if richard swales prepped the hat himself, i would pay the difference.....then i'd wear a bubble on my head to protect the hat...i'll look like a giant indy snowglobe

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
I hear ya! I'm planning on ordering an HJ from Todd very soon. I've already stated that I don't think I could bring myself to wear it out much. It's more of a collector piece for me, just to have a hat with the HJ name that will probably make a fine LC hat. But if I had me a "Swales" HJ, that'd be a different story, forget about wearing it, I'd probably keep it under lock & key!!!Indiana G wrote:GCR,
if richard swales prepped the hat himself, i would pay the difference.....then i'd wear a bubble on my head to protect the hat...i'll look like a giant indy snowglobe![]()
Yeah Tone, I'm not sure HJ even wants to sell these things at ALL. Everything I've seen from and heard about HJ over the last few years, not only in terms of products but also marketing, customer service, etc. has led me to believe that they actually do not care one ounce about trying to tap into the potential business of the Indy Gear community. Nor do they care much about catering to our requests regarding their products. I truly believe they rely solely on the established history and fame of the HJ name to sell overpriced products to many people who don't really know better, or are merely buying it for the HJ name. I mean no offense to those who have purchased HJ's or wear HJ's, etc. Most of us here know when we buy a new HJ, it won't be an accurate Raiders hat. Most of us have done our homework. But the casual fan with some money in his pocket, looking for an Indy hat, might stumble across the story of "the hat", look up HJ, and spend a LOT of money on not a lot of hat. If HJ can get a someone to pay over $300 for one of those sorry looking hats, well, good for them, I guess.Indiana_Tone wrote:GCR: Yeah. That's steep! They really don't want to sell them directly, do they?
You probably write this because you don't have an HJ yourself, because once you do, you will realize that it's not a sorry looking hat at all, and in fact it's the hat that looks the most Indy, and can even make an accurate Raiders hat. When I got mine, and after reading mainly negative comments here, I was so surprized by the accuracy of the hat, that I expected Harrison Ford to crawl out of the box from under the hat.Most of us here know when we buy a new HJ, it won't be an accurate Raiders hat. Most of us have done our homework. But the casual fan with some money in his pocket, looking for an Indy hat, might stumble across the story of "the hat", look up HJ, and spend a LOT of money on not a lot of hat. If HJ can get a someone to pay over $300 for one of those sorry looking hats, well, good for them, I guess
Well, you have to differentiate between Raiders, ToD and LC style...You probably write this because you don't have an HJ yourself, because once you do, you will realize that it's not a sorry looking hat at all, and in fact it's the hat that looks the most Indy, and can even make an accurate Raiders hat. When I got mine, and after reading mainly negative comments here, I was so surprized by the accuracy of the hat, that I expected Harrison Ford to crawl out of the box from under the hat.
I'm not trying to say that HJ's are sorry looking pieces of garbage. Just that the hat pictured on the current SAB site doesn't quite look up to snuff with what Todd has to offer. Todd's HJs look great, pre-bashed or open crown, while the SAB HJ looks rather sad.geo wrote:Todd's and SAW have the same price, at least when you order fronm Canada.
Todd's is US$ 240+20 for bashing =US$260=CA$300(X1.15, rate varies) X1.37 (for 37% tax) = CA$411+delivery.
SAB is 165 UK pounds X0.85 (UKVAT tax does not apply for overseas) = 140UKpoundsX2.15 (rate varies) X 1.37 (tax) = CA$412+delivery.
You probably write this because you don't have an HJ yourself, because once you do, you will realize that it's not a sorry looking hat at all, and in fact it's the hat that looks the most Indy, and can even make an accurate Raiders hat. When I got mine, and after reading mainly negative comments here, I was so surprized by the accuracy of the hat, that I expected Harrison Ford to crawl out of the box from under the hat.Most of us here know when we buy a new HJ, it won't be an accurate Raiders hat. Most of us have done our homework. But the casual fan with some money in his pocket, looking for an Indy hat, might stumble across the story of "the hat", look up HJ, and spend a LOT of money on not a lot of hat. If HJ can get a someone to pay over $300 for one of those sorry looking hats, well, good for them, I guess
Uh-oh, this little can of worms, again, eh?Indiana G wrote:the top hat boxy look IS the raiders look which is probably best seen in the seaclipper scene when it is still mint. sit on the fed, and then kick it around like a soccer ball and violla.....the HJ doesn't look much like raiders anymore.
What are the specs on your HJ and what size is your hat? Heck, while we're at it, how about a few pics? I'm thinking about getting one of Todd's HJs, but if your hat size is anywhere near mine (7 3/8 ) and the brim is too short for you, I might have to rethink this.Indiana G wrote:I also received an HJ from todd this year. it has a slight taper so i removed the raiders bash and put in a TOD bash kind of like how i did it in "the smithbilt project". this is where i realized the sides were cut pretty short. too short for anything out of the 3 movies.
Nice work, keep us posted!Indiana G wrote:i have an e-mail enquirry into todd to see if wider brims on the side can be obtained. i also have an e-mail into SAB to see if they want my money but i'm not gonna hold my breath as i enclosed a long list of questions as well (....why does the hat on your website look like cr@p?...but more professional-like).
Those brim specs never seemed right for the Raiders hat to me. The Raiders brim always seems wider. Of course, it could be the distortion caused by the turn, but I suppose we'll never know until someone does a surveyor's style study on the brim, similar to what Fedora had doen with the others specs on the Raiders hat.geo wrote:The brim is 2 3/4 front and back and 2 1/2 on the sides, that is standard for HJs.
- i was wondering how familiar you are with bashing the hat per the "raiders" spec. i have heard accounts where your hat comes with more of a 'tear drop' crown instead of a centre line bash. also, the hat in the website below looks quite different than the movie hat in raiders of the lost ark. the rear of the crown looks quite higher than the front which is not entirely correct. i am sorry to sound quite nitpicky, but i have several hats from other manufacturers including an HJ from a US source. i am interested in getting the hat directly from the place where ford and spieldburg got THE HAT and i was hoping to get it as close to the original as possible (though i know this is impossible as i have heard that the original hat block has been lost).
- i am concerned that the 57 cm hat will be too small as i have a size 58 hat from your Cambridge facility and it is a size 59. please confirm that a 22 1/2" head size will be accomodated comfortabley in a size 57.
- is mr. swales still available to shape the hat if requested? perhaps he remembers how it is suppose to look....tight front pinch, centre bash and camel humps on the top with a gentle rounded taper from the front to the back (side view).
i would greatly appreciate if you can answer these questions for me as your delivery time is looking quite attractive.
thanks for your time,
I'm seriously contemplating the idea of getting 2 HJ's from Todd. One as the typical collector piece (just to have an HJ) and the other for some experimentation. I might sand it down to make it a bit thinner and then see if I can get it reblocked by someone with a good Raiders block and have the ribbon changed out to be Raiders accurate. Once I have a thinner HJ with the right block shape and ribbon, I will attempt to replicate the "Cairo" effect I achieved on my Fed Deluxe. Of course, experimenting on a $240 dollar hat might not be the best idea in the world. I think 3thoubucks had the right idea, working with regular Feds! But then again, I'm really curious to see how close someone can get to a Raiders hat with one of the new HJs.Indiana_Tone wrote:Thanks for answering that, Todd. Was wondering if there was room for adjustments on those.
So........which one of you HJers is going to squashify and work on that one? (Not a vintage, but one of the newer ones.) Just to see what their actual tolerance and capabilities are?
Thanks for the heads-up on that, G. I'm debating the idea of doing a Raiders style "project" with an HJ. I know I'll at least buy one, and after the input from other members here over the HJ's tendency to taper (2 weeks?!?!Indiana G wrote: GCR, i wouldn't recommend taking a sander to a an HJ as the felt is quite thin already....especially one that comes from todd as he mentioned to me that he orders his hats with less stiffener in them so they are already soft. if you are not careful, the sander may crumple/wrinkle the felt or even worse, wear right through it.
Many thanks, SJ!Scandinavia Jones wrote:Cheers, GCR! Nope, that box used to hold a Peters Bros. fedora.GCR wrote:BTW, SJ, that's a nice looking HJ you got there! Did the HJ come in that box, or was that a seperate purchase?
Not to refute your theory, as I'm all for a good theory, but I think (and I could be wrong, someone like Fedora would know better) the issue with the current HJ's (and perhaps even the HJ's from the ToD and LC era) is the machine stitching at the brim break makes it very difficult to reblock the hat without the brim tearing. From what I understand, older HJ's (like the Raiders era hats and earlier) did NOT use the same kind of stitching, but were instead hand-sewn in a manner that guarded against the brim-ripping phenomenon.Indiana_Tone wrote:From the land of "What if": (And it possibly supports some other thoeries here.)
Let's say the HJ, even back then, had the same machine stitching on the brim. Or at least the same craftsmanship issues.
1) During the course of distressing and filming, the brim tore (or began to tear) off.
2) They did not have a back up hat to use at the time on location (at some point during shooting on location.)
3) They had to reattach the brim onto the crown somehow (Pleat stitch may be a remnant stitch or point of completion).
4) The extra room under the ribbon is actually the entire section of the brim folded up under to reattach it. (Extra bulge under the crown and also explains why 3thou might have been coming up with an ironed down crown, or at least a point in the crown that is abnormally shorter than the hat comes with - theory.)
It's not so bizarre to think the hat gave 'em all kinds of problems back then. Even to the point of having to reattach the brim entirely.
You're right about that Tone. We may never know, until someone tries to make a nice Cairo hat out of a current HJ AND out of a vintage HJ. I'm still considering giving a current HJ the "Cairo" treatment, and even if I don't someone else may want to step up and take on that project someday. But convincing some of the few lucky people who own one of the vintage HJ's to squash it, beat it and cover it with sand might be a bit hard to do. I know, if I had a vintage HJ, NO ONE could convince me to give it a good dose of "Cairo", that thing would stay MINT. So I suppose we may never know.Indiana_Tone wrote: It could be that the HJ actually will make a fine Cairo as it comes now. (YES, I said it. With the block it comes with now and without steam!)
The problem is that it's a fragile trick to soften it up and get all those details out of it without "breaking it" so to speak. The original HJ back then may have "broke" as well.
I know even the vintage HJ's aren't going to be indestructable, and I think even the Raiders hat had some obvious shrinkage happening in the Cairo scenes that caused some of the bulging and mushrooming. But I think that whatever type of felt they used in Raiders stood up better to the distressing the hat received, both artificial by the costume folks and natural that occured on location. That might be the key to the good continuity in the Raiders hat, the fact that it might have actually been the same hat throughout most of the film.As much as we'd like to think the HJ was a fine, super indestructable fed that held up to Indy's adventures, it could very well have had these same characteristics and problems even back then. And yes, even with a different or better felt back in the day.
By the way, this somehow gives the impression that the HJs from Todd's are garbage and that's not the picture I'm trying to paint. Like I said I think Todd's HJs look pretty good and that picture of Scandinavia's proves it.
I agree on both counts! I think the HJs Todd is offering are some of the best looking hats I've seen with the HJ name in a while. I also commend Todd for his efforts to provide folks an HJ hat for less than it would cost to order it straight from the source (in most cases). An HJ hat is still on my list of "must have" gear items, for sure. I just can't decide if it will be one or two! The more I think about it, the more I want to give the "Cairo HJ" project a shot.No, I don't have an HJ so it's all a far-fetched theory in itself, but for someone looking to recostruct the ideal Cairo, Raiders, Indy, hat at an exact moment in time, that scenario isn't out of the realm of possibility.
Thanks G, that's good to know. I'm always glad to hear about other gearhead's experiences with their gear. If I do attempt the "Cairo HJ" project, it will have to be with a second HJ hat. My original reason for getting an HJ wasn't just to have an actual HJ, but also to have a good LC hat. All the Indy fedoras I've purchased over the years have been made into Raiders hats. In some cases, this was without success (Dorfman & Stetson). But I really do like the look of the other Indy hats as well, especially the more relaxed pinch that can be seen in certain parts of LC. The current HJs seem like a near perfect match for LC, in terms of color and shape and bow configuration, etc. So if I got an HJ, it would HAVE TO BE for a nice LC style hat, just to keep on a shelf and stare at and say to myself and others "well, it's an HJ, that's what Ford wore". If I were to attempt my little experiment, I'd need another HJ. If I ruined the one and only HJ I owned, "I'll never forgive myself".Indiana G wrote:i say go for it buddy! when you get your HJ, you will notice right away how floppy and moldable the felt is. with todd's lack of factory stiffener, it gets soft really fast, but when i steamed her up, she got pretty stiff again because the stiffner that was in it originally was reactivated and redistributed.
i would order the one hat IMHO and bash it like the idol/grab or ravenbar scene. be sure she fits right or else you'll have my problem. let time take you to the SOC bash which it will eventually when we keep grabbing/poking/prodding it just on a day to day basis. you will find that she will form naturally to an SOC. i would be very careful if you do decide to artificially distress it as like fedora said, its not the same felt as back then and creases and wrinkles that you created may be hard to take out.....but just a little assurance for you...my raiders pinch that was constantly in my hat and pinched for more than 2 or 3 months came out with the steam treatment.
If I get an HJ, I'll definitely wear it, but not very often at all. Nice, clear days with no chance of rain or snow only. I wear my Akubra almost all the time, and I'll wear my Beaver AB (once I get it), just as often. I'm used to not even thinking about what the weather is like when I go to put my hat on so I probably won't be reaching for the HJ much at all. If I get more than one HJ, I'll be more likely to wear at least one of them from time to time, but given the rep these hats have for tapering under less than ideal conditions, I'll have to be VERY careful.Indiana G wrote:you got to wear it GCR...thats part of the fun. i think the slickest hat in LC was the motorcycle chase hat....i do not know if this is the same as the hats earlier on in the movie (venice pier) but it definitely looks different than the tank chase hat and the petra hat.
i also think that you should just get an open crown one from todd. though he does an excellent job in bashing the hat, i think its much more fun to do it yourself...and its quite easy. that way, its like your own personal signature on the hat and then that hat can never look wrong to you.
cheers and i hope you find your HJ!
I'd be interested in the differences as well. The only visible difference I can see (aside from the bash style, but since you're getting open crown I guess that doesn't matter) is the styling of the bow on the ribbon. I have to say, while neither bow is screen accurate for Raiders, I actually think the SAB bow is closer than the hats Todd has. The bows on Todd's hats seem better suited to ToD and LC. Anyway, I'm sure there are more differences, but until you have your SAB HJ and post your review, it's all speculation.Indiana G wrote:i am expecting to get one straight out of the SAB shop with an open crown pretty soon, with the correct head size. i am interested to see the differences with that and what todd offers.
Fedora, would you say that the HJ felt from the 90's is the same (or similar) to the type of HJ felt used during the ToD / LC era? If so, how does that felt compare with the current offerings from Todd's? Is it the same? Do these brim-break stitching problems only occur with the newer HJ's? I am very curious about this, as I plan to get an HJ and I would like to have it reblocked into a more Raiders accurate shape if I can, perhaps by JP Design.Fedora wrote:Love this stuff!!! I have seen scores of HJs from the 1990's, and I think around 7 or 8 that were made before that, a few being really old ones. These are my observations. The hats made in the 1990's were thicker, stiffer felt as received but would soften up with wear. The stitches at the brim were there in the 1990 hats but the felt was more durable and would not tear at the brim break under reblock conditions. Now, on the HJs I have seen that were made back when HJ made fine hats, the sweats were handstitched in, at the same part of the crown that me and Marc use. Well above the break and less numerous, way less numerous.
The felt used in the 90's and the felt used today is not of the same quality as what they used to use. Same with most other factory hats. Fedora
Yes, all of that felt that I saw was very LCish. I think it may have been the same felt. I saw some color variations in this felt, but that is normal with hats, at least hats that do not use powder in the finishing. The felt on those 90ish HJs were more like the Federation felt, to me. The felt that was used on Todd's hats is a truer dress felt, but pretty unstable, and that isn't unusual either. This sort of felt is the rule rather than the exception nowadays. But, with that said, it looks very nice. I like the softness of it.Fedora, would you say that the HJ felt from the 90's is the same (or similar) to the type of HJ felt used during the ToD / LC era? If so, how does that felt compare with the current offerings from Todd's? Is it the same? Do these brim-break stitching problems only occur with the newer HJ's? I am very curious about this, as I plan to get an HJ and I would like to have it reblocked into a more Raiders accurate shape if I can, perhaps by JP Design.
Also, if I may ask, how does one manage to get their hands on one of those nifty "vintage" HJ's from the late 70's? Ebay, perhaps?