i know, that alot of you don't believe that this hat is worth the $$$ but i have a soft spot for wearing an HJ with the wested...they're like bacon and eggs, peanut butter and jelly, matching your jersey with your hockey socks.....etc

i talked to a lady in their cambridge factory and i soon confirmed what i've been speculating....THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT INDY'S HAT LOOKED LIKE. they couldn't bash it with a center dent so i ordered one open crowned (or untouched as they put it).
with the 3 day delivery option that i chose, it arrived today....with another $80 cad bill for the customs....someone's kid in customs is gonna have a really good x-mas

i eagerly opened the well packed box and to my horror:
- the first thing i noticed was the light brown ribbon, very different than the HJ that todd offers as his ribbon is the correct dark shade.
- the hat was not open crown but had the teardrop bash and the side bashes which i do not care for. the brim snapped down making it look like indy's hat when he was swimming away from the hovitos. out of the box it just looked god awful
- the brim was soooooo floppy i was scared that there was no stiffener added at all. also, it was cut quite poorly as some of the brim near the front was still the dimension of the side width...really sloppy work :evil:
- the hat was snug as it measured 22", not the 22 1/2" that i requested and asked for a confirmed measurement prior to shipping
at first it felt like the money i spent (more than any other hat i have purchased, more than both my beaver and rabbit AB's combined, more than my wested...) was like a flowing stream of sand gushing from my wallet into the wind.
i decided to cowboy up and see if i can save this thing so i got the kettle steaming (i bought a new kettle just for this hat....because i ruined the last one on rebashing my oversized HJ....the wife wasn't impressed at all).
well, in the depths of the steam the stiffener activated and the hat was at my command....in under half an hour i managed to do what i thought was impossible....shape it to compliment my head. it also loosened up in the steam and fits perfect (as long as i keep my hair this short).
how did i bash it? i bashed it to naturally fit my face, my personality, and my style....nothing movie specific...i just picked different aspects of what i liked from each hat in each movie an threw my personal twist in there.
in the end, i was quite happy. it was well worth everything that i put into it.

...i think i've finally found out how to focus this dang camera too!!!