My point is there are never two completely identical items in the film industry. We all should know this by now given all the discussion on idols, jackets, etc from the previous movies.
Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Well I don't know about that - or how big and featured your role was in the film - but if you were featured in anyway (and not background) in the film that sounds like a problem in the wardrobe dept.Curator Rick wrote:Gotta through my two cents in here.When I was a cast member in Gettysburg two identical conf. officers coats were made for my character. Both at a glance looked the same but on closer scrutiny, there were major differences, collar size, button placement, etc. Reason?- two different seamstresses.
My point is there are never two completely identical items in the film industry. We all should know this by now given all the discussion on idols, jackets, etc from the previous movies.
agent5 wrote:I think what DJN means is that if CR's role in the film was not as prominent (and I have no idea if it was or not) then things like he spoke of may get by, but for THE principal actor in a major film they would be sure to get it right.
There is a BIG difference in replacing the same jacket with gussets and replacing the jacket with an entirely different manufacturer. I think this is the basis of the conversation about the whip in this thread.Ford's jacket in Raiders was changed from scene to scene, most likley because the gussets were needed in certain scenes (stunts/alot of movement) and not in others.
Thanks, Dan, I didn't realize that was a prevalent characteristic of the particular whipmaker. Never having handled one of his whips, or even inspected one up close, I wouldn't have thought there would be such a large gap. I realize it is cosmetic, and in no way affects the performance of the whip itself, but am still a bit surprised to see that. In fact, I don't remember ever reading anywhere where someone mentioned gaps like that in his plaiting. I've made and sold scores of whips, leather & nylon, and in some of the very early ones I made, which I still have, there are gaps in various places that still make me wince. They don't deter from the whip's handling and performance, but are just cosmetic. Like I said, I'm just a bit surprised that after so many years there are small blemishes as that on his whips. And please, believe me, I'm NOT criticizing or bashing, as I don't feel I even have that right, but still have much respect for the individual.BullWhipBorton wrote: I don’t think it’s a blown strand you’re seeing Steve. I’ve actually seen small gaps in the plaiting just like that in several other bullwhips made by this particular whip maker, a few of those whips are sitting to the left of me right now. It’s usually where the strand is dropped in to the whip, it opens up a small gap but it really doesn’t effect the performance or the durability of the whip, these are very good whips. Dan
I'm really not so much bothered by the new whip as I am the Whip Coach. His inverse-bias cracking technique would KILL the transition on a Morgan in a heartbeat!
Mind you, I would never fault DeLongis's sword work, (and I think his theatrical sword combat technique is the most safe and effective training method out there,) but his whip work leaves a considerable amount to be desired to my eyes.
DJN:DJN wrote:And as for the whip itself and the change...not a big fan. I see it as a bad omen. I hope I'm wrong. To me it says that they are not being truthful to the character - to the history - to what makes Indy, Indy. Let me explain.
The whip being different can't be that big of deal you say? Of course not. But then again - it is. Let's look at a recent example. John McClane of Die Hard fame. In all three previous movies, McClane carried a Beretta 92F. Seemed to work well for him there - saved his and numerous other lives many many times. Makes sense he'd probably stick with it. And whatever you think of the two sequels - the character of McClane was consistant. The wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time....
Well in Live Free or Die Hard they decide to give McClane a new gun for no reason...and guess what? McClane's character isn't the same. He is now the active hero chasing down the bad guys - and is no longer the human action hero we fell in love with in the first film (and he's bald). He is now the indesructible superhero. And guess what - the film isn't a Die Hard film. The tiny little thing of changing up his carry of choice was a big indicator of how they were approaching the entire film and the character.
I just hope this isn't the case with Indy 4. No DM whip, no Dougie Slocombe....I'm just saying...
Couldn't have been put better...A whip is a whip a hat is a hat, a jacket is a jacket, all replaceable, but Indy's character remains forever.IndyChaos wrote:This movie is the most exciting thing that could happen to nerds like us, whether it is terrible or fantastic. I know I'll still keep coming here regardless, even if it's only to say, "Hey guys, remember Indy IV? Man did it s*ck. Raiders forever!!!!"
I think that sums up my feelings on the hat and whip too: Indy defines the gear, not the other way around.Harrison_Davies wrote:Couldn't have been put better...A whip is a whip a hat is a hat, a jacket is a jacket, all replaceable, but Indy's character remains forever.IndyChaos wrote:This movie is the most exciting thing that could happen to nerds like us, whether it is terrible or fantastic. I know I'll still keep coming here regardless, even if it's only to say, "Hey guys, remember Indy IV? Man did it s*ck. Raiders forever!!!!"
As for boring hat/jacket? Nothing Indy wears is boring. You can walk the streets minus whip and hat and no-one would bat an eyelid. Antique yet modern that's cool not boring.
That's still more SA than my no-brand 38 Euro whip...conceited_ape wrote:Just looking at the whip in the above group photo. The shape of the turk's head and the handle look strikingly similar to that of my Bernie Wojcicki whip! Not insinuating anything about vendors here, I just kinda think it's cool that my whip is now that eensy bit more SA than I thought.![]()
'Cept that my whip is (now a very dark/dirty) Natural Tan.
I thought music like that was for funny little men searching for their mommies?Jaredraptor wrote:Whoa....what a coincidence: I'm actually listening to "Anything Goes" right now.conceited_ape wrote:Hey, as long as it cracks like lightning, hangs from your belt and it ties you to being an Indy fan, 'anything goes'!![]()
Okay, THAT made me laugh.conceited_ape wrote:I thought music like that was for funny little men searching for their mommies?Jaredraptor wrote:Whoa....what a coincidence: I'm actually listening to "Anything Goes" right now.conceited_ape wrote:Hey, as long as it cracks like lightning, hangs from your belt and it ties you to being an Indy fan, 'anything goes'!![]()