Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Congrats to you and Marc. With all the effort you 2 have put into Adventurebilt, with all the attention to detail and the work ethic you guys have you both deserve everything you're getting right now. Best of luck with all of it...Fedora wrote:Adventurebilt, which consists of me and my buddy Marc Kitter, were chosen last May to make the film hats, after the costumer looked at other hats and hatters and they came up short.
It depends on which scene or pic you are looking at. I have seen the new hat look taller and shorter. Just like in Raiders.I'm 5'11 and 150 pounds. I guess I'm wondering if the style is indeed correct. The new hat is a hybrid of Raiders and LC, with not as tight of a pinch, and the hat was reportedly not as tall, although the recent photo even caught the guys at AB by surprise by the height. How am I doing so far?
I was really surprised that Bernie did not see it right off, because he was so concise and precise when we were making these hats.It's always been interesting to me that costumers don't look at that stuff more closely.
Yep. More Baron BS. Steve's told us that not true, and besides the fact that I trust the guy completely, we have the costumer for KCS raving about how great Steve was to work with. Do you think he'd be doing that if he had to get all of the hats steve gave him fixed? :junior: -MFedoraman wrote:I am confused here - I know and believe Steve, but "Pony R" on Ren's site posted some text from "Reelz" website that states that Barons had to reshape and reblock ALL the hats supplied by Steve at the last minute to make them look more authentic.
Is this just just more Baron's BS or what????
There's a lot going on right now on my end with a few phone calls and messages - I'll keep you all posted.Fedoraman wrote:I am confused here - I know and believe Steve, but "Pony R" on Ren's site posted some text from "Reelz" website that states that Barons had to reshape and reblock ALL the hats supplied by Steve at the last minute to make them look more authentic.
Is this just just more Baron's BS or what????
Yep. even leather teddies!!Ark Hunter wrote:So FC does EVERYTHING ELSE? And here I thought they only did hats and vintage clothing.
You didn't do anything wrong - you reacted in a manner based on what you knew at the time.Mr. Z wrote:My appologies if I came across as slanderous.
If you wear a fedora and you want to write about anything that you do, share your beliefs, or share a memory - The FC is for that. The word "Chronicles" is very important to us.Ark Hunter wrote:So FC does EVERYTHING ELSE? And here I thought they only did hats and vintage clothing.
Ren,Renderking Fisk wrote:Now, I've invited both parties over to my place to hammer this this out and discuss this in an adult manner. Baron's and Adventurebilt. BOTH sides can have their say. If they want to chat like gentlemen or fight like barbarians - that's up to them.
I strongly believe that people here should be allowed to know where this debate is and read it for themselves. If someone says something that's not true or unfair about your friend or aquantance then you should either speak up for them or let both sides have their say.
Although I'd like to see Steve confront this liar, I have to agree with you Buff. I don't really want to hear anything Baron has to say, much less buy anything from them. :junior: -MBufflehead Jones wrote:Ren,Renderking Fisk wrote:Now, I've invited both parties over to my place to hammer this this out and discuss this in an adult manner. Baron's and Adventurebilt. BOTH sides can have their say. If they want to chat like gentlemen or fight like barbarians - that's up to them.
I strongly believe that people here should be allowed to know where this debate is and read it for themselves. If someone says something that's not true or unfair about your friend or aquantance then you should either speak up for them or let both sides have their say.
I have heard what Baron's had to say on some interviews that I have seen. I forget his name, I think it is Mark, whatever. Quite frankly, I don't care to ever hear him speak again, and that would be too soon.
The hats were sent by me to Western Costume, where a girl aged them(whatever that means) and sent them directly to the film site, to Bernie.Steve, do you know if they distressed the CS hat much? Except for the Fuller's Earth it looks very new in many of the promo shots. The very least they should have done would be to sit on it a few times, and scrunch it up into a ball.
Couple of girls over the years have aged me, that's for sure.Fedora wrote:The hats were sent by me to Western Costume, where a girl aged them(whatever that means)