Out of all the jackets Peter provided there was one jacket that was basically the main hero jacket in the film. Most likely because the majority of the scenes in which it was worn was at Elstree which made it that much easier for continuity.
The hero jacket which I speak of has a very distict collar much different from all the other jackets for the production. One of the corners of the lapel is rounded, the other more pointed. The collar itself is actually longer, not wider. One thought was that this may have been the very first, or test jacket, followed up by many more with a differnet, more unified collar.
I can't recall ever seeing a Wested with the collar I'm talking about, which leads me to my question.
In any case, lets take a look at the different collars seen in the film.

The two pics above show the collar I'm talking about. Notice how the collar on both sides, extends farther down past the shirt collar. All the Westeds I've seen have the collar ending about parallel to the shirt collar which is how it is seen in the pics here below.

Even at least this stunt jacket has the same collar as the two above pics.

You can see the difference in where the tips of the collar end up hanging in the front. The two top pics are obvious the collar extends farther down in front than the bottom 3 pics. The bottom 3 pics are what we see today on all Wested collars.
Here's my million dollar question: What do I need to ask for to get the collar to look longer as in the top two pics? Is it a wider neck? A longer (not wider) collar? What specific wording do I need to place in my order so that it will not be overlooked and get a jacket with the standard collar?
I'd love to hear directly from Peter on this but if any of you have done this to your jacket or know what it is I should be asking, please chime in.