Have felt hats ever been made of fur from other animals, besides sheep, rabbits and beavers?
One of the first comments I had when I got here was that you can tell a fur felt hat because it smells like wet dog. Well, why not dog? Or cat? Or any furry animal?
Over the years, there have been various ideas for ways to pay tribute to your pet - making little felted animals from their molted fur, for example. But has anybody ever made a hat including fur from their dog(s)? We used to have two bassett hounds (I mentioned before) and you would not believe the amount of fur they shed over their 12 years. Collected together, I am pretty sure there would have been enough to make the sizeable cone needed to make a hat.
Maybe its a really stupid question, but the fur seemed to serve the dogs very well, and even now - 2 years after they died - we are finding large amounts of the fur, so obviously it is pretty durable.
It might also be a nice way to remember a pet; even when the dog has gone, you can still take them on walks.

I'm being flippant, but the question is genuine. Why not other animals?