I have been trying to contact Steve about ordering an AB for over a year now with no luck whatsoever.
heres a story (the short version):
I had been working my *** off to save up money for an AB and when i finally had the cash i sendt steve a mail. The day after i was hoping i had gotten a respond, but, no. "oh well." i thought. "Maybe i'll get a respond tomorrow." but i didnt. after two or three weeks i thought maybe he didnt get it so i sendt him a new one but no respond then either and then my roomates told me that the appartment rent just went up so the AB money had to go to the rent then i had to work even harder at the theatre and school to save up to an AB and to pay the rent and, of course, to put food at the table.
i made it! i had saved up the cash again for an AB but, something else was lurking in the shadows.
After i had sendt Steve a new mail, the other guys i live with came with electrical bills (i hadnt even been much at the appartment at that time. i stayd at my girlfriends place) and it was a bit much, and of course i had to pay because i live there. But i did look after a respond from steve but no there was none.
the school exam was coming up and i had to work on the side, but it was to much for me, so because of stress, i ended up in the hospital.
The doctors told me to take it easy a couple of weeks so i did.
After gaining strength again i started on my exam (i go to filmschool) while the others in my class were almost finished (i did get to deliver it later because i got sick, lucky me

later i found out that AB was picked to be Indiana Jones's new hat. "oh boy!" i thought. "Now it's going to be even harder to contact steve."
I tryed to contact him again but no luck there, but i didnt have the cash the so why bother, right?
My birthday came up and my mother called asking me what i wanted for my birthday and i mentioned AB. "No problem!" she said and she sendt me the money and i was giddy as a school boy writing a mail to steve, but, no respond, so i sendt another, but again, no respond.
i sendt Steve a PM here at COW too but i found out later that he doesnt respond to them.
Steve got more and more busy and i felt that time was running out so i created a new email adress just in case the other ended up in his spam section, but that didnt work either.
so bla bla bla till yesterday:
i was still holding on to the cash my mother sendt me (my birthday was in october) so yesterday i sendt steve a new mail but i didnt wait a respond, i guess i just did it as a last try.
when i came home today i sat down on the mac and surfing the net. then i check'd my mail on hotmail. nothing new there so i continued surfing the web then i remembered "oh yeah. i actually got gmail now too" so i check'd it out and what was this? a mail from.....STEVE! i came through!
i FINALLY came through and now the man himself is going to make me an AB!
now i just wish that i could witness the creation of my hat

boy! im so happy at the moment
high regards to all at COW