Once more the question is posed, what do we consider "canon"? the literary word, or what we can plainly see?
From my personal experience in costuming and whatnot, "canon" is defined by what is seen on screen, whether it's a film or TV show. First hand information combined with photos from the set are also canon.
If you go with the "literary word" then it should be the MKVI, as that was written in some of the Indy Novels.
Now unless an alleged item comes with a COA from BAPTY in the UK, or the prop house working on the film, I'd question the validity of any claims that go to the contrary of what we can see on screen with our own eyes.
Also, blurry screen caps are NOT exactly the best sources either. I recently did some screen cap work with the US release of Judge Dredd. Keep in mind that the US DVD release is a HORRIBLE transfer, only slightly sharper than VHS. I was convinced that a pin worn was a deaths head symbol... until somone provided a screen cap from a higher resolution source (Laserdisk maybe?). Turns out the pin was an eagle, but the poor resolution of the DVD, combined with blowing up the image heightened the "skull" imagery. Kind of funny.
Getting back on topic, I doubt (not dismiss) that they made a MKVI hybrid with a birds head grip. The WG's grip has a sharper curve and different shape at the top near the hammer. The grip plates (the L/R plastic "grips") will not work on other birdshead revolvers.
I can post additional images of the different birdshead grip/handle if you're interested in seeing the differences. They're subtle, but different unless you know what to look for.
This is the same type of debate that we SW nuts have when we discuss the merits of the asymetrical Vader helmet versus the CAD symetrical one used in ROTS.
Exactly! But both of those helmets were clearly seen on screen, so they're canon.

Whichever style you choose after that is your own personal preference. That's why some Indy fans like the Bapty S&W, some the Stembridge, others the new Service. And then there's a group that likes the Webley. An elegant weapon from a more civilized day. Whoops, wrong movie...