I thought I'd give Paul a hand to answer your questions, since he's been very busy answering emails and braiding in the last few days.
The diameter of the handle is 20mm. The diameter at the thickest part of the thong is 22mm. In other words, it is very skinny. I knew what the dimentions were before seeing the whip in person, but when I finally layed my hands on it, boy it looked so skinny!
It's dimentions are consistent with other older Morgan whips, including the documented Raiders bullwhip.
The whip is well worn, and the transition bends noticiably. You can see it in the pics next to the transiton of an almost new Morgan made in 2000. The bent transition makes it look very very Indy.
The butt foundation is rock solid, and by that I mean it won't move or twist. The whip handles well IMO, and feels lighter to modern Morgan whips. I weighted it on my digital scale, and it is indeed lighter. It craks very nicely, but you can feel the bent transition, more so if you are used to crack the whip with a lot of wrist action, as opossed to using no wrist action at all, like David Morgan advocates.
Now some pics I took for you Indy fans. The other 2 Morgans were made around the year 2000. Enjoy!