All he did was creasing it the way shown in his tutorial and wearing the excrementum out of it.
Looks awesome to me.
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Yes, I agree. The felt above the ribbon bulges out on the top of the ribbon, as if the ribbon has been tightened on the top side, and then the softness of the felt allows for the hat to bulge.(you can clearly see the top of the ribbon move inward, and the felt bulging above it) But, if you think the back of the hat actually has a true reverse taper, you are mistaken. Look at the bottom of the ribbon, and then draw a line upwards. Optical illusion going on here. Only when the top part of the hat is farther out than the bottom is reverse taper present. IMHO, there is a bulge there, but it is not true reverse taper, only a bulge. And I understand this is what 3M$ has been after-for years. He has upsized his hats in order to get it. And that is one way. The other way is to locate the felt used on the Raiders fedora, and you could pull this off by tightening the ribbon on the top edge, and then sittin' on the hat. My own vintage HJ does this, and still fits-comfortably I might add.you don't get back bulge/tilt without doing something special.
Well you can certainly see that the rear of the hat has been modified from my tilted example when compared to the pic posted at the top of the thread. Clearly the bulge has been created at the rear of the ribbon and the rear brim profile has been changed as well. He may have used some morphing blend in to superimpose his mug over Harry's rather than purposfully go in and monkey with it but it definately is not the same in the rear. It is likely he morphed his face in because remenants of Harry's hair in the back and the flesh under his chin in the same in the original and the pagey version. It's a cool pic but just not accurate in regards to pagey's hat.Marc wrote:Pagey told me, that he did NOT photoshop anything on the hat. I have no reason to distrust him.
that may very well be. I know pagey changed the way he wears his hats. He wear them a little higher on his head than he used to. That could be the thing that I'm missing.I can see some reverse taper in the last photo, not as much as in the first one though. Perhaps it gets more RT when he puts it on?