So, I finished my whip today:
Here is my snake...
...the 9ft. Bullwhip pagey made on our whipmaking session...
...and here are both lying together
The whips where made out of the same rooskin batch and with the same plaiting soap, although I look less than pagey did.
It became 4ft long (not included the fall) and a bit thin to the point, but it's still a nice looking, small whip.
I also decided to make a small and round finger (not wrist-) loop so that you easyly can slip through with 2 fingers when holding the whip on the butt knot.
I just attached the fall and it cracks well, but ####, this little whip is pretty fast! I'm used to a 9ft. Paul Stenhouse Bullwhip, this is way different, but I wanted to make a Snakewhip which easyly fits in a gasmask bag.
How do you like the outcome?
oh, and by the way, here are some "making offs"