Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Nah this one looks much better IMO. You don't have the tall crown on this one.swcrazyfan wrote:I think we've found the ultimate budget costuming fedora.
Of course the federation would be a better choice if you have the extra money, but I think this works perfectly for the price!
The more I think about it, the more I would have to agree. I love this fedora so much better. I personally love the color! From what I see in pics of the Indy fedora, there is a slight reddish tint to it that the federation does not have.Dutch_jones wrote:Nah this one looks much better IMO. You don't have the tall crown on this one.swcrazyfan wrote:I think we've found the ultimate budget costuming fedora.
Of course the federation would be a better choice if you have the extra money, but I think this works perfectly for the price!
But the fed is rabbit felt, and the Christy also comes in rabbit felt
I would actually suggest buying the Christy's fedoras from www.HornetsHats.com They are the website that when I emailed Christy's they referred me to in order to buy their fedoras. The Fur Felt version is cheaper by about $70 than themovieshop.com's price.Darth Indiana wrote:wow...
i love my new Federation, buy i gotta tell ya: if i'd seen this first, i'd probably have another wool hat on my wall instead of a rabbit.
i'm curious; the site says it's $69.11. why .11? why not just make it an even 69 or an even 70? or 69.95. 11 just seems like an odd number to me.
Does the listed price include tax and shipping? that's the only thing i can think of.
You may be right AC, but for a budget gear buildup the Christy's Adventurer would go perfectly with a Todd's standard jacket.Aeris_Canon wrote:Eh, unfortunately with it being wool, the life expectancy of it staying like that is probably three weeks to a couple of months for real wear.
I'm guessing it will look just like the wool version (maybe better) above only better quality.Vegeta wrote:Holy Cr@p!! That hornets adventurer looks amazing!! Too bad I cant see other pics.
I have no experience with this particular hat, but after steaming several wool stetsons, ( the Mallory, remember that one?) I think that is a sure road to disaster. Clean cold water is the only way to go with wool.Falco09 wrote:Thanks Aeris, I appreciate the pic, it looks great! I think I'm going to go with the fur. Was the bash difficult? Could you dry bash it or did it require some steaming?