Concealed/Cancelable Carry Weapons, Semantics and wording per state regs, read the permits and the state laws pertaining to your area, I thought some people on this forum had more intelligence (How wrong was I).
If you are a member of a firearm club, or state firearm body then the question is mute, as a responsible member, you would know.
This is the most important fact “Be Responsible” Check the local laws, just saying I was on a forum and so and so said… will not cut it in court.
I have worked for Police departments, and where I lived and competed locally the laws were very strict. To even take my pistols from my bolted down, fire proof almost indestructible safe to the range, they had to be carried in a secured case chained to the car boot, no ammo, and I had to have a 0 alcohol blood level whilst in transit and shooting, get caught, lose both my licenses, my car, pistols and suffer a long jail term. I kid you not.
The simple point is check with the local authorities, check with the police in your area, and in fact perhaps even tell them as a courteousy.
Sound pedantic? Tough, if it’s real its not a toy, used for a prop, or whatever it’s a firearm, (Bruce Lees son was killed by a prop pistol…)
IF ITS REAL then there is a big difference between a “toy looking gun” and a REAL ONE.
Its not a toy and you should not treat it as such, being cavalier about it, won’t help you in court if you do run into trouble., showing responsibility will.
BTW There are crowd control rounds that look exactly like your dummy rounds, boy do they hurt… wont kill you but they will maim if put into the wrong spot.
They are different state to state country to country; wording is also different, concealed carry or concealable carry in some places means the same thing as does permit to carry. Openly brandishing a firearm in some counties and states is not a problem.. as I found in a small town in Texas, however do it somewhere else, say hello to MR Swat and the RED DOT.

Most police offices are reasonable, some are just down right storm troopers, without a sense of humor and a limited interpretation of the law. (e.g. they take a narrow view other than a broad view)
Carebear conceable firearm is a pistol, open carry or not . Legal or not it also carries the word responsible use, and thats open to interruptation, by the public, the police officer, the police officer pointing his gun at you and the judge.
Correct if you have permission form the householder, do as you wish, in a public gathering I would also check with the organizers, its called being responsible.
The question you have to ask your self is “am I going with a real firearm to be authentic or to just show off”.
I am afraid the real firearm, responsible, and authentic do not work in public for costume, it is purely an ego thing… and shows no responsibility or maturity and reflects poorly on the firearm owning community. ( that’s my opinion, and I am a firearm lover/collector, ex services and I like hunting and competing, but I was brought up with a strict upbringing and respect for a firearm and the responsibilities of owning one) (BTW zip lock and be off in seconds and its useable again)
If however you are at a Firearm met and the firearm is going to be used, then that is a different matter. (Like some of the western revival shoots)
I for one would not feel comfortable with someone walking around in a public costume party with a zip locked firearm... (I would if I knew them)
Sorry you have touched on subject that I take passionately and have had to suffer because some people have not taken their responsibilities seriously.
Indiana Bond the last statement is what has happend, people not doing the right thing has made it tougher.. I do remember the good old days and miss them.
:evil: Rant off…