Steve, Jim,
Thanks for the kind words. For the transition area, DM doesn't add any binding, and I follow him in that regard too.
pschtyckque wrote:That is fantastic! Is this something you will offer regularly? If so, may I inquire as to the price?
Also, it appears as though your reference whip is a 10-footer. Is that the case? Or is it just coiled more tightly?
Yes, it is my regular Raiders model with a couple of different details, like the knot shape. Price is the same ($380). As Paul pointed out, the documented whip is an 8 footer.
midwestwhips wrote:
GREAT JOB!!! as always. You really nailed the knots and look of the handle. I am sure BWB is extremely pleased. I look forward to hearing his thoughts on the whip. I still plan on making a version/copy of that whip whenever I can get some spare time to. What are the diameter measurements of the handle and transition?
Thanks a lot Paul. As you know, I value a lot your opinions. The diameters are: thong 24mm, handle 20mm.
Adam 'spoil sport' Winrich,

I know you have a sharp eye Adam, and that you have a party popper spirit as well! LOL
Actually it's good that you pointed out those differences, because they are intentional. You see, when Dan placed his order and sent the pics, the first thing I said was that I won't be able to make a thong that thin without altering the construction (core, 2 bellies, 2 bolsters, overlay). He was OK with the thong being slightly thicker than the original.
As for the ring knot, yes, you are right, on the original the knot looks like it's a bit over the end of the spike. I preferred to place it exactly at the end of the spike. I don't like the way ring knots look when they are over the thong. It's like they are falling or something.
Regarding the lace on the wrist loop, yes, to me it looks too like the owner didn't bother to untie the tag, and simply ripped it off. Dan asked for an extra lace in addition to the one I use for my tag. Since he asked me to sign the tag, I'm sure he's going to keep it intact, and at the same time he'll have the lace hanging there like the original whip.
Hope that explains the differences.