I had Jimmy Pierce ( www.jimmypiercedesigns.com ) rework two hats that I had. One was a gray hat by Beaver hats that I have had for over 15 years. It was a "western style fedora" that had a 3 1/8" wide brim. The crown was tapered. I cut the brim to 2 1/2" on the sides, and 2 3/4" on the front and back. I don't have any "before" pictures, but man, take a look at the "afters"...

Now, here's the other. This is a Miller "Raider" hat, suitably reworked by Mr. Pierce. HOLY COW, he did a good job! I think both these hats have just about the perfect proportions (the brim on the brown one could stand to be a tad wider [it is about 2 9/16" all the way around], but the Miller brim is only available up to 2 3/4" wide, and this one didn't quite make it to be that size). The crowns on both are essentially identical. The total crown height (from the bottom of the ribbon to the top of the "humps") on both hats is about 4 7/8". The front pinch heights are about 4 1/2".
Check it out:

Needless to say, I would heartily reccommend Mr. Pierce's work!!!