Official Factory Produced KotCS AdventureBilt Fedora (Henry)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Official Factory Produced KotCS AdventureBilt Fedora (Henry)

Post by Johnny Fedora »


Ok, per Michaelson...this is a new thread discussing this most interesting development, and a repost of Steve's note about this possibility. :clap:

Fedora wrote:Yes. Being one of the hatters for the last Indy fedora has its perks. You can actually make some money from the hobby now, and it also has to morph into a real business. I am in the process of doing that.

The factory hat is still in planning stages. They have the samples and now we shall have to wait and see if they can clone what we made for the film. Ribbon is being run, just for this project so I don't have to use that 10 buck a yard HJ stock, but the width and color will be right. A blend will be used for the body, and the color is being matched, same with the sweatbands. If this can be pulled off, there will be a factory hat for sale, that can be a CS fedora, or Raiders fedora, with no lead times. How good is that? To be able to order a hat and get it fast, and that hat will have the AB name on the sweat........

If I can get a clone, I am going full steam ahead with this project, and have it in place when the film premiers. It will be a blended fur hat, but will be priced in the sweet price range so as to be affordable by anyone who wants a hat. And it will be very accurate to both Raiders and CS. That is, IF this very old company can provide me with what I want. The ball is in their park. I won't put the AB name on an inferiour hat. No way Hose.

If all of this works out the way I want it to, a vendor will be selling a rabbit Raiders/CS fedora, there will be a factory AB blend, and then Marc and I will make the handmade pure beaver versions as we supplied to the new film. The money we made from the film hats is gonna be sunk into the factory hats, as that is where the money is to be made. I only want to make a hundred hats a year, but I would love to sell an accurate hat that I did not have to make. Being the hatter for KOTCS allows me to do this. A perk, that will actually help the kingdom of Indy gear fans. And in the process, I will have the right block out there which should get rid of these other inferiour blocked Indy hats that others sell. I started out spending 7500 bucks in my quest for a decent Raiders fedora, got mad, and now have the chance to change the right blockshape out there from several sources. If it shuts down the other Indy hat makers, my revenge is complete. Perhaps only then, will the Indy hats actually look like Indy hats. That is what I am hoping for. A guy new to the hobby, is looking for an Indy fedora just like saw in the new film. He goes online to find 3 hats that actually match what he saw on screen, and what he saw in Raiders when he watched it. He won't have to go through what I did. He will be able to get it the first time! And he will have a choice of rabbit, a blend, or a handmade pure beaver, and all with have the right blockshape. Fedora
Last edited by Johnny Fedora on Sat May 10, 2008 4:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by IndyFan89 »

Kind of like Adventure Bilts DP?
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Post by Indiana G »

now thats exciting!....order a hat and its on your doorstep within a week or so. totally cool! now the problem will be finding closet space :lol:
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Agh, I just shot pop threw my nose when I read this! Lord, I hope this works out. This is the coolest thing in the world. 8) I'm keeping my fingers crossed. This would be a dream come true. :D

Just one question. By "blended fur" do you mean that it would be close to the rabbit felt in quality?
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Post by McFly »

I have a few questions, if I may.

:-k So... now there's going to be ABs that are not handmade, and will be easily available for anybody to find? How will these hats be made? Will they still be made with the same craftsmanship as your current hats?

I'm just wondering if quality will be sacrificed for quantity, or why a consumer would choose to buy your handmade hat over the cheaper but just as good looking factory made hat (read: besides for the beaver felt).

Will these hats still be *called* Adventurebilts? Will they have your liner and all that, or just be officially endorsed?

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Post by Johnny Fedora »

First I'd like to say that there is no way that Steve would put the Adventurebult name, reputation, or his endorsement on a product that was anything less than perfect. With that said these hats will be the finest Mass produced Indy hats ever made available to the public, but they are mass produced. For those of discriminating tastes, like gearheads, the pure beaver, tweeked to a gnats @@@, handmade by Steve or Marc AB will still be there as well. And, I'm sure that there will be some distinction made in the liner or sweat to indicate that. :wink:

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Post by Indiana G »

they will be adventurfmanbiltacifica hats :lol:

i'm not the least concerned if steve/marc are overseeing this project....they're quite particular of what gets branded with the AB name. if steve says these hats are ok, i'm sure they will more than fill the niche for quality hats that are readily available.
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Indiana G wrote:they will be adventurfmanbiltacifica hats :lol:
That's awesome! And just in time for everybody to have a very merry politicly correct, non-religiously specific, holiday of their choice, 2008!

Or Merrythanksmassweenyear!

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Post by RobbyT43 »

Wow! This is great for cheap-stakes like me :lol: So now- hopefully- I can have an AB...but without some of the best features of an AB- Steve being the perfectionist he is makes the best hats in the world PERIOD!!! Well, you give a little and take a little with this deal if it works out.

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Post by Tennessee Smith »

That is the best news I have heard all day :D :D :D :D
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

These will be a far cry from a Dorfman teardrop fur. :wink:

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Post by eazybox »

This is great news, especially for younger fans-- in the "old days," you had to go through a lot of frustrating and expensive trial and error trying to find the "right" hat.

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Post by fedoralover »

Well, let's wait and see what happens. Re-read Fedora's post, there are several "IF's" in there, so it's not a done deal yet. If Steve can't get the quality control he wants it may not go through.

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Post by Arkansas Russell »

Good luck Steve and Marc!
One thing is for sure.. there will be mass produced hats.
I would just as soon it be an Adventurebilt.
I have the upmost confidence in Steve. If it has his stamp of approval it will be a great hat.
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Post by nicktheguy »

Ohhh c'mon.....isn't there a rustic charm to the totally inaccurate wool hats with the teardrop crown from so long ago ---not to mention the indy pin in the hatband? :?
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Post by Risu »


Haha, I've had two of those hats, I have no love for them at all. It's like wearing a plastic belt around your head with a carboard hat attached. As for Adventurebilt mass-producing hats, that would be awesome. I just wonder how low they could afford to price them? Probably not gonna be $30, that's for sure.
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Post by Marc »

This is an idea that Steve and I have been discussing for quite a while now. With lead time constantly going up and us only being able to make so and so many hats per month, this seemed like the best possibility to offer a hat with next to no delivery time for a price that is affordable for everyone.

They would be machine made hats like for example the Akubra - which we both have spoken highly about for the last years, with the exception of being 100% s.a.. So I don't think we're sacrificing anything, as our handmade hats will remain available for those who prefer them.

Since everything is so darn expensive over here, it seemed to be the best choice to have them made in the US.


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Post by fedoralover »

Marc or Steve, how would you put in the crown shape? You guys do it by hand now, would you make a new block with one in it already?

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Post by WeeMadHamish »

Hopefully there will be an option for them to ship open-crowned. I imagine Steve and Marc have been doing it for so long that they could probably bash the hat by hand in 30 seconds flat before dropping it into its shipping box. :P
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Post by Marc »

Hmmm.... open crown seems to be a nice idea. We haven't discussed how to have them creased yet to be honest. As Steve said, this is in a very early stage yet.
I imagine Steve and Marc have been doing it for so long that they could probably bash the hat by hand in 30 seconds flat before dropping it into its shipping box.
Are you kidding??? - Takes bloody 2 minutes!!! :lol:


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Post by Kaplan »

Wow! :shock: There's always something new coming from Adventurebilt these days.
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Post by Ripper »

not to mention the Indy pin in the hatband? :?
Oh yes, maybe an Adventurebilt pin ? :-k :-s No, probably not. This is great news indeed. Shoot, I still need to order an original AB. I need to get on that ! :wink:
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Post by BendingOak »

Please stop comparing it to the DP. I think Steve and Marc would do a lot better job than that. I hope everyone is joking with the hat pin.

I think open crown would be best.
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Post by michaelb »


A thought:

Doesn't this in a way sorta "de-value" the AB that is hand-made? I mean in a sentimental sense.

Who is going to know the difference between the factory version from the hand-made except for people here and other hard-core fans?

I guess I'm just being selfish... I love to see people wearing the DP's, etc., and then looking at an AB or an Akubra and feeling that little bit of pride in knowing what I have learned here.


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Post by Ripper »

Please stop comparing it to the DP. I think Steve and Marc would do a lot better job than that. I hope everyone is joking with the hat pin.

I think open crown would be best.
I was. :wink:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I think a sticker would be better than the hat pin. Oh, and don't forget the feathers. Seriously. :wink:

I'm sure Steve and Marc would find a way to differentiate between the hand mades and the machined hats. Regardless, if it puts a better quality hat out on the market, and on the heads of many, more power to them. If anyone has a right to enjoy the fruits of these labors, it's these guys. Though they may be well-grounded, I think folks are jumping the gun on fears just a little bit, especially because this is still one big IF.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

Sounds like a great idea to me. Any chance of a sea plane gray hat option?
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Post by Dr._J »

This is awesome! Between the Standard Raiders Jacket from Todd Coyle and this new factory-made KS fedora, anyone can have screen-accurate Indy Gear in a matter of days at a reasonable price! It's truly an amazing time to be a Gearhead! :)

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Post by McFly »

michaelb wrote:Hmmm...

A thought:

Doesn't this in a way sorta "de-value" the AB that is hand-made? I mean in a sentimental sense.

Who is going to know the difference between the factory version from the hand-made except for people here and other hard-core fans?
Then I must be selfish too - I really agree... But I also see why getting a high quality mass-produced hat out there would be good for other collectors.

Well, as long as Steve and Marc are enthusiastic about it and think it's a good idea. . .

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Post by Marc »

Most non-gearheads have a hard time telling a DP appart from an AB-Dlx. anyway. It's a brown felt hat with a contrasting ribbon :shock: I know, it's hard for US to swallow, but that's the way it is.

AB was always about offering the very best product for a more than fair price for the fellow fans. And we stick to that. Period. And a good machine made blend hat, that is available immediately fits the bill IMO. It would enable fellow fans with small pockets to still own a s.a. and well made hat, without going through the trouble of having it reblocked etc. Which would be a win for those who just can't afford a handmade AB.

To have a fully handmade hat, that was not only made exactly as back in the days, but also exactly the same way and by the same people as the hats worn by Harrison Ford himself, is something that in 99% only the wearer would know anyway. Granted, a pleasure that many people are willing to pay for, but for some people that will remain out of reach. And considering what this group did for us, we believe that good gear should be affordable for everyone. We'll still offer the excellent gear though :wink:


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Post by Fedora »

I'm just wondering if quality will be sacrificed for quantity, or why a consumer would choose to buy your handmade hat over the cheaper but just as good looking factory made hat (read: besides for the beaver felt).
I think the reason a consumer would buy a factory hat over our handmade hats is for two reasons. Price and lead times. I am bumping my price up on my handmade hats to reflect more as to what they are actually worth, and to cut down demand. In its place, we will hopefully insert the factory AB, but of course cheaper than the current priced AB. For the hardcore Indy fans, that WANT exactly what we put on Ford's head, we will be happy to make them one. :D But, face it, there are many people that would be happy with a hat that was priced good, and was accurate to the film, and one that did not require a long wait to get. And as I said, this will allow the handmade hats to assume a small niche market, which is where it should be, given that it IS exactly what Indy wore and was handmade, which is rare in hatdom. And I really want to make less hats, not more. I would love to ease out of this hatmaking deal and just make a few a year, so the fun is still there. And, I can take my time and enjoy it more, without the pressure of being backlogged.
Kind of like Adventure Bilts DP?
:P An insult? :lol: The DP has as much in common with a real Indy fedora as a dog does to a cat. IMHO. I don't think we need another inaccurate hat........there are plenty of those out there already.
Will these hats still be *called* Adventurebilts? Will they have your liner and all that, or just be officially endorsed?
They will have the AB name on the sweat, yeah. They will have the same blockshape, but the ribbon, sweat and liner will not be identical if the original maker of those parts is considered. But, the looks of the ribbon and sweat as far as color will be identical. We will use what the factory uses as their brown sweats, and as I said, I am told they can get the right color ribbon made. It will be a totally different hat, but will look the same as the handmade hats in so far as a factory hat can look like a handmade hat. It won't be just ANY hat with the AB name on it. I gots' my principles.

As I said, and Marc said, this is in the earliest stages of planning at this point. Much work has to be done. And having these made in Europe is out of the question. The costs are prohibitive, and it would be impossible to sell these hats at a good price.

Our goal is to provide a hat, a factory made hat that is accurate to what we made, which can also be a Raiders fedora. If a factory can make one that pleases us, we will do it. If not, I will continue looking for someone who can, and will. And yes, I am using the notiriety of AB that will come with time as the word gets out, on who made the film hats. It is our ace in the hole. We may as well take advantage of it, and would be foolish not to do so. Marc and I both have an interest in getting hats out there that are like we made for the film, in looks. Can this factory hat be as good as our pure beaver hats? Of course not!! But, we are very picky about what we put the AB name on, and would never sell a piece of junk labeled AB.

I see all of this as a way to improve the breed, overall of factory made Indy hats with a link to our film hats. And of course, we figured the hat would be for new fans that will come with the release of the new film. That is who we are targeting, at any rate. You don't need sticker shock to be a factor when a new guy is looking for an Indy fedora. He would just buy a DP. :wink:

I am personally excited about this possiblility, but of course, nothing is set in stone. It would be nice to do, if we can pull it off, and be satisfied with what a factory could give us. That is the big question right now. Can they do it? Time will tell I guess. Fedora
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Post by Fedora »

Most non-gearheads have a hard time telling a DP appart from an AB-Dlx. anyway. It's a brown felt hat with a contrasting ribbon I know, it's hard for US to swallow, but that's the way it is.
That is so true. But, hopefully with our sites, we can educate new buyers, and save them some money in the process. They won't have to do what you and I have done Marc, and spend alot of bucks on various hats, once the bug bites them. They can get a very acceptable hat the first time they buy. And it won't break the bank to do so. Fedora
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Post by fedoralover »

I think it is a great idea and will fill a niche that otherwise would not be filled. As to whether people can tell the difference, I know they can't tell the difference now. I had a guy tell me a while back that the Indiana Jones fedora was made out of LEATHER. I had to set him straight on that real quick.

Question for Steve and Marc. When you say it will be a fur felt blend, are you talking about a blend with beaver in it, or a blend of rabbit and hare?

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Post by GoneSolo »

Great job guys. I cannot wait to see how these will turn out. :tup: :tup:
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Post by Marc »

had a guy tell me a while back that the Indiana Jones fedora was made out of LEATHER.
Happens to me all the time...
"That's some nice looking leather hat there"
"That's no leather, it's beaver felt!"
"Beaver huh? May I touch it?"
"Oh, true! It's felt. But it's got a leather core right?" ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
When you say it will be a fur felt blend, are you talking about a blend with beaver in it, or a blend of rabbit and hare?
Right now, anything goes :wink: We'd both prefer a high beaver content on an AB hat, but the profit margin on beaver hats from most factories have been discussed here so many times, that I hardly need to comment on what that would do to the price.


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To Michaelb

Post by Lee Keppler »

A factory CS Fedora would not de-value Steve's hat at all.For example, an original Smith & Wesson metal plate grip adapter for N-Frame revolvers recently sold on EBAY for over $600.00. They were $3.00 new in the 1930's. There is a reproduction now available for $160.00 that is clearly identified as a repro in a spot not visible when the item is in use so as to stop fakes. A Rolex watch is a fine timepiece, but if you you can live without pride of ownership, one of the better look-alikes serves the same function, and is really safer to wear in rough areas than the $12000.00 real one. Steve's handmade Fedora is the "Rolex". The factory one won't have the braggin' rights, but will be a fine working hat, a win-win situation.

Here's to the future!
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Post by Dr._J »

Well put, Lee.

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Post by K on the run »

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, this is very exciting news.

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Post by McFly »

So will this hat also be endorsed by LucasFilm to be sold at, say, or Disneyland? I think what people are asking when they say "Is this AB's Dorfman?" is really, "Will we see this hat replace the DP?" Would you consider putting "Indiana Jones" on it somewhere?

Thanks for responding,
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Post by Mark Brody »

Marc wrote:
had a guy tell me a while back that the Indiana Jones fedora was made out of LEATHER.
Happens to me all the time...
"That's some nice looking leather hat there"
"That's no leather, it's beaver felt!"
"Beaver huh? May I touch it?"
"Oh, true! It's felt. But it's got a leather core right?" ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
The other day, I was wearing one of my hats around my coworkers, and a number of them made "Indiana Jones" comments. Than one guy piped up and said "Oh, that's not an Indy hat, I've got a real Indy hat! Nice brown leather hat..." (I lost interest at that point, so I don't remember the rest).
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Post by GCR »

IndyMcFly wrote:So will this hat also be endorsed by LucasFilm to be sold at, say, or Disneyland? I think what people are asking when they say "Is this AB's Dorfman?" is really, "Will we see this hat replace the DP?" Would you consider putting "Indiana Jones" on it somewhere?

Thanks for responding,
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the answer to this is a resounding "NO". At least that's the impression I got from Marc. These are not "Officially Licensed Indiana Jones Hats". I don't believe either Steve or Marc ever used the term "official" in regard to their product being "officially licensed" by LFL. These are just "official" (as in officially approved by AB) replicas of the hand-made AB's that Steve and Marc are already making.

I only say all this because I had these same questions myself and asked Marc about them. :wink:

Oh, and while I'm at it...let me say that I sincerely hope this project gets off the ground. This HAS been overdue for quite a while, and if there is ANYONE out there who deserves the benefits that will come from stepping up and filling this major market niche, it's definitely Steve and Marc. :tup:

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Post by Jaredraptor »

It may still be a big IF, but I'd definitely want to see a factory-made AB. It would be more in my price range.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

So what "price range" are you guys shooting for with these hats? Somewhere around the price of the Akubra Fed. Regular and Fed. Deluxe's or lower?

I know you don't have anything really "set in stone" yet but I'm sure you've got an idea of where you'd like to see the prices fall.

I really hope this factory hat sees the light of day because it really is a dream come true for a lot of us who want something that looks good but don't have the funds to really spend on a regular AB or ABD. :)
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Post by Indiana G »

i'm thinking...oh....say....$450 usd? :shock: :lol:
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Post by Canada Jones »

I think there is definitely a market for this hat and I hope it works out for Steve and Marc. Personally I think the more choice the better and allows for more budgets and tastes.

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Re: hat

Post by Bufflehead Jones »

BendingOak wrote:I think open crown would be best.

As several have already stated, most people don't know a handmade AB from a DP. This factory hat is geared more towards the typical movie fan that wants an Indiana Jones hat.

While open crown may be the best option for the diehard gearhead that would know what to do with the hat, the customer that the factory hat is aimed at, would not have a clue how to bash a fedora. The best option is already bashed, so they won't screw it up.

That type of consumer wants turnkey products. Buy it and plop it on their head ready to go. No muss, no fuss. They don't want to have to shape their hat before they wear it.
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Re: hat

Post by Johnny Fedora »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:
While open crown may be the best option for the diehard gearhead that would know what to do with the hat, the customer that the factory hat is aimed at, would not have a clue how to bash a fedora. The best option is already bashed, so they won't screw it up.

That type of consumer wants turnkey products. Buy it and plop it on their head ready to go. No muss, no fuss. They don't want to have to shape their hat before they wear it.
Hear, here! I concur with this whole heartedly!!! For those wanting a custom hat there will still be the beaver AB.

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Post by GCR »

Steve and Marc could always do what Miller hats did with their Indiana Miller (now called Miller Raider, or something like that) and offer both an open crown model and a pre-shaped model. Personally, I think it would be a mistake to limit it to just one OR the other. The problems with offering JUST an open crown hat were already brought up by others, and I won't disagree. But then again, I just don't see how a pre-shaped model can possibly live up to the expectations of "accuracy" unless they've got someone shaping every hat by hand (rather than blocking in a pre-formed bash). Akubra seems to do just fine offering many of their hats open crown, right?

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Post by 3thoubucks »

Having taken a vow of poverty early on, news of a bargain priced "AB" is music to my ears. 8) .. not to mention, the Raiders hat was rabbit, and I never wear my hat in the rain, so taper is not an issue.
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Post by IndyFan89 »

It would be a good idea to have all four movie styles avaliblle(or at least two: Raiders & CS).
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