J_Weaver wrote:That looks great! It looks like you've got a keeper there Erri!

I think this is the ultimate hat!
Indiana_Tone wrote:Erri, they're supposed to go on your head!
Why are you fussing around with these table shots?! PUT IT ON already!!
Oh, and that's a FINE LOOKING AB DELUXE, my friend!

Thank you Tony

I wanted to take some pictures of it on my head BUT it started raining hard and it was all dull and cloudy... not ideal for a picture outside
ShanghaiJack wrote:Why don't you send it to me and I can inspect it in person?
Ahah... nice try Lao Che.. ehm ShanghaiJack
Luisiana Jones wrote:amazing hat erri! cant wait to see it on ya
soon soon

hopefully tomorrow there will be some sun
Fedora wrote:Wow. How far we have come from those early days on Indy Fan!!! I did not make that hat, so I think it is fair to say.........well done, it looks really good. And that is indeed a reverse taper on the back, just like the sitting hat that we have seen pics of. Fedora
We owe you a lot my dear Steve... without you those early days would have never passed. Marc is surely a great hatter and he was the best choice for your European join-venture

I hope that's the right name
The back reverse taper really makes it look like that famous hat laying on a table!
rick5150 wrote:Wow, I would not have guessed they were the same hat. Look at the ribbon height ratio to front crown height in the third picture from the bottom. Looks about right at 1:3 ratio, but the next picture down looks quite a bit taller (from the front). I realize that you are seeing the actual height of the front pinch in the side view and you are seeing the tallest point of the hat (about 2" back) from the front view, but it is interesting nonetheless...

I didn't understand a word... must be the dinner still to be digested
Bufflehead Jones wrote:Erri, congratulations on a fine purchase. You will be very pleased. You are to be envied, my friend, I'm sure.
Did you get it open crowned to shape it yourself? Or, are you having to reshape it after the boucing around during shipment? If it was shaped by Marc, which scene did you ask to have it styled after?
Thank you Bufflehead, I'm really proud of this baby. It's surly the best looking hat I have ever had in my hands (and on my head)
ABout the open crown, I might tell you but then I have to kill you
This is the only pic I've taken wearing it

A "classic" pose

and even more classical is the bathroom setting