Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Those where my thoughts too. That whip in the screen grab is almost certinly a 6 foot bullwhip.THe whip in the screen grab looks a little short for a 8ft. Perhaps there really was a 8ft from Swane - but ti proved too long for the scene and so they painted up one of the short Morgans to resemble it.
Hey Dan,BullWhipBorton wrote:You know, if I had a dollar for every time I heard some one claim they made something used in one of the Indy films!![]()
Bernardo,Bernardodc wrote:Dan,
I remember I read somewhere that the whip was indeed supplied by Swayne, Adney and Brigg's , BUT they OUTSOURCED whips from David Morgan!
Unfortunately I can't recall exactly where I read that...
Hahah! Your famous! Or infamous?midwestwhips wrote: So I went to check it out, and they said "Was told that the whip was made by whip maker Paul Noland. Who also made the Indiana jones whip's. My question is does anybody have any contact info for Paul Noland?", HA! I was, boy did I get a kick outta that!
And then I read the next post that was a reply to him, and it said, "Actually, I believe David Morgan supplied the whips for the Indy Jones movies. Now, Paul may have been the actual braider if he was
apprenticed to David at that time."
#### Jim, look at that whip! You've gotten really good since the last pics you sent me. Nice work!racerx wrote:Hey gang,
well I just finished an all black zorro style bullwhip, 12 plait and 9 feet long.
I think I'm going to try re-braiding over the handle and adding new knots to see how that would do as to getting the young indy look,.
Although , the hide I have is a light brown, but it is rather thin and somewhat strong, something like 2oz's in weight I believe.
Here's a picture of the black whip I finished.
Jim J.
http://www.indygearpic.zoomshare.com/al ... /image.jpg
Yes he is, and here's a picture of one. ;-)racerx wrote:I am currently in the process of making a pair of 6 foot 12 plait whips though.
I saw one of the steel "Monkeyhead" handles they put on 'em on eBay a few months back. No whip attached though, (think they killed them.) Considered picking it up and sending it to you to do a whip for it, (and get a letter from you and Gery saying you supplied the whip equipment for the movie.) Didn't have the spare cash though, but I don't think it sold.
Hi Dan,thefish wrote:"Paul Noland" made the whips for Raiders? Wow! That would make him a brilliant prodigy considering, he was what? 2 or 3 at the time?![]()
Speaking of, as far as spray painting whips. Paul, do you have any idea what kind of paint they used on the whips you made for the Rundown? They did some kind of tiger stripe/snake pattern on them.
I thought it looked cool, but the whole time I was thinking, "#1, that stuff isn't going to stick to that for very long, and #2, while it is there, all that stuff leeching into the leather has GOT to be bad!" But I'm not a craftsperson, so what the hay do I know?
I saw one of the steel "Monkeyhead" handles they put on 'em on eBay a few months back. No whip attached though, (think they killed them.) Considered picking it up and sending it to you to do a whip for it, (and get a letter from you and Gery saying you supplied the whip equipment for the movie.) Didn't have the spare cash though, but I don't think it sold.