Gobler, basically, you just go to any state licensed place of instruction, take a short gun safety course, qualify on the range (really easy!), take a REALLY basic test, send in the required paperwork and any criminal history that is pertinent(which is all) and if you don't have any felony convictions or domestic violence or similar issues, it comes in the mail 60 days later.
Texas is a 'shall issue' state, so if you don't have any legal issues, they have to give it to ya.
I feel for ya, man! California is LAME! They don't even have reciprocity with ANYONE! If you have a Texas Concealed Carry Permit, you can go into 28 other states (this increases all the time) and carry legally!

You just have to follow the concealed carry laws of that particular state. You can even apply for a non-residence permit, and have a Texas permit while living in another state..except California..
When I went to Florida over the summer, I carried legally with my permit. An pretty much every state in between..