Poll: Are you going to the premiere in Full Indy Gear?

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith

Are you wearing Full Indy Gear to the Premiere in your Area?

Maybe Some Gear
Total votes: 208

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Post by Columbiana Jones »

Goodness yes--everything!!! I got a little practice this past Halloween walking all around Five Points (the college scene) in Columbia, SC. Went into a couple of bars there and in The Vista (adult scene), Artsee heater in the holster and all (although I admit that I wore the holster up a little where the jacket concealed all but the very bottom of it). Crossed streets in front of cops twice and just acted like I was the real thing. No troubles. Got lots of looks and a few "Indyyyyyyyy" comments. Entered one bar and got a huge cheer from a group of about nine people. This just after a dude outside had asked if I'd recovered any artifacts lately. "Yes. . ." I replied ". . .and thankfully they are safe in the museum where they belong." Lots of fun. Going to the premier with my girlfriend who's all for it. Then my dad, who'll wear a constant look of discomfort--especially that I'm carrying a gun prop in public (he's a former Marine). Believe it or not I'm pretty introverted, but I plan on having a ball!
Last edited by Columbiana Jones on Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by schmidty612 »

Good for you Man. That's Awesome. I once dressed up as Batman and went to Taco Bell and then bowling with some friends, and let me assure you, it was a crappy home made Batman costume, black sweats, a fxxxgxn bed sheet
colored (mostly!) black with a magic marker and a cool rubber mask. I had the stones at 16 that I seem to have misplaced now that I'm 32. I also dressed up as Darth Maul for the EP. I premiere, but that was to help out at a midnight show at a friend's theater. But, as much as I love Indy, I (still) don't know if I could bring myself to do it. I hope you have a blast.

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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

schmidty612 wrote: I had the stones at 16 that I seem to have misplaced now that I'm 32.... as much as I love Indy, I (still) don't know if I could bring myself to do it.
We need to get you some Sankara stones then.
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Post by Mulceber »

schmidty612 wrote:Good for you Man. That's Awesome. I once dressed up as Batman and went to Taco Bell and then bowling with some friends, and let me assure you, it was a crappy home made Batman costume, black sweats, a fxxxgxn bed sheet
colored (mostly!) black with a magic marker and a cool rubber mask. I had the stones at 16 that I seem to have misplaced now that I'm 32. I also dressed up as Darth Maul for the EP. I premiere, but that was to help out at a midnight show at a friend's theater. But, as much as I love Indy, I (still) don't know if I could bring myself to do it. I hope you have a blast.

Come on, Man! Definitely go for it. Think about it, this is your only chance left to go in fully Indygear to a premier. Don't waste it! [-o< :junior: -M
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Post by hocfutue »

I'll be suiting up for the midnight show with a bunch of friends in Seattle--there are typically costumed folks in line for big openings around here.

I'm with the 501st, so going to movies in costumes is what we do. I'm sure there will be a batch of us in Cobra uniforms and gear whenever GI Joe opens, too.
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Post by raider 57 »

OK, What the heck.......I'll do it. I got everything I need. If just one youngster gets a charge out of it, it will all be worth it!

-raider 57
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. On the one hand I think it would be a lot of fun just to show up at the theater in all of my gear just to see the look on everyones faces.....especially the kids.

On the other hand I want to enjoy the movie in peace and I don't want to be bothered with people asking me a bunch of questions or humming the theme while they're sitting next to me. :roll:

I also want to be comfortable while I'm sitting there and wearing the entire outfit including the hat, gunbelt and whip might not work out so well in those cramped theater seats. :lol:

I assure you though......the one thing that would NEVER stop me from going in full gear is worrying that someone might think I was a "geek" for dressing up. I could care less what people might think when it comes to that. ;)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Harry, just go to Jefferson Pointe in your gear and enjoy the show! Everyone else will be enjoying the movie once the lights go down, so I wouldn't worry so much about it. Me, I'm gearin' up for out here! :wink:
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Post by Mola Ram »

IndyFrench wrote:No. I made this mistake in 1999 - Here's the true, untold story and I will be brief.

I watched news footage here in Atlanta of costumed fans waiting in line for Episode I at local movie theatres. I decide, being then a lifelong Star Wars fan, that A) It's safe to do so, and B) I have a costume to put all those to shame! So, I deck out in a virtually screen accurate Luke Skywalker Tatooine outfit, custom boots and whatnot with Graflex saber at my custom-made belt and everything.

I go into the theater at 12 a.m. for the first midnight showing. The theatre is packed and I walk into the bottom aisle of the stadium seating - and NOT ONE OTHER PERSON is dressed up. The entire theatre stops talking almost all at once - probably 300+ people - and stare at me in bemused silence. I take my seat, now very self-conscious and feeling betrayed by the footage on the local news (where were all those people?!) and then am doubly humiliated when the film is gosh-awful.

In the event that KOTCS is a cinematic embarrassment and in the interest of not being humiliated a second time, I am going gearless, Wested and Adventurebilt at the most...if that...
Who cares?

French. Why care?

The way I look at it....all those guys are idiots...
Seriously though, why is everybody so uneasy? This is pretty stupid. A bunch of guys, who have spent 15+ years collecting a costume of a fictional character, braved the household arguments, social put downs and so forth...etc. don't have the guts to wear it to the final premiere of a movie?!!

I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone here....but I don't understand this at all?! :lol: Is there better rationale than "mommy, that man called me a name!!!"

This seems like our time to shine!
Am I missing a key factor?

I've been on here a long time, so many of you guys are extremely passionate about this, why deny yourself that moment of glory?! :junior: :mrgreen:
Last edited by Mola Ram on Thu May 01, 2008 12:07 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Harry, just go to Jefferson Pointe in your gear and enjoy the show! Everyone else will be enjoying the movie once the lights go down, so I wouldn't worry so much about it. Me, I'm gearin' up for out here! :wink:

Ha! That's probably where I will go. The Rave is the only theater here in town that's really the best place to view the film along with all the other summer movies.

I thought about taking my Crystal Skull and lightstand. When the lights go down I could turn it on and make it glow. :lol:
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Post by McFly »

Pitfall Harry wrote:I thought about taking my Crystal Skull and lightstand. When the lights go down I could turn it on and make it glow. :lol:
:lol: Hide it in your jacket, and then when it first appears on screen, hold it up, turn it on, and get up and run out of the theater yelling that you've finally got it. :shock: :lol:

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Post by Tron7960 »

Pitfall Harry wrote:I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. On the one hand I think it would be a lot of fun just to show up at the theater in all of my gear just to see the look on everyones faces.....especially the kids.

On the other hand I want to enjoy the movie in peace and I don't want to be bothered with people asking me a bunch of questions or humming the theme while they're sitting next to me. :roll:

I also want to be comfortable while I'm sitting there and wearing the entire outfit including the hat, gunbelt and whip might not work out so well in those cramped theater seats. :lol:

I assure you though......the one thing that would NEVER stop me from going in full gear is worrying that someone might think I was a "geek" for dressing up. I could care less what people might think when it comes to that. ;)
Having seen pics of your gear, I think you must go in full gear!
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

So it's pretty much a sin if I don't go see the film in full gear, Tron? :D


I think I'll take the skull with me and take it to the theater owner and make it glow. I'll tell him my CS says he should give me a discount on the popcorn and tickets. :lol:
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Post by Cole »

I'm new here and I must say I'm a bit astonished that it is a question at all to go in gear or not.

OK, I am no gearhead and have virtually no Indy gear so far :( , but if I had a gear that would only come close to the beautyfull and astonishing gears some of you guys put together over the years nothing could stop me wearing it at the premier. And by nothing I mean not even my girlfriend who would tell me every 10 sec that I am nuts and that a hat is for old people only. :)

You also have to keep in mind that this might very well be the first and last Indiana Jones movie premier any of us has the chance to attend in full gear.

So gear up people and have a blast at the movie. ;)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I'll be going with Luke Warmwater and we both plan on attending in gear. Besides, we got each other's backs at that point. Whips from two sides! :lol:
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Post by swcrazyfan »

binkmeisterRick wrote:I'll be going with Luke Warmwater and we both plan on attending in gear. Besides, we got each other's backs at that point. Whips from two sides! :lol:
But don't you wear your whip on the left side? then you'd have one whip on the left, and one in the middle correct? :lol:
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

swcrazyfan wrote: But don't you wear your whip on the left side? then you'd have one whip on the left, and one in the middle correct? :lol:
Not if you're back to back.
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Post by swcrazyfan »

Snakewhip_Sable wrote:
swcrazyfan wrote: But don't you wear your whip on the left side? then you'd have one whip on the left, and one in the middle correct? :lol:
Not if you're back to back.
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Post by raider 57 »

One thing though........do we remove our hats during the movie? I wouldn't want to obscure anyone's view!
-raider 57
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Post by hocfutue »

I'm going in gear. Only concern I have is that my whip will get stuck in the folding seat as I try to get up at the end. Very un-Indy to fall over a row of seats because of a "prop malfunction."

And I'll take my hat off in deference to those sitting behind me, just in case.
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Post by slydini »

I have been a huge fan Of Indy since I saw a press screening of Raiders at Paramount. I have always wanted to gear up but never had the means. I have been scrambling to put together gear. Unfortunately, I waited to long so I will have to settle for some subs. I have the wested package on order and an AB as well, no chance of those coming before the premiere. What I do have: A pair of Aldens that came yesterday, A 10 foot Louie Whip. A todd Fedora. Coming in the next few days. LL Bean Taupe Microfibre Pants. Cabella Shirt. Todd Jacket, gloves. And a gunbelt by (I can't remeber.) I think that should do nicely. (I hope) By the way, does anyone know if it's legal to carry a whip in St. Paul, MN?
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Post by Holt »

hocfutue wrote:I'm going in gear. Only concern I have is that my whip will get stuck in the folding seat as I try to get up at the end. Very un-Indy to fall over a row of seats because of a "prop malfunction."
:lol: I just saw this in my head....way to go Indiana :tup: :lol:

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Post by S William »

I just got some fullers earth, and Pitfall Harry has proven that with the stuff it magically makes the gear come to "used" life. I'm going in full gear, and was brainstorming up a way to "safely" be dragged behind a vehicle (whip tied around bumper, perhaps on top of skateboard type of device) at one end of the theater parking lot with the Raiders March blaring out the windows of said vehicle, and letting go in front of entrance to the theater....what a sight that would be. On the other hand maybe I'll stick to the following: I was thinking of filling the gas mask bag with candy, and as the lights dim giving out candy to those around me. No matter what, it will be a fun time.

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Post by Redinight »

I wanted to, but it looks like I won't be getting the whip in time... I knew that I ordered it too late, oh well. Im just pysched for the movie!!! I'll just say I lost my whip and didn't have a back up !! :D
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Post by TonyRush »

Pitfall Harry wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:

So it's pretty much a sin if I don't go see the film in full gear, Tron? :D


I think I'll take the skull with me and take it to the theater owner and make it glow. I'll tell him my CS says he should give me a discount on the popcorn and tickets. :lol:
Harry, as good as your gear looks, you should contact the theater manager ahead of time and work out a deal with him.

I think any theater manager would love to have you at the theater to let the kids get a photo with you! Free publicity for the theater and -- in exchange -- he could let you duck under the velvet rope a few minutes before everyone else!

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Post by Indiana »

Well, I have an entire party going with me now!! :shock: I'm dressing up as Indy and a friend of mine as an Arab, but a bunch of my other friends are coming to the midnight show too! We are making the 22 our senior skip day and starting it off right! With IJ4! :D :D

All the gear is falling into place now! My whip from Gus comes next week along with my Keppler whip holder and my AB should be here next week too! Then I am finished and ready to go!! :D
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Post by afrayedknot »

So is KOTCS coming out on Thursday or Friday? The trailers say May 22nd, which is Thursday, but the theaters are advertising it coming out on Friday, May 23rd. If it comes out on Thursday, the crowd will probably be a lot smaller, and wearing full Indy gear might be a little more awkward, don't you think?
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

raider 57 wrote:One thing though........do we remove our hats during the movie? I wouldn't want to obscure anyone's view!
-raider 57
Simple answer: yes. Indy would do the same. Besides, would YOU like to be sitting behind someone with a hat obscuring your view? :wink:
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Post by TonyRush »

This might be a little off-topic...but has anyone heard anything about their local theaters doing a midnight showing?

Some theaters show a film at 12:05am....I'm wondering if LucasFilm is allowing that for Indy IV.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Tony, check out the IndyIV, Lao Che's, and Events sections of the boards and you'll find lots of talk about this. :wink:
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Post by FloatinJoe »

I'll be out in full gear. The 21st is actually my birthday, and I can't think of a better way to be spending it than waiting in line in full gear! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by afrayedknot »

I'm still trying to decide whether I'll dress for the premiere or not. It depends if it premieres on Thursday or Friday. I don't know if there'll be much of a turnout for the movie on a work night, and dressing for less than a capacity crowd is like wearing your gear while sitting at home watching the DVD (no offense to those of you who do that).

I might dress up for a midnight showing, but has anyone dressed up other than on the day/night of the premiere?
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Most likely the movie will have a midnight showing on the 21st. I'd be more than willing to bet it will be a packed house to. I've been to a few midnight showings recently for some popular movies and they've been sold out. None of those films however had a fanbase as big as Indy though.......

Heck, I was in Wal-Mart the other day and I walked past some 3 year old kid humming the Raiders march.... :shock:

Dress up during the day or at night.....either way there are going to be a plenty of people there.

I'm more worried about people bothering me with all sorts of questions and stuff IF I go in my gear. :lol: I just want to sit and watch the movie! :wink:
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Post by McFly »

"Pssst! Hey Mister!"
"You call him Dr. Jones, doll!"
"Dr Jones!"
"What? I'm watching the movie!"
"Hey down there! Quiet!!"
"Where'd you get your h-"
"Where'd you get your hat?"
"Steve made it!"
"Steve Delk!"
"Who's that?"
"Excuse me sir, I have to ask you to leave..."
"But... who's Steve Delk? Wait! WAIT! I-!"
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

:lol: :lol:

Yeah, that's pretty much how I imagine most of the evening going IF I wear my gear. :lol:
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Post by agent5 »

Pitfall, you have to go in gear. As far as I can tell you don't have any other clothes. :lol:
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Post by Indakin »

I dont know how many of you have actually gone to events in gear before, I know Agent5 has many times. But if anyone is worried about feeling weird or looked at funny in costume, I can let you know that most people are just amazed by the costumes usually. If you go all out and get dirty and scruffy like i did at NYCC or ive seen agent do, people respond even better and usually just think its so cool. Im going almost everytime in gear, ESPECIALLY the midnight showing, that is a must.
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Post by Switch625 »

It was my intention to have the costume completed for the premiere, but 4 unexpected new tires later and my budget's spent. All I need is the jacket, new bag strap and holster from Todd's and I'm good to go. It will be complete by Halloween though, no problem.
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Post by IndyFalco »

I definitely will attend the Midnight showing for IJ4 in full INDY gear. The last time I wore the entire outfit was at Comic-Con and I was interviewed by Spike TV, won tickets to the Scream Awards 2007 !!!!

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Post by raider 57 »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
raider 57 wrote:One thing though........do we remove our hats during the movie? I wouldn't want to obscure anyone's view!
-raider 57
Simple answer: yes. Indy would do the same. Besides, would YOU like to be sitting behind someone with a hat obscuring your view? :wink:
So True Bink..That would be an excellent way to have your Fedora snatched right off your head!! That could get ugly.
-raider 57
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Post by Mola Ram »

raider 57 wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote:
raider 57 wrote:One thing though........do we remove our hats during the movie? I wouldn't want to obscure anyone's view!
-raider 57
Simple answer: yes. Indy would do the same. Besides, would YOU like to be sitting behind someone with a hat obscuring your view? :wink:
So True Bink..That would be an excellent way to have your Fedora snatched right off your head!! That could get ugly.
-raider 57
That IS what the whip is for... :lol:
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Post by myamoebafriend »

Well, I just got my WPG repro bag in the mail today, and my strap from Todd will be coming in a few days, but that will be all the gear I own probably by the time the movie rolls around. And I want to avoid the "man purse" look because if I have the bag and I'm wearing regular clothes and I'm not hiking or something, that is probably what it will look like. So most likely, I won't be going in gear.

However, I am hoping to order Todd's new shirt in about a week or so (please God, let him have some left). So if I'm able to order one, and if by some miracle they ship before the movie is out, then I might wear my gear. But that is a very unlikely circumstance.
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Post by Treadwell »

raider 57 wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote:
raider 57 wrote:One thing though........do we remove our hats during the movie? I wouldn't want to obscure anyone's view!
-raider 57
Simple answer: yes. Indy would do the same. Besides, would YOU like to be sitting behind someone with a hat obscuring your view? :wink:
So True Bink..That would be an excellent way to have your Fedora snatched right off your head!! That could get ugly.
-raider 57
Do you folks not have theaters in your area with stadium seating?
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Post by Michaelson »

In my area? No. I'd have to drive about an hour to get to one. They're not that common out here in the 'sticks'. :lol:

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Treadwell wrote:Do you folks not have theaters in your area with stadium seating?
Stadium seating is good for sightlines, but bad for acoustics. I would prefer a high quality audio and video presentation. I'll take care of picking my seat, to ensure a great experience. (and no, I don't have a wedgie) I have not read anything to support this, and it is only my opinion, but I think stadium seating was a short lived theater fad. At least, hopefully.

Post by whipwarrior »

The gear is actually pretty comfortable in a theater seat. Just have to rotate your equipment belt so that your bullwhip is laying flat in your lap, and place your hat on top of it, out of courtesy for the folks sitting behind you. The satchel can also be nestled comfortably at your side or in your lap, as well. Oh, and if you have nice high-end gear (like I do), don't even DREAM of buying popcorn! :D
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Post by McFly »

whipwarrior wrote:Oh, and if you have nice high-end gear (like I do), don't even DREAM of buying popcorn! :D
Yeah, the bucket makes it look bad! Just take your AB and have them fill it with popcorn, and wash out the liner afterwards. That way you don't have to deal with a hat AND popcorn bucket on your lap, and when the trashcans are full after the show, you don't have to worry about it.

The same can be done for a drink, if you don't like popcorn. :wink:

Anyway - I had said earlier that I may not go in gear if I couldn't get together with other fans. But it looks like I'm going with a bunch! So I'm dusting up my stuff and going all out, all day. Unfortunately, like many others, I'm waiting on a piece of gear that doesn't look like it'll get here in time (my new Magnoli pants), so I'll either wear the old ones that are tight, wear cargo pants, or go in Zeppelin Scene gear! :shock: :lol:

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Post by IndyFilmmaker »

Am I going to the premiere in full gear? Is this a trick question?!

OF COURSE I'm going in full gear. Hello! Adventurers, gearheads, & would-be Indys, haven't you figured it out yet?


All your life you have worshipped Indiana Jones. You have watched and rewatched the trilogy, like an archeologist digging deep to uncover some hidden truth. You have memorized every line, studied every detail, replicated every piece of gear, all in a search for...what?

To be Indiana Jones! And why not?

He. Is. Your. Hero.

And he is mine. But we are not Indy. You know it, I know it. And that's okay. Do we go to the supermarket in full gear? No. Do we go out to dinner with our girlfriend's parents in full gear? No.

Do we go to the premiere of the first new Indiana Jones movie in almost 20 years in full gear? ABSOLUTELY YES!

Gentlemen: May 22nd is a gift. Do not squander it. It is your one and only chance to go all out, to utterly validate your obsession, to prove once and for all that no matter who you are or where you live or what you look like, in your heart of hearts...you are Indiana Jones.

Wear that gear with pride, boy.
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Post by IndyFalco »

IndyFilmmaker wrote:Am I going to the premiere in full gear? Is this a trick question?!

OF COURSE I'm going in full gear. Hello! Adventurers, gearheads, & would-be Indys, haven't you figured it out yet?


All your life you have worshipped Indiana Jones. You have watched and rewatched the trilogy, like an archeologist digging deep to uncover some hidden truth. You have memorized every line, studied every detail, replicated every piece of gear, all in a search for...what?

To be Indiana Jones! And why not?

He. Is. Your. Hero.

And he is mine. But we are not Indy. You know it, I know it. And that's okay. Do we go to the supermarket in full gear? No. Do we go out to dinner with our girlfriend's parents in full gear? No.

Do we go to the premiere of the first new Indiana Jones movie in almost 20 years in full gear? ABSOLUTELY YES!

Gentlemen: May 22nd is a gift. Do not squander it. It is your one and only chance to go all out, to utterly validate your obsession, to prove once and for all that no matter who you are or where you live or what you look like, in your heart of hearts...you are Indiana Jones.

Wear that gear with pride, boy.

I'm so glad you summed up all those great words that way. You ARE ABSOLUTELY right !!! It is OUR day. An event as amazing as IJ4 probably won't happen again, so we've got to take full advantage of it.

Why spent so much time studying the film, obtaining the gear, and learning all things Indiana Jones if we don't use it. Show It Off !!!

I definitely will be in full gear for this once in a life time event. I'm glad to have this be part of my college years.
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Post by myamoebafriend »

That speech just about brought tears to my eyes :D
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