i'm very lucky my eye was closed. it actually looks worse in person. that's not a smear of blood, that's part of the welt.
Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Thanks Darth Indiana for sharing. Every once in awhile this happens and it's a good reminder to be careful.But I will tell you my story. I got a brand new 10 foot whip when I first started. Only having cracked 8 footers up to that time, I tried to do a "reverse horizontal" for the first time on the 10 footer. Snap, right into my left eye. I mean I couldn't even blink, it smacked right straight into my left eyeball. The blow from the whip knocked me down.
I got up after 5 minutes and opened both eyes. I could see, but I sensed that something about my left eye was wrong. I closed my right eye, and I could not see ANYTHING from my left. I could see that it was light out, but I couldn't see the blue from the sky or green on the grass. It was like someone spread a whole jar of vaseline right into my eye. What was worse after 10 more minutes of sitting on the ground, it wasn't getting any better. I got up, and very determinedly, cracked off the "reverse horizontal" and took the slow 10 minute hike back to my car.
I then had to drive 30 minutes on a busy highway to the closest ER. Making a left hand turn or merging left without any vision from your left eye is impossible. If you don't beleive me, close your left eye and try to merge left. I get to the ER and the nurse gives me an "EYE CHART" to read. I told her, you don't understand, I can't even see the wall that the "EYE CHART" is on. Well she called in the Opthamologist on call. My vision slowly started to come back after about 1 1/2 hours after the incident. The Opthamologist examines my eye and tells me, I have a BAD RETINAL BLEED. About 25% of my eyeball filled up with blood. The good news is that it shouldn't get higher than 25%. However, he wanted me to go home (with someone else driving of course) and have my wife monitor my blood level in my eye. If it went beyond a certain level in my eye, I needed to have surgery to repair the blood vessel leaking. More bad news.... He told me that I needed to take a whole week off from work and both eyes needed to be blindfolded so to minimize any eye movement from the left eye. Reason? In about 30% of the cases such as mine, the blood vessel BURSTS and we would then have a medical emergency. So his strict instructions were, complete and total bed rest with my eyes completely blind folded for an entire week.
Bottom line: 3 months after the injury, the same doctor examines my left eye for a complete check up. My vision was now a remarkable 20-15, it improved!!!!! I asked, "what's with that Doc?" He said, that I invented a new form of Lasix Eye Surgery. A new version that he will not even bother to publish. Smile We laughed and he told me to always be carefull. Yeah, yeah... But I knew I dodged a bullet.
So the tale from above, I can not stress enough to everyone to minimally wear safety glasses, and a hat with a brim. Over time like I said, you develop a 6th sense. The cracks I do now when I practice have over hundreds of hours invested in them. However, whenever I am learning a new crack, on go the glasses and hat. In fact, if you ever get Mike Murphy tapes, you see him wearing the glasses and hat. And he has been cracking ever since he could walk!
i know it. the brim of my fedora has saved me from many an ill-performed crack. actually it used to have a bound edge, and the whip split the cloth, so now it's more SA.Indiana G wrote:lucky, lucky, lucky......i guess you'll take that lash and run as it could have been much worse.
i typically practice with sunglasses and a ballcap.....it's kind of amazing how useful a ballcap's "bill" is when putting some distance between your face and the fall/popper.
i'm glad you didn't do any permanent damage.
The term escapes me at the moment. I swung the whip over my head counter-clockwise, then when it got to about 2 oclock, i flicked my wrist for the crack. I've done it many times and never got hit before.BullWhipBorton wrote:So are you going to tell us what crack you where attempting to do, when it went so horribly wrong?