Ok, per Michaelson...this is a new thread discussing this most interesting development, and a repost of Steve's note about this possibility.

Fedora wrote:Yes. Being one of the hatters for the last Indy fedora has its perks. You can actually make some money from the hobby now, and it also has to morph into a real business. I am in the process of doing that.
The factory hat is still in planning stages. They have the samples and now we shall have to wait and see if they can clone what we made for the film. Ribbon is being run, just for this project so I don't have to use that 10 buck a yard HJ stock, but the width and color will be right. A blend will be used for the body, and the color is being matched, same with the sweatbands. If this can be pulled off, there will be a factory hat for sale, that can be a CS fedora, or Raiders fedora, with no lead times. How good is that? To be able to order a hat and get it fast, and that hat will have the AB name on the sweat........
If I can get a clone, I am going full steam ahead with this project, and have it in place when the film premiers. It will be a blended fur hat, but will be priced in the sweet price range so as to be affordable by anyone who wants a hat. And it will be very accurate to both Raiders and CS. That is, IF this very old company can provide me with what I want. The ball is in their park. I won't put the AB name on an inferiour hat. No way Hose.
If all of this works out the way I want it to, a vendor will be selling a rabbit Raiders/CS fedora, there will be a factory AB blend, and then Marc and I will make the handmade pure beaver versions as we supplied to the new film. The money we made from the film hats is gonna be sunk into the factory hats, as that is where the money is to be made. I only want to make a hundred hats a year, but I would love to sell an accurate hat that I did not have to make. Being the hatter for KOTCS allows me to do this. A perk, that will actually help the kingdom of Indy gear fans. And in the process, I will have the right block out there which should get rid of these other inferiour blocked Indy hats that others sell. I started out spending 7500 bucks in my quest for a decent Raiders fedora, got mad, and now have the chance to change the right blockshape out there from several sources. If it shuts down the other Indy hat makers, my revenge is complete. Perhaps only then, will the Indy hats actually look like Indy hats. That is what I am hoping for. A guy new to the hobby, is looking for an Indy fedora just like saw in the new film. He goes online to find 3 hats that actually match what he saw on screen, and what he saw in Raiders when he watched it. He won't have to go through what I did. He will be able to get it the first time! And he will have a choice of rabbit, a blend, or a handmade pure beaver, and all with have the right blockshape. Fedora