My two Jimmy Pierce reworked hats

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My two Jimmy Pierce reworked hats

Post by Fatdutchman »

I got two boxes in the mail today. "They're here, they're here!", I squealed...well, ok, I didn't really squeal...

I had Jimmy Pierce ( ) rework two hats that I had. One was a gray hat by Beaver hats that I have had for over 15 years. It was a "western style fedora" that had a 3 1/8" wide brim. The crown was tapered. I cut the brim to 2 1/2" on the sides, and 2 3/4" on the front and back. I don't have any "before" pictures, but man, take a look at the "afters"...

Now, here's the other. This is a Miller "Raider" hat, suitably reworked by Mr. Pierce. HOLY COW, he did a good job! I think both these hats have just about the perfect proportions (the brim on the brown one could stand to be a tad wider [it is about 2 9/16" all the way around], but the Miller brim is only available up to 2 3/4" wide, and this one didn't quite make it to be that size). The crowns on both are essentially identical. The total crown height (from the bottom of the ribbon to the top of the "humps") on both hats is about 4 7/8". The front pinch heights are about 4 1/2".

Check it out:

Needless to say, I would heartily reccommend Mr. Pierce's work!!!
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Post by Texas Raider »

Those hats look fantastic! I personally think the proportions are spot on, the brims (even on the one you think is too narrow) are perfect! The only thing I see is the size...they look a little on the small side, and you wear them quite high (it looks to me anyway). Even from the side they look on the smaller side. What size are they and what size do you wear?

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Post by Fatdutchman »

I have a large face, and a small head...SO, unless a hat is too big to fit, it can sometimes look too small. :wink: In the fourth brown hat picture, it definitely looks small, but that's more a matter of perspective. Actually, I think everyone here has gotten used to seeing oversized hats!! :D

The size is 7 1/4. The brown one fits nice and snug. If I hadn't just gotten a haircut, it would not fit! The Gray one is looser, and I put some thin foam all the way around inside the band.

I wear my hats like my Grandfather did...relatively high and slightly cocked to the left.

I don't think the Miller brim looks "bad", I just think it could stand to be just a smidge wider...but I ain't worried about it! 8)

I am super pleased!!!
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Post by WConly »

:D Nice work! Great looking hats -- look great on you! Thanks for sharing! W>
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Post by Shiva »

I agree on them being fine hats but looking a little small. I think it is because they seem to be worn a bit high on your head. In my opinion I thing wearing them a bit lower would balance the look better
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Post by Fatdutchman »

Actually, both these hats were TOO LARGE and I had him size them down!!! :D The brown one was a 7 3/8 and the gray one was probably a 7 1/2.

I think the brown one is just a TAD too tight....but not by much, not much at all. I still haven't gotten a hat stretcher yet, but will do so and maybe give it just a little bit. My head is shaped such that if the hat is oversize at all, it will sink down to my ears. There is ONE spot on my head where a hat will sit securely...any higher and it is simply sitting on my head...if it goes any lower, it can go all the way down. ALSO, any lower, and the center crease touches the top of my head! I WOULD like to wear the brown just a hair lower, though. I can get it down to the "perfect" position, but it's pretty snug... No problem with the gray one.

Indy wore his hat relatively low in Raiders...I think the consensus is that basically his hat was too big!!! (hence, the turn and the tight ribbon!).
Last edited by Fatdutchman on Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fatdutchman »

Does this look better?

The hat is still cocked to one side...that I can't help...I guess it just comes natural!

Reckon if I were to wet the hat around the ribbon and the sweat band, pull 'er down good and "wear it dry" it would stretch it just that least little bit?
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Post by VP »

Fatdutchman wrote:Does this look better?
Yeah, but a nice hat like that deserves a smile. ;)
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Ha, ha, ha, son of a .....
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Post by Fatdutchman »

Wow, the camera DOES add ten pounds!!!...It got dark and it's the flash, man! Yeah, the flash...
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Post by Strider »

Fatdutchman wrote:It got dark and it's the flash, man! Yeah, the flash...
He's fast, isn't he? You can't even see him in the picture.

Love the hats, tho.
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Post by Texas Raider »

MUCH better, Dutchman! Just like I thought, the proportions are spot on for ya, and now that it's pulled down a bit, it looks WAY better :wink: . They just looked small sittin' way up high on yer head! If I were you, I'd NEVER change the dimensions of those brims! Keep those measurements for future hats!

I just thought that they were too small to fit down any more, but now I see you were just wearin' it up that high, I can see they're good! If the lid is a bit snug,,maybe next time push it up to a 7 3/8 and put the sizing foam in if you need it, or shrink it a tiny bit with a light or the dashboard trick. Nothing worse than a tight 'headache' hat! :wink: Better slightly big than slightly too small.

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Post by Michaelson »

THAT'S some FINE looking hats now, my friend! I totally agree with TR....that's the way they should be made for your face shape. To wide a brim really takes away from one's appearance. Those hats look perfect on your head! Looks like JP nailed it for you on both hats!

WELL done! :clap:

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Post by Shiva »

Yup, much better! Now it looks just right
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Post by Indiana G »

nice pics FDM. thought you were mr. grumpy pants from all the previous photos but your smiley picture has proved me wrong. enjoy the hats, they look awesome on you buddy!
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Post by Fatdutchman »

"Mr. Grumpy pants"....why, I'm the life of the party! (sarcasm alert...sarcasm alert) :D

I wet down the sweatband and the felt around it. I put a strip of light foam tape on the sweatband on the outside, so it went against my head, and then put that sucker on. I could feel that it was going to work even as I was putting the hat on. I wore it for about 20 minutes or so...left a real pretty red mark on my forehead! But, it was a quite sucessful operation. The hat is now snug (the way I like it), but not tight. Mostly, I think it was the leather sweatband. The thing quite visibly lays differently in the hat now...much smoother, flatter and pressed against the felt. A simple trick that worked quite well for me (a very unusual occurrence!!!).
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Post by Michaelson »

Uh, that's what a hat retainer/stretcher is made for.... ... page_1.htm :wink:

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Post by Fatdutchman »

Like I said, I haven't gotten around to getting myself a stretcher yet (heck, I don't even have a brush!). I am not a patient man, and I needed to do it NOW. Hey, it worked and cost me nothing! :D

Improvise, adapt, overcome.
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Post by Michaelson »

Fatdutchman wrote: Improvise, adapt, overcome.
....then have to live with..... :lol: :wink:

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Post by BendingOak »

fatdutchmen, I have a Petersbrothers that was made by him. He does great work and it's to bad he's not there anymore ( the place is just not the same without him).
I hope you don't mind me saying but it look like your hat is to small for your head. It could just be the angle of the photo's. It looks to me that the back needs to be pulled down a little and the brim is a tad to small (IMO).
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Post by Fatdutchman »

I agree, the brim is just a smidge too small, but that was out of my control. I MIGHT be able to push the center crease down just a bit lower in the back. It's almost on my head now.

The gray hat is a bit "fuller" and of course, the brim is bigger, but it was an entirely different hat to begin with.

I don't really think the brown looks too small. Especially in the last "is this better" photo, where it is pulled down that last little bit....besides, any bigger and it simply wouldn't fit. My face shape is part of it. And yeah, the fourth brown hat photo does make me look like Oliver Hardy...

Another fine mess you've gotten me into...
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Post by Shiva »

I'm not sure why you worry if the center crease touches your head. most of my hats have the crease touch my head and some have a small dome for the head even with the center crease and they fit and look good
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Post by BendingOak »

I was thinking the 3rd and 4th pics myself. It looks to me that the slightest wisp of air could take your hat away. I'm looking at the bak of the hat ( the way it sits, very high ) I know I can't wear any of my hats this high. Unless you have a taller noggin than I do. I don't think I seen anyone wear it that high.
I'm sorry if I'm coming off like I'm picking on you and your hat but all this things ( I think ) helps all of us to learn.
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Post by Michaelson »

Personally, I'd not make to much in the way of judgment regarding these photos, Oak. They're being taking by a camera phone, and those things tend to 'bend' the image, therefore giving a false impression of the actual appearance of the hat and it's true dimensions.

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Post by BendingOak »

I did say it could be the angle of the photo's. Thats still some good shot coming from a phone.
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Post by Michaelson »

Sorry, missed that. :oops:

Yep, fantastic shots with what he's using!

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Re: hat

Post by Russ »

BendingOak wrote:I did say it could be the angle of the photo's. Thats still some good shot coming from a phone.
Hats definitely look better when shot from a distance. Shoot too close (ie. arm's length) and you get distortion.

It's the same principle that explains why your ears disappear when you stand too close to a mirror. :)
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Post by BendingOak »

Hats definitely look better when shot from a distance. Shoot too close (ie. arm's length) and you get distortion.

It's the same principle that explains why your ears disappear when you stand too close to a mirror.
this may be true but how can anyone truly say the hat looks good on him if you are not getting a real image?
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Re: hat

Post by Texas Raider »

Russ wrote:
BendingOak wrote:
It's the same principle that explains why your ears disappear when you stand too close to a mirror. :)

When I read this, I just had to get up and run to the mirror, and YOU'RE WRONG BUDDY!! I got really close to the mirror, felt the sides of my head and MY EARS ARE STILL THERE!!

Is this normal??

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Re: hat

Post by Michaelson »

Russ wrote: Hats definitely look better when shot from a distance.
The same goes for a lot of people I know...... :-k :lol: :wink:

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Post by BendingOak »

When I read this, I just had to get up and run to the mirror, and YOU'RE WRONG BUDDY!! I got really close to the mirror, felt the sides of my head and MY EARS ARE STILL THERE!!
texas Raider, Russ stated this, not me.
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Post by Indiana Blooze »

When I looked at those pics, I immediately thought "John Goodman meets Indiana Jones." :wink: Really, those are sweet looking hats. The more I see of them, the more I become convinced the ole' PB is going to get sent to JP when the time comes for a reblock
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Re: hat

Post by Russ »

Texas Raider wrote:When I read this, I just had to get up and run to the mirror, and YOU'RE WRONG BUDDY!! I got really close to the mirror, felt the sides of my head and MY EARS ARE STILL THERE!!
Hmmm, I never thought to verify the ears were missing by feeling the sides of my head. When they disappeared from sight I just assumed they were really gone. :)

At least I made you get up and run to the mirror...
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