http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg93 ... G_0316.jpg
Having already worked on a BCF, Dorfman, and an Adventurer, and seeing the hats at my hattery shop I knew that this hat was TOP NOTCH craftsmanship. From the way the felt... felt... to the colour which was beautiful. The ribbon matched beautifully and the fit was excellent. After a few hours of wearing it, the fit was PERFECT. Ken started the hat off for me, cutting the brim and putting in the dents, and I took it home and finished it from there. Since I have raiders keppler on the way I wanted this to be my LC hat and I couldn't be any more impressed or content with the quality. For the price $25 cheaper than a PB Blend and the Fed Dlx, this hat is a bargain. Ken even showd me his prototype that he's had for 3 years and it looked and felt great. All I was thinking on the way back home was "I can't wait to start growing with this hat" I already love it and am growing to love it more and more. Ken is great and will take care of you very well.
DanielJones wherever you are, I am joining you as a Camptown promoter. With my AB, Keppler, and now my Camptown. My hat searching has come to an end. (Keep and eye out on the Bazaar for my Akubra
Cheers mates