We gave up on the bag strap buckles and made our own but the quest for the gun belt buckle was never abandoned completely.
And now the quest is finally over.
We found not only the gun belt buckle but the gentleman that made the actual belts and bag straps for Raiders.
We of cause asked him about the grooves in the bag strap and........ He said that there was indeed grooves in the straps but and as he said "I should know, I made them!." He then said that "It just don't look finished with out grooves."
Well in all the excitement we forgot to ask about grooves in the gun belt so we had to call him up again. He told us that there was grooves in the gun belt as well. He assured us that it was the case but that they could be difficult to see because of the heavy distressing the belts was given.
He also told us that the gun belt buckle it still in production but the bag strap buckle is no more available (lucky we have that covered already)
So ladies and gentlemen what does all this mean?
Well, Adventurebilt Leather will be making bag straps and gun belts some time in the future. We now have the gun belt buckles, "all" we need to do is sample leather in the correct quality and color.
If you have any knowledge in these matters please post it here or contact me (I need al the help I can get
Oh yes, did I mention the bag strap buckle we make
You can see it here:
Best Regards,