Pics of Todd's Jacket

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Post by agent5 »

The one thing I can say is the pocket seems much closer to the flap (inner) edge than is usual.
The pocket is being pulled over a bit. Look at the fold of leather at the top. I think it's a bit of an illusion.
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Post by Puppetboy »

I tried it again, and I still get the same measurements as before. My conclusion is that those two jackets are not the same. The jacket used outside the temple and the one in the still photo don't match. Almost everything lines up, but one has a 1/4" shorter pocket (higher) than the other. And the jacket with the higher pocket has a 1/4" wider storm flap. I think the jacket used outside the temple had mis-matched pockets? It's only off by 1/4" - that's not much.
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Sweet. I don't think I'd seen that photo. He's got my whip! That bastage!
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Post by PLATON »

Sadly, the pockets are off center

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Post by Toldog07 »

PLATON i hate to say it but you're ruining this whole indygear collecting thing for me. Im all about screen accuracy too but i think you're taking it a little too far with all this stuff..i mean if you're that concerned about screen accuracy then maybe you should try to get ur hands on a film used jacket..but maybe its just me
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Post by PLATON »

Are you ready to hear the worst part?
The right side of the collar is pointy while the left is rounded. I got photos that prove it.

Stay tuned.
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Post by agent5 »

The right side of the collar is pointy while the left is rounded. I got photos that prove it.
That was discussed a while back.
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Post by Gobler »

PLATON wrote:Are you ready to hear the worst part?
The right side of the collar is pointy while the left is rounded. I got photos that prove it.

Stay tuned.
And that's how my Wested came :wink:

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Post by DeWayne »

I've always felt that the Raiders storm flap was wider than 1.5". All of my Westeds have storm flaps that are just a hair shy of 2". 1.5" would just look too narrow on them, imo.
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Post by PETER »

Having had a burst blood vesssel behind the eye before Xmas my computer use has been limited and I missed this post. Having read it
I have to laugh watching Puppetboy being pulled one way and another and promising to change this and that in an effort to please everyone. I remember that war.
'Leather crushed in the tanning' 'Natural tear or stretch marks' No way.
It may be what Todd has been told but its not true and I qualified in tanning.
The fact is that Australian/NZ skins being thicker have a loose grain and cannot produce a top quality leather, they have thick growth marks on the necks which is shown in one picture, also because the animals in Aus/Nz are skinned by machine they suffer stress and damage as the skin is torn from the animal. Also we are talking mainly sheep and not lamb. That said these skins are suited to distressed look.
It has also made me think and dig out MK's Smithsonian measurements.
Agent 5's input has made me realize that I need to produce a ROLA Authentic going back to piped pocket, no inner facings etc. from a new worn look lambskin which I have in my possesion. I showed this to KT Templar yesterday and he liked it. I am looking at the $195/£100 mark.
Pics to follow
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Post by GCR »

PETER wrote:Having had a burst blood vesssel behind the eye before Xmas my computer use has been limited and I missed this post. Having read it
I have to laugh watching Puppetboy being pulled one way and another and promising to change this and that in an effort to please everyone. I remember that war.
'Leather crushed in the tanning' 'Natural tear or stretch marks' No way.
It may be what Todd has been told but its not true and I qualified in tanning.
The fact is that Australian/NZ skins being thicker have a loose grain and cannot produce a top quality leather, they have thick growth marks on the necks which is shown in one picture, also because the animals in Aus/Nz are skinned by machine they suffer stress and damage as the skin is torn from the animal. Also we are talking mainly sheep and not lamb. That said these skins are suited to distressed look.
It has also made me think and dig out MK's Smithsonian measurements.
Agent 5's input has made me realize that I need to produce a ROLA Authentic going back to piped pocket, no inner facings etc. from a new worn look lambskin which I have in my possesion. I showed this to KT Templar yesterday and he liked it. I am looking at the $195/£100 mark.
Pics to follow
Man, my tax refund better be substantial...I'm gonna need BOTH of these. Peter, this new ROTLA variation you mentioned sounds terrific, and at that price, sign me up! ONE question: Will you offer the silver zipper? Or will this item still need to be supplied seperate? Either way, with a price that low, I'm onboard for one of these new Westeds. Can't wait for pics!!!

As for Todd's jacket, I think it's shaping up quite nicely, and I'd love to add one of his to my collection as well, there's certainly plenty of room in my closet for a few Indy style jackets! Glad to see both vendors really taking to heart all of the screen-accurate specs and suggestions from the fans!

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Post by Kt Templar »

Hi Peter, I really hope that eye gets better soon, I know it's really frustrating for you because of the reduced 3d vision and general inconvenience.

Well what can I say about the new worn lambskin leather? Well if you want something that looks like it's had it's "50 missions" right out of the packet this could very well be the one for you. It has a matt almost sandy surface in places and some grain in others. The sample I saw is quite light it should make a very good LC off the bat, I believe you are sourcing one that is closer to the colour of authentic brown, if you find that it would be very interesting. It's quite a shock to see at first, especially in the ship with all the lovely new leather there in the shop, think of it as taking the PreD Cow and aging it, but as light as lamb. But i kept going back to look at it and it really deos grow on you.

I was very interested to look through the notes file that MK sent you all that time ago with measurements and even a template of the pocket from an LC jacket.

Guys with all the tooing and froing over the size of pockets I've seen on the boards I had my doubts but.... I placed the template of the LC pocket over a standard size 42 current day Wested in the shop and it matches EXACTLY in width and curve of the bottom of the pocket, there is no doubt that this IS from the same pattern. What I did find is, that the pocket was perhaps an inch too tall but that is an easy thing to fix.

I'm very excited about this new version of the jacket you have planned, taking on board each of the most commonly made requests. I'll not list them all here as I might get some wrong. But raised yoke, removed zipper facing, less facing on the inner pocket, and more scalloped flaps are the main features I believe..... If you can source a silver zipper and black rectangular rings too :).
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Post by independent »

I want to recommend to any vendor - look at some of these pics of people getting new jackets!

Those pockets are GIGANTIC and take up half the jacket. I'm afraid of pointing that out to them because it might break their hearts, they sound so excited to get a new jacket!

Please click on those threads that look like "I'VE FINALLY GOT MY JACKET!!!!"

And witness their huge smiles dwarfed by their gigantic pockets.

Have mercy.
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Post by PLATON »

Agent 5's input has made me realize that I need to produce a ROLA Authentic going back to piped pocket, no inner facings etc. from a new worn look lambskin which I have in my possesion. I showed this to KT Templar yesterday and he liked it. I am looking at the $195/£100 mark.
Pics to follow
That's the BEST news I've heard since they said they 're filming Indiana Jones 4. Put me in the list for at least 2 jackets.

To TODD: Going back to the pocket placement, the photo I posted above shows that pockets are off center. This is usually the result of placing the pockets at an equal distance from the zipper and centered from the storm flap. However, when this is the case, the result is that the left pocket appears to be at a greater distance from the storm flap than the right pocket. (see photo of A2 below)


However, what we see in Indy's jacket above is that the right pocket (instead of left) is placed farther away than the left. This is a mystery and the only explanation I have is that the pockets are placed as follows: the left pocket at 2.25'' from the edge of the storm flap, and the right pocket at 2.25'' from the zipper. Isn't this what you 've found earlier? Please confirm.

Also, I am having some thoughts about the width of the storm flap. In my jacket it's 1.5'' and seems a little narrow. But 2'' would be too wide. What is the width on the FS? Please let me know your thoughts.
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Post by PLATON »



Isn't the storm flap as wide as hiw gun belt? Or is it just me?
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Post by VP »

PETER wrote:Agent 5's input has made me realize that I need to produce a ROLA Authentic going back to piped pocket, no inner facings etc. from a new worn look lambskin which I have in my possesion. I showed this to KT Templar yesterday and he liked it. I am looking at the $195/£100 mark.
Huh? An agent5 specs custom jacket for 150 euros with brand new lambskin that has a worn and loved appearance? Sounds like heaven, can't wait for the details and pics! :tup:
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Post by PLATON »

TODD, this photo tells a lot about where the yoke seam should be.

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Post by independent »

Looking forward to pics of the new jacket.
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Post by Strider »

A 199$ jacket! Wow. Would this be a budget model, missing a few things that the normal version has? Can't wait to see!!
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Post by Michaelson »

PETER wrote:Having had a burst blood vesssel behind the eye before Xmas my computer use has been limited and I missed this post. Cheers
All 'shop talk' aside, Peter, I've very sorry to hear of your eye problem, and wish you a speedy and complete recovery.

HIGHEST regards! Michaelson
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Post by Farnham54 »

Michaelson wrote: All 'shop talk' aside, Peter, I've very sorry to hear of your eye problem, and wish you a speedy and complete recovery.

HIGHEST regards! Michaelson
Hear, hear. Plenty of Jack Daniels will make that eye good as new. Or, at least, it'll make both of 'em so fuzzy with your balance so far off that you won't notice. #-o Perhaps thats why I'm in Arts and not Medicine :)

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Post by Masterfulks »

PLATON wrote:TODD, this photo tells a lot about where the yoke seam should be.


Isn't Indy lying down, more or less, in that scene?

The jacket looks like it's riding kind of high on him there.
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Yeah, he's laying on the ground, but I don't think that's how Platon meant that. Not where on the body it should be, but just where on the jacket it lines up withs(or not) such as the sleeve seam.
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Post by PLATON »

Okay I understand this

but what about this?

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Post by Ark Hunter »

What? The length of the strap?

I also just noticed in the first picture...the back of the strap is 2 pieces! It's folded over and meets in the back instead of two pieces sewn together.
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Post by PLATON »

Not the length man, the X-BOX!!!
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Where's that picture from? If I'm not mistaken that looks like that jacket that was on auction at some point and there were questions here to it's authenticity as it was such a poor job of distressing and other in constancies in the construction. Some were saying it was just a recently (at the time) bought Wested some one had distressed horribly and was trying to sell it as an original.
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Post by PLATON »

That's the one. I think it was sold for around $50,000 or $90,000. I am not sure.
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Post by PLATON »

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Post by Ark Hunter »

Well, I've got this Raiders "original" sitting here and it's in much better shape that that one...I should be able to get $200,000 or so I'd think. :D
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Post by PETER »

How do you think I feel?
I made it and only got $150 for it.
Aint that a bummer
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Post by Bogie1943 »

I would tend to agree. The distressing job on that second one looks you say...terrible. Even if it were a stunt jacket, I think it would have been distressed more realistically.
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Post by Indiana G »

How do you think I feel?
I made it and only got $150 for it.
Aint that a bummer
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here's a good mastercard add:

cost for wested to make jacket - $150
cost of owning said jacket after it has been worn by harrison ford in one of the best movies of all time - $94,000

knowing that you made the jacket and are forever linked to the fortune and glory of the indiana jones franchise - priceless!
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