, you would need:

30 jackets, made from those same 15 cows used for the original jackets. No ###/777 on the inside of the jacket. Black lining. One pocket. Have the jacket sent to Ford to have him wear it and perform the EXACT actions he did in the movie to add the correct arm creases and weathering....the list goes on.

Also, remember, theres no single "raiders bash" for a SA fedora in every scene of raiders.

So what have we learned? SA is a VERY relative term. For me? I am close enough to Fords size so I went with black lining, one inner pocket, Ford's measurements, and my name and 121/777 on the inside :P
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Post by KrYpToNiAn1 »

I feel exactly the same way about the SA thing. I just think it's an interesting topic to discuss. Especially since the Nowak jacket is one of the most accurate to screen jackets ever offered from a vendor.

Tony should become a COW member, and I have a feeling he may down the road. I've been trying to get him on here since we first chatted back in November. He's an old Polish guy, so I don't know how web savy he is.

The LE Nowak jacket is the real deal. Tony told me this afternoon that the jacket has been double stitched and re-enforced, which means it's been made stronger than the screen worn jackets. As we have heard mentioned before, we should break it in hard and wear it as Indy would. This will assure we give the leather character in our own way. I should have mine on Thursday, that is if it gets over the border into Canada in good time. He has written 'gift' on mine, so duty shouldn't be an issue.

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Post by hollywood1340 »

We really should have a site wide sticky about "SA" and how near SA is best you can hope for and why. Of course once people realize that, site traffic may drop.
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Post by redsleighdown »

KrYpToNiAn1 wrote:Tony told me this afternoon that the jacket has been double stitched and re-enforced, which means it's been made stronger than the screen worn jackets. As we have heard mentioned before, we should break it in hard and wear it as Indy would. This will assure we give the leather character in our own way.
Haha, yes I had a fun conversation with him about that as well. He broke it down for me: "Keep it away from the cleaners! If you spill something on it, wipe it off. It adds character. If you wear it in the rain, good! Just hang it up to dry. Please, beat the #### out of this jacket okay?" Yes, his actual wording :wink: Basically he is doing light distressing on the jackets, like he did for the movie jackets. But they aren't "SA/NSA(near screen accurate)" ready until you ruggedly wear them. He said it is up to us to add the arm creases etc from natural wear so it gives our jackets OUR character. He said we are just like Harrison Ford and need to wear the jacket before it will look like it is truly ours. I completely agree. Remember, these are not only our SA Indy costume jackets, these are jackets meant to be worn often and built to last our entire lives.

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Post by CM »

Chewie Louie wrote:
CM wrote:
CM wrote:Not keen on things when one of their customers becomes a kind of fan/salesman...
I think that would make up more than 95% of the COW posts don't you think? Usually the input from customers is more valuable, as they usually make unbiased opinions about the product, their overall satisfaction, etc.

My decision to buy a Wested jacket, AB hat and now a TN jacket were greatly influenced by what other COW members had to say.


No Chewie that's not what I mean. A few people are one-eyed maniacs. Sensible lovers of a product are no problem. We can all learn from them. PS - I want a Nowak too.
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Post by KrYpToNiAn1 »

CM wrote:A few people are one-eyed maniacs.
Hmm... :roll:

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Post by henryindianajonesjr44 »

Did you purchase this from I see an Indy4 pic but can't find where to purchase. Maybe I can't read..., I go to different pages and nothing comes up.
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Post by TheChimp »

henryindianajonesjr44 wrote:Did you purchase this from I see an Indy4 pic but can't find where to purchase. Maybe I can't read..., I go to different pages and nothing comes up.
yes, the website is broken.

If you want a jacket, e-mail, or call him at 310-322-5565. You cannot at present order online.
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Post by henryindianajonesjr44 »


how strange.... how much is it by the way?
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Post by henryindianajonesjr44 »

Just found it on here. :oops:

Looks great and I'd love one, but I'd feelbetter spending it on my student loans.
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