Now, the picture:
I need to pick up some saddle soap. The fall used to be white, but unfortunately the grass in my backyard hasn't grown in quite lushly yet and it's a bit dirty.

Thanks for looking!
Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Yes Mike, I am indeed working right now on your whip and Texas Raider's whip as well. They will both be ready to ship soon.IndyFrench wrote:I have a 9-foot del Carpio in the Borton Raiders style that he is working on for me right now, I believe...Can't wait to get it
Your whip is almost finished Dan. I will be shipping it on Monday by Express mail, so you'll have it by Tuesday!BullWhipBorton wrote:I expect to be hearing from Bernardo soon, I have a Raiders bullwhip with some custom specs on order from him that should be shipping any day now.
No, not really changed them, just tweaked them a bit on the MkIIIndyFrench wrote:Uh oh... Borton, did you change your specs again...
Excellent! Thank you for the update Bernardo. I am really looking forward to getting my new bullwhip, especially after seeing the fine job you did with WeeMadHamish's. I'll be Looking forward to seeing those pictures too!Bernardodc wrote:Your whip is almost finished Dan. I will be shipping it on Monday by Express mail, so you'll have it by Tuesday!)
I'll post some pics of the "Borton Special MKII" soon, along with an old Morgan whip that looks so much like the ones used in Raiders.